Here we go again. Another huge decision without appropriate input from a wide variety of staff members. This proposal isn't really that at all. It's rather embarrassing that this is the type of work that comes out from the committee lead by a school board member. I expect more and you should too. These are decisions that impact virtually every student, teacher, and parent. Because the decision has a broad impact, it's fair to ask for quality thinking toward making that decision.
I've written a letter to the editor and also the School Board. I hope they take notice. I hope you will, too!
Read the letter to the editor.,GradingPolicy.docx,GradingPolicy.docx
Read the letter to the School Board.,%20School%20Board,%20Grading%20Scale,%2011.07.2010.pdf
See the information on the website for Suffolk Public Schools. This will change when the district changes its homepage.,%20School%20Board,%20Grading%20Scale,%2011.07.2010.pdf
See the information on the website for Suffolk Public Schools. This will change when the district changes its homepage.
Debroah, I hear the stuttering already. Steven Edwards has stains in his BVD's already. I am sure he is thanking them for passing the "grade" so he may attempt to once again explain the dumbing down of the system again to improve statics for the Department of Education. Looking at this scoring system the only one who wins is Debranski and his part time business.
Finally a word from Wahlstrom., Imagine a professional willing to keep a School Board from doing the wrong thing. At first I did not understand what she was telling us. Then the light came on..she is warning parents to stop further nonsense. Tell us more, Debra, why should our systennot proceed with this new recommendation by a committee. You're the Doctor.
This the perfect example of why I support home schooling and private schools.
I can't make the link work to find out what this is all about. I've got three kids in school and get the feeling you are against what the board is proposing. Every year they try something else but the grades keep going down. Is this some new system that all the teachers must learn. Please clear up for me what you are talking about. Confused
I'll bet Debronsky doesn't even know what the boardhas proposed. Both he and Skeeter are out of place on that board. And whatis it that Debronsky sells to students?
She might or could have been the doctor. She is a professional educator, teacher, and adminstrator. Suffolkians, 66% of them werent looking for a professional or a cure and felt that there is no sickness to examine. Meanwhile the coach's cash register sound of ca ching ca ching ca ching will is all that matters to him.
I read your "letter" to the school board and just see Skeeter as she reads your material and asks, Who wrote this stuff? and my next question, more relevant, why in hell are you not on the School Board. I don't know you but have heard you have a Doctorate in Education, Is that true? I sure don't understand all you wrote to the school board and I wonder if they will. I'll bet you never hear them asking your advice.
DEBRONSKY? ROFLMAO gotta love it 4:18
I am not saying that looking at the grading scale is a bad thing, but I am saying that it is important and deserves the input of teachers and parents - which it appears it does not yet have. I am also saying that the implications of making this important decision have not yet been shared as they should be.
I am encouraging the school board to raise its bar - to set high expectations for itself and staff, and to not accept anything less.
For whomever couldn't get to the link. The links are working from the website's end. My email is Just let me know if you want me to forward the documents to you. I'd be happy to do so.
Even easier, I'll add the entire URL so you can copy and paste it from the website. Give me just a couple of minutes to do that.
How come all of a sudden we get all this news about the schools thrown at us? Hmmmm something must be wrong or they hope you arent paying attention. Debroah stay on these folks.
The Federal Government has NO constitutional authority with regards to education. Enough said.
What say you Deborah?
The Federal Government should not play a role in our state and local education. Additionally, I believe that we should not be taxed and then have our money sent to D.C. to be doled out to education throughout the country.
I wonder what the white members of the SB think?
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