Monday, November 8, 2010


Right there in the Pilot, read it parents. The School Board is considering another way to make students look better on paper...lower the numbers, make passing tests easier on students, easier on teachers, raise parental esteem. Another miracle under development.  Parents feared their children would lose college admissions and scholarships under the stricter scale, which rates 94 as the minimum for an A. Every other local school division has already switched. So will we  unless you decide not to go along. Does it make sense to assure graduation from High School and first year college failure? And do parents really have difficulty with  having  some students do better than others?


Anonymous said...

Well the dumbing down continues with the appointment of Livermans son and Skeeter is has happy as pig in mud

Anonymous said...

This is a no brainer. If a Suffolk kid has 93 averages in all of his classes he has straight B's on his report card. If a Virginia Beach kid has a 93 average in all of his classes he has straight A's. The kids have identical test scores but different grades. NOw guess which one is getting into UVA and guess which one is going to ODU. It's a huge issue. In fairness every school district in Virginia needs to use identical grading scales. Otherwise Suffolk kids are being given lower grades through no fault of their own. Don't punish the kids. It's the adults who need to fix this.

Anonymous said...

Our kids deserve better. We as taxpayers are being INTENTIONALLY shortchanged and taxed to the eyeballs. This system is part of a larger infrastucture which exists in all 50 states and serves today as an pawn of Democratic politics and Politicans. It spends the money and keeps supplying more and more willing drones of the liberal/progressive way of life.
We've created an entitlement mentality that promises all kinds of good things from big government like school breakfast, lunch and maybe even dinner. In return all parents have to do is give up control of their children, including how they learn, what they learn and most importantly allow for the revisionist history of the United States.We have to take back the education of our nations children from the government and the first place to start is eliminating the federal department of education, as worthless an organization as has ever existed. The chore of educating our children belongs to the states with oversight by the parents. The federal government should have nothing to do, but again with the schools accepting lots of money for school attendance that "entitlement" monster is still hoovering around.

I found these gems, they say it all. Wake up America.
"Every child in American entering schools at the age of 5 is insane because he comes to schools with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity."
– Chester Pierce, professor of education at Harvard (1970)

"We are the biggest potential political striking force [union] in this country, and we are determined to control the direction of [public] education."
– NEA President Catherine Barrett (1972)

"Public schools promote civic rather than individual pursuits. ... We must focus on creating citizens for the good of society. … Each child belongs to the state."
– William H. Seawell, professor of education (1981)

rpock said...

This just might make your day a little brighter!! You, who worry about democrats versus republicans--relax, here is our real problem. In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States . It was pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age. However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair was the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. The class was taking it in and letting her rant, and not many jaws hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?" Yep, these are the same kinds of 18-year-olds that are now voting in our elections!

Anonymous said...

Surely that student will graduate with a Philosophy degree and go to work where she will ask.."Do you want fries with that?"

Deb's Education Corner