Monday, November 15, 2010


If you think about it the meeting in the Council Chambers at 7pm on 11/17 could have been to celebrate seven straight profitable years of operation in Mattanock Town. That is how long they have tried to convince our “Council” the village would be informative and provide the Tourist Bureau validity. Forced to return many times with further proof it could fly they were still met with doubts, or something else, from hard “negotiators,” The question remains: were there doubts in their minds about the success of Indian plans, or did it all hang on the success of restoring an aged bank that has received no attention for years? One local gentleman purchased the building and immediately the “city” chiseled him out of it. What or who prompted this despicable action is still under wraps but we know the sordid details.

The idea suddenly was that the now city owned crumbling “pigeon coup” could rise like the fabled Phoenix and a Black Museum suddenly appear. But a restored bank would not by itself warrant the expense so local geniuses dreamed of doubling the bank’s size and using that space as a Dismal Swamp sample to arouse tourist interest. That idea is as dead as the Swamp but there is still enough demand for a Black Museum although we don’t yet have a White museum. Phoenix will rise but now is the time for Mattanock. The Indians were robbed of their land and locked up on reservations. Back then the Slaves were given freedom and nothing else. Neither group owes the other.  

The Indian village requires no noticeable city expense. A small portion of Lone Star Lakes is all that is required, that and a Yes vote. It is quite possible that an attraction in that area will broaden interest in our huge relatively unused park. There are objections to the Indian Village as there was to replacing the bridge to Driver.  Now is the time to say, “Yes.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This story is over as well

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