Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Several members of the Chuckatuck Ruitan Club had the same thoughts about Deran Whitney when he addressed them with an update about our school system... remove the word "interim." His presentation was upbeat, and detailed enough to make us realize he  should have a shot at the position held by Dr. Liverman. Who knows our public school  system better than Deren and what ails it? Our schools soak up $143,046,000 in one year with the help of 2,021 employees. Seventy three percent of the budget is spent on "Instruction."  The one year current price of one student's education  is $10,000.

Our congratulations go to Deren Whitney, Superinendent of Suffolk  Public Schools.


Anonymous said...

The city's public school employees will take home slightly larger paychecks next month.

The School Board voted unanimously Monday to spend about $1.1 million in federal money on $300 bonuses for administrators and $500 bonuses for all other active 10- to 12-month contracted employees.

The additional money will come with Dec. 15 paychecks, said Michael K. Brinkley, the division's executive director of finance.

Anonymous said...

Is that bonus or salary raise? May I hear the answer from a teacher or member of the administration, please.

Anonymous said...

School dropout reduced rate three tenths of one percent. From 13% to12.7%. An article in the SNH had this to say about that.

"An improvement of less than 1 percent clearly is not deserving of celebratory parades, and considering that nearly one in five Suffolk students still does not complete high school within four years, it could be argued that such a paltry improvement in the dropout rate is hardly worth a mention.

Yet Suffolk’s public school educators seem intent on counting the trees standing within the decaying forest, nonetheless.

Deb's Education Corner