Sunday, November 28, 2010


I read the Suffolk News Herald in the morning, go right to it from “IS” via our link. I will be a better reader when they don’t try so hard to confuse me with pop up ads. I’m a neophyte when playing in the mysterious world of bits and bytes as it is but these pop-ups jump on my screen without invitation smack in the middle of an interesting paragraph. I desperately click on the ad and different parts of the screen; sometimes they resist removal no matter the amount of button stabbing I do, if I am successful in eliminating one another takes its place…what I was reading goes somewhere and I must go fishing again to find it. The ads are probably effective except for the fact that I’d rather be reading news articles.

This day one by Tracy Agnew grabbed me. The one about the alleged criminal who apparently has mind control over computers where I don’t even have physical control. Certain valuable passages that may have enhanced prosecution of the alleged wrongdoer are missing from the software and no longer available. Of course this is an embarrassment to the force and not easily swept aside or hidden from public view. One hesitates to use the term “Keystone Cops,” because the charged person is still innocent until proven guilty, the evidence collectors had no part in the affair, nor the evidence keepers; it was merely the gods providing me with something to write about.


Anonymous said...

The SNH is paid by the number of hits on an advertiser's link. Someone juiced up the link so when you so much as move over an advertisement the link pops up. Such practices are passez because the reader soon becomes frustrated and moves on. Our little hometown newspaper however needs revenue anywhere they can these days, and has resorted to an already tried and failed system to boost internet advertisment revenue instead of good old fashion investigative reporting.

Anonymous said...

I no longer even look at the Suffolk News Herald because of the tactics you discribed with pop-ups. Besides, there is so little real news in it, it is a waste of time to even llok there.

As for the cops, this is the same bunch that gave the name and address of an informant to the bad-guy just weeks ago and some people got shot-up. It looks like the Chief is asleep at the wheel of our Police Farce and not leading very well. Looks like it may be time to look for the next one!

Deb's Education Corner