Thursday, November 25, 2010


America is not a dog and does not require a “because I said so” jurisprudence or legislators who knit laws of such insulting complexity that they are heavier than chains, or a president who acts like, speaks like, and is received like a king. The president is not our teacher, our tutor, our guide or ruler. He does not command us: we command him. We serve neither him nor his vision. It is not his job or his prerogative to redefine custom, law, and beliefs; to appropriate industries; to seize the country, as it were, by the shoulders or by the throat so as to impose by force of theatrical charisma his justice upon 300 million others. It is neither his job nor his prerogative to shift the power of decision away from them, and to him and the acolytes of his choosing.

Is my characterization of unprecedented presumption incorrect? Listen to the words of the leader of President Obama’s transition team and perhaps his next chief–of-staff: “It’s important that President-Elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.” Or more recently, the latest presidential appointment to avoid confirmation by the Senate - the new head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – who wrote: “President Obama understands the importance of leveling the playing field again.”

“Take power…rule…leveling.” Though this is the model now, this has never been and should never again be the model of the presidency or the character of the American president. No one can say this too strongly, and no one can say it enough until it is remedied. We are not subjects; we are citizens. We fought a war so that we do not have to treat even kings like kings, and, if I may remind you – we won that war.

By Mike Pence, U.S. Representative from Indiana in the monthly Imprimis.


Anonymous said...

I feel so much better now that our food czar Michelle Obama told us it’s fine to eat what you want on Thanksgiving.
“Don’t worry about how much you eat. Just enjoy it,” she said. “This is the time. Have pie.”

Thank you my Queen for looking out for us little people.
MEchelle is a total embarrassment to all previous first ladies and I hate to say it Hillary as well. She never practices what she preaches, she tells everyone what to eat but her rear axle is twice the size since she has been in the White House.
She dresses like a fugitive from a coloring book and at times looks homeless.
Instead of pie, why can't I eat cake?

Anonymous said...

President Obama used his Thanksgiving address to call for dialogue between the parties in advance of his meeting with congressional leaders next week.
He wants to hear “real and honest discussion” between party leaders when they make their visit to the White House, he said.
“[It] isn’t about Democrats or Republicans. It’s not about left or right,” he said. “It’s about us. It’s about what we know this country is capable of.”
With many predicting gridlock in the next Congress, Obama said conversations between partisans will be helpful and important.
If “we…start talking with one another, we can get a lot done,” he said.
Priorities include a strong economy “that runs on clean energy” and “creates the jobs of tomorrow” as well as “a responsible government that reduces its deficits,” he said.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??
First : Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Second: Obama’s full of crap.
Obama gave his marching orders:
Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” (Really he is mentally deficient)
Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
And then there’s this…
Obama told far left Latinos to go out there and “punish” your enemies. And now he calls for Unity ?
Isn’t amazing now that the leftists got their clocks cleaned it’s always time for bipartianship.
After two years he now wants to be bi-partisan? Somehow I don’t think so. Watch his actions not his words.Obama still thinks there is clean end on what one finds in their yard.

Anonymous said...

An interesting observation from the man on the street in DC. Being coerced to participate in the very early morning hours of Black Friday the traditional American kick-off of the holiday shopping season, it was apparent even to the most casual observer the tradition has been adopted by the Muslim community. Whether they were wearing burkas or a shawl over their heads, Muslim women had joined the pilgramage to the nearest outlet mall in droves. They patiently waited until the retail shop doors opened then joining in the rush for the bargains. Their faces smiling and laughing as they cradeled their purchases walking back to their cars was proof enough there is still hope for the community mankind and that we remain the cultural melting pot for the world.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:54: Will you feel the same way when you are told to celebrate Ramadan or face death? Remember the9-11 highjackers enjoyed our srtip clubs too.

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