Friday, November 26, 2010


From Virginia News Source

"VIRGINIA BEACH (November 23, 2010) - - We recently logged a rant about the TSA for its sexual molestation under the guise of national security. I'd personally rather risk being among 3,000 killed in a new terrorist attack in the U.S. than to give up my rights under the Constitution."

"IS" regards that as noble but silly and suggests we think about it...if part of Obama's plan to become a socialist nation is to jam up the government operations any way he can what better way than to impair air transportation. If everyone refused to be searched the new "close up and personal way" air traffic would be stopped until TSA adopted less stringent methods of search and embarrass.  This will happen if a significant amount of Americans stay mad as hell, or  planes will fly half full, and that is not an option.

Of course the airlines could install boarding  machines that bypass personal search but automatically set off any explosive material carried by the boarding passenger.


Anonymous said...

Pock: What do you expect from a group of people who got their job from reading about it on a pizza box and are followers of the WON and his socialist agenda.

Anonymous said...

When you Republicans created the Homeland Security State, where did you think it would lead?

Many of us tried to warn you that once you go down that road, sacrificing liberty for a little security, there was no turning back.

No executive, whether Republican or Democrat, is going to surrender authority. It won't be long until we are looking back fondly on the days of TSA pat downs and naked scans.

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