Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Every morning except Monday the Suffolk News Herald is scanned to be sure we agree on any news event and usually we do. But here we try to pack all the news into a few paragraphs to save reader time. We have had a link to their paper for years but they have not returned the favor. Take the mess at a Hobson church where the congregation is suffering the same disease as Repubs and Demos, they can’t get along. Twice the pastor has been fired and rehired, the church door sealed with lock and chain, later cut. It looks like a split to me. I experienced that 60 years ago when our church split…do we sing hymns with the organ or a cappella? Two churches a block apart now…that’s when I split.

And our state and local dignitaries believe they have softened Mr. Gates unexplained drive to close JefCom. No change of heart yet but Gates will put our officials on the list to take part in discussions about whether or not to close, or how much to close. Those boys in DC don’t often restudy an issue but the last election put the “whoa” on a lot of stuff.

Then there’s the local teacher who posted true information on the hilarious Facebook and may suffer humiliation and loss of career for what the Board and school administration term stupid remarks. Apparently teachers, unlike other human species, are not allowed to do terrible things like that.

Hot and dry summer not good for farmers, just as Obama has not been good for the nation. Peanuts down 50%, cotton worse, soybeans, forget it. Oh, yes, jobs are also down. Now on top of that comes the colorful caterpillars that turn into something after they destroy the vegetation. To say nothing about the exponential exploding deer herd. I have a six-point buck and eight, probably pregnant, girlfriends eating my landscape attempts. One farmer I know counted 23 deer devouring his soybeans. The end may be near, folks.


D. Leetme said...

Not sure what was meant by the end is near; the world, humanity, Inside Suffolk, other? The author of this Post needs to be more specific.

rpock said...

Not fair to delete D. Leetme for an honest question. It has been customary for some years to regard a run of indecisiveness as a warning that 2012 is upon us. Very common sense tells us projections of permanent doom are as has been described in the movie 2012. But "IS" will not risk calling the month. In 1941 a Democratic president was indecisive about how to end the depression... the result was World War II. Perhaps now you understand.

Anonymous said...

I would venture to say that not many understand your twisted logic.I was so hoping the end was near for "IS".Everything is someones fault and you are great at laying blame. I for the life of me cant figure out one good thing that has come out of or been accomplished by this negative blog.Please enlighten me on what good "IS" has done.

rpock said...

Face it squarely, not everyone can be enlightened. If you are having trouble it is not necessarily your fault and it may require a peek at your genealogy. You are certainly unique in that as far as "IS" can asertain you have never squandered your money on a McDonald Happy Meal. We at "IS" do our best to entertain folks like you, and it looks like we have succeeded. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Pock, just delete that clown. He can't write without misspelled words and simply wants your attention. We enjoy "IS" but not characters that cannot be satisfied even when it is free. Keep at it, we are entertained and often learn something. And damned if you don't make us think about things. We like your slant especially because that nut doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13 If Suffolk would be one of those cities who would vote no to Happy Meals as done in San Franscio being served to kids, you would surely be happy and your own thinking. IS is a blog that if you dont like its contents, its posters nor its moderators/owners dont come in. I will say this, if you think that you can bring value and substance to the debate, feel free to do so. If not this blog will survive with or with you. So will mankind

Anonymous said...

3:47, 3:57 and 4:09 commentators you are the same person. Because of the delay in posting it's almost impossible to comment independently in mere minutes. So please stop playing games in your office, grow up and let others participate. We'll leave you to decide who is the turkey this morning.

With Full Knowledge said...

This holiday season it is time to recognize just how good of a city and community we live in, but also understand that it could all be done so much better. We have many people that are in the administration, elected positions, and in high positions in business in this quaint little city that abuse their position and responsibility. There are too many deals struck out of the preview of the regular citizen and too many deals that benefit only those that make such deals and that serves their own interests over the needs and wants of the people of Suffolk. Perhaps the best example of this is the deals that are made and arms twisted to benefit the patrons of these political creatures and their supporters. By example, look at the deal made right after Mr. Parr came to the council, were he finally got that big rezoning of his property on Turlington Road, after being turned down for years and put millions in his pocket. Then look at the rezoning and other approvals at fire sale prices and without much of a plan, to approve the rezoning and other tendered offers given to the big businesses on Holland Road for Center Point and other big money projects, were some connected to senior members of the administration and council made huge fees, for services rendered. Then look at the smaller, but more insidious deals and actions; like the Treasurer over spending his budget because “He thought it was no big issue and it was his prerogative”. Then to put this arrogance into context, you should also realize that he and the Commonwealth’s Attorney set a deal to get the Treasurer’s wife a nice job in the Commonwealth’s Office, because of connections while another employee gets a new job in the Communications Department of the city as payback to be quiet. Is this proper or even in the interests of the people of Suffolk, were so many that work for the city have interests in these deals and belittle anyone that exposes or speaks out about such? This shows the underbelly of passive corruption that has become the way to do business with the powerful and connected in our beloved little city of Suffolk.

So as you lay there after eating too much, and ponder your lot in life in our wonderful city, think about how much better a community we could all live in if these burning faults did not exist and were not fostered upon us all, as the Suffolk way. This has crept upon us for the last five years under the present administration and has corroded the very heart and soul of a good community. It has gotten to the point that it has corrupted all the good deeds done on Market Street and drives the cynicism of the people, were we no longer trust almost anything that our local government does for or too us as they take advantage time and again.

This last election has shown us that little if anything will or can change, while my fellow citizens accept this sad state of affairs and willingly accept this affair or just lack the ability to make a change and to clean house. For those of us that realize and wish to act, we are unfortunately bound by the morass of the masses that do nothing, but carp as their only escape of the yoke of this bad administration. We have a great little city that is hobbled by too many self-serving and poor leaders that are carrying us all down the primrose path of despair and corruption and no one seems to care enough to change it all. It just does not have to be this way, unless you and your neighbors choose to let it be that way.

Anonymous said...

I tip my hat to anon 10:09 the person and his message.

Anonymous said...

We need more support and popple to say what anon10:09 had to say WELL SAID .

Deb's Education Corner