Thursday, November 18, 2010


With Ann Seward reporting a year ending surplus Council can go on a bit of spending spree, or put it in a shoebox for a rainy day. $1,300,000 will renovate a building for a recreation center at Bennett’s Creek and, equally important, use $450,000 to fix up the Animal Shelter. Both expenditures will make citizens happy.

The economy could be improving as tax receipts to the city are up including real-estate numbers that might be a problem later if the recession further damages the housing and commercial building market. So far so good and the question becomes will Suffolk still come up with the $163 million operating budget, or wish it had not let go of the surplus?


Anonymous said...

If you want to please everyone that you can you would spend each and every dollar on various projects. But if you wanted to be conservative you would try to save a large portion until the surplus could continue to grow until it could produce tax relief.

Carol J. said...

I vote for fixing up Suffolk Animal Control.

Anonymous said...

"Government agencies in Suffolk plan to make up for the loss of stimulus funds and state aid next year through eliminating programs, and cutting vacant positions."

So why spend the surplus?

Anonymous said...

If the city had a 10 million dollar surplus I think they would find somewhere to spend it.

Anonymous said...

How about a nice cash injection for the Cheer Fund. Say 10-15 thousand.(chump change) It would be better used as compared to our elected and non elected officals expense accounts or a $950.00 a month car allowance that Salena MEchelle Cuffee gets.

Reader said...

I also like thaking care of our Furry-Friends with some of this cash, but is there more to the story than this? Are the budget girl and her minion so poor at what they do as to set things such to allow for this much overage, or are we over taxed like so many claim here on IS?

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