Friday, November 12, 2010


We are a nation without a president. " There I said it said it.. we have no president...but the office itself has been hijacked by someone who hates the country and that for which it stands...and loves our enemies. And this hijacker is hiding behind the skirts of those Americans who suffer from self-induced inferiority complexes (because of their race or impoverishment) so as to avoid exposing himself to those who would remove him. He is a ravenous wolf pretending to be an abandoned neighborhood dog. I hope that most Americans will now realize how faulty affirmative action really is. Obama does a disservice to the word "worthless". He'd have to improve considerably to rate that, but as it is now, there's no term in the English language that provides a level lower. The first couple see themselves as some sort of royalty, as do the leaders of every socialist country in existence. Peel away the appearances afforded by the codification of goverment from any socialist enterprise and what you get is nothing more than a criminal gang exploiting citizens for their own benefit.It never fails to amaze this poster that people who espouse more or less socialist agendas seem to grab as much as they can for themselves. These two moochers are just living large at our expense. This is the most classless first couple to ever occupy the white house. They have no dignity. The younger Bush does not engage in tit for tat debates because it is undignified for the President to do so. Of all the things a president and first lady should be is dignified, but these two are just kids in a candy store. They are a painful and expensive embarassment. I belive the term grifter applies to them both.These two are just classless, uncouth, undignified con artists and nothing more. I shudder to think of how much more these two thieves will loot from the Nation in the final 2 years of this disgraceful presidency.We saw how Malcom X was managed when he didn't tout the line that extremists wanted. I think that Obama is beholden to powerful, dangerous interests and he has proven himself incompetent. When these puppet masters decide they need a new front man, they won't be waiting for a new election.

By Anonymous on ENOUGH SAID at 8:52 PM


Anonymous said...

As usual on this site,no facts just innuendo and statements with no basis in facts.Could we possibly look for solutions and stop slinging B.S.I remember people being called unpatriotic when they said things like this about Bush. Your post like this do good for no one ,but surely show what kind of person you are.

Anonymous said...

This post my friend is sickening and should be removed .I am no great fan of many of our presidents policies,but find this kind of ignorant inflammatory rhetoric very distasteful.If this is the kind of trash you are going to post you can count this conservative out as a reader.I will no longer visit this site. Do yourself a favor and discuss real issues.Blast policies not the man!

rpock said...

Finally a comment on this post, two in fact and both reacted furiously, firmly, and saddened that "IS" would Post it. Our stats indicate hundreds have read the post with but these last two condemming the messenger. Others have commented in worse fashion but not printable. We have listened for months to unfair comments from Obama about Bush. Well, it works both ways. This Post does not come anywhere near indicating the person I am. But I signed it... My personal view of it is in agreement with the writer. it is sickening but there are obvious pieces of truth there,

Anonymous said...

Pock, will you please stop apologizing and explaining to everyone who criticizes IS?

Its like teaching a pig to sing. First, its an impossible job to finish, and, second, the only result you get is to cause the pig to scream louder.

I've got an idea for you. Drop the nuts and tell all of us if you spent any Thanksgivings or Christmases in the military and, if so, what it was like. We'd all learn and benefit from that report, especially at this time of the year.

Next week when some of the screaming pigs have become bacon, your writings on a more important point may cause a permanent moment of appreciation with our families.

rpock said...

OK, good idea, I've always wanted to write about our Christmas in 1944, one of the coldest on record in Europe. We told a large German force was headed our way. Unit after American Unit passed us shortly before Christmas, headed west, I've lost the exact date. Many months later we were told we had survived the Battle Of The Bulge. But I don't know how we did, it was the opposite of hell so cold we dared not shut off any gasoline engine we had. That info was late getting to the boys who drove th bull dozers. More later in Bob's Corner.

Anonymous said...

Mr P, you need not publish this since it is just a personal inquiry to you.

What did you boys (I use with great respect) do on Christmas night? Did you have any time to think about or discuss home?

Also, did you during this time ever have personal, friendly contact with any families who were living where you were fighting? We have all seen the glamorized TV shows about this.

Finally, you just might want to know that your answers may just be ones I could never ask to or receive from my uncle who never came back but remains our family hero.

Anonymous said...

PS to Pock, re Christmas 1944. Some of the younger people in my office want me to ask you if you spent any holiday time in the service with allies who weren't American, and did it create any memories for you to be with them.

Last personal note, I promise, but this one question came from two pretty little ladies who look forward to hearing about this.

Anonymous said...

Yes please Bob lets censor this site and only sing to the choir!That is always a good idea.

rpock said...

Interesting question not easy to answer. No from the standpoint that what they call "combat" does not cease unless you can leave the zone. We didn't, it was nonstop for eleven months as we crossed France, Holland, Belgiuim and then into Germany. There was no time off for Engineers that served both theAmericanninth Army andtheBritish2nd. Yes, five months before the invasion in one small town in England, after thge war in Germany. Later.

Anonymous said...

anon8:02 &9:19
The thread is an opinion ONLY,no where was any thing close to bonafide facts as you call them was used. Its not slanderous. I guess you want to ban my right to speak out because you dont like it? There are some truths in it. You want to deny that? Then so be it. I am not attacking Obama the man. I am attacking the president. He isnt the man he wanted you to think he was and he sure as hell isnt the president he claimed he would be. I am attacking his policies and the way he has conducted himself as a president. Attacking him as a man would be a diservice to the handicap. The presidental limo should have handicap plates on it. Not for a physical handicap but a mental one.
If you wish I can provide links to the videos of his speeches in India and Indonesia and other countries in the world where he trashes this country and our way of life if you want, but I think you are capable of doing that on your own. Or would you prefer to cover your ears and eyes and scream LA LA LA.I respect the office of the president. Too bad Obama doesnt, wont or will.
I am an independent, I didnt vote for Bush the second time. I am a vet and I dont like the real fact that my two nephews who are serviving in Afghanistan are having to provide medical services as combat medics that are patching up men and women, including picking up limbs who are being restricted by the ROE as set forth by Obama. FACT
Im sorry that you dont want me to have the right that Pock and many millions more including myself served and died for. Hypocricy serves you well.I bid no one harm.

Anonymous said...

Some folks say that the job that Obama has (his first one)is too big for one man. Too big for one man? Not likely with 33 czars and counting doing all the work while Clueless plays golf and takes his wife of at least 15 years on “date nights” that cost us millions. So high schooly. That’s all Obama likes about being president. That and the adulation (which is fast deminishing) from the idiots who support him.
What I can’t believe is that he constantly is putting his nose in other governments business trying to help them. He can’t run the one that is most important.
Remember how Bush was called a cowboy? How about considering that being small in character and large in ego. Is a bad combinantion

Deb's Education Corner