Thursday, November 4, 2010


There must be something magic about the split single word “status quo” because Suffolk has endured it for what seems decades. In the army we changed socks every day if the enemy gave us time. Mr. Brown will one day slump over on the dais having done what for his borough, race, or people? He, like others, receives token gifts from organized homebuilders and does what with the money? No
need for campaign signs or handouts. He knows he can’t be beat by the average person running against him. Probably the same could be said about Bennett and Curtiss. The folks in their boroughs are content to believe their rep is the key to neighborhood physical improvements and the handy new Social Services building will keep a bright light shining on them until death demands a replacement. There is nothing wrong with that. That’s how politicians stay afloat, give folks just enough and appear to fight expensive projects in other boroughs.

Mr. Varney, a quality gentleman, took on tough old Gardy who still wields enough charm and wit to beat the odds in his bailiwick. Varney was close and many hope he will be around for another challenge. But Gardy is hardly status quo, that requires at least two terms.

Voters will forgive most anything but a lousy dirty trick letter falsely putting down a good man. When that happens there should be an immediate resignation because it reflects on not only the opponent but other folks connected to the letter sender. The word for that kind of activity is “Shame on you.” It’s a different story if one is forced to a last ditch refute by getting out such a letter to defend oneself.
One eye opener was candidate Martin's ability to find financial backers, an average contribution of $400. $20,000 from 50 contributors. Her opponent Duman paid his own expenses.
And it is a shame that one borough was not sensible enough to place a professional on the school board. Oh well, another year of almost the same status standstill.


Anonymous said...

Gardy should step down and Duman should to .I've got to say for thim to do what they did was low very low and then they think that's ok .It just show that you can buy vote and who has the money wins Varney should have won that race my heart goes out to Mr.Varney and his family they work very hard for Varney to have someone lie and cheat Varney out of the race just show what you just vote into office two more dirty low down lieing cheating guys .one lieing lawyer and one lieing car dealer .I guess we have 4 more years of the same old stuff the rick get richer and put more money in their pockets off use taxs payers it does not take much to see that all the back door deals are still going on and that no one up on council is looking out for use at all just looking out for thim selves and how much money they can make on the back door deals .its really asame we didn't get the change we need up on council .The hole city council owns all of suffolk now so thanks everybody for voting the wrong way and it a same you could see through the b.s. leaters they sent out .hope you got want you wanted.Gardy you know you didn't win so steep down and do the right thing you dirty old lawyer .

rpock said...

The one comment relative to this Post covers the last minute letter writing sufficiently. There were others venting their spleens as if they were absolutely sure they were correct but were only taking advantage of a situation. If there was wrong doing that will be sorted out in time. neither loser will let it go without a whimper. I'm sure both Mike Duman and Gardy are available if you care to discuss the problem.

Anonymous said...

Yea Gardy is so open and transparent. Now that Duman is in time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Maybe (rpock) could interview Landslide Mike for a Post on IS to further explain and clarify the infamous letter. Perhaps also tell the readers who wrote it. Because anyway you look at it with Gardy and Duman we will maintain the status quo. To quote the beloved Mayor Linda Johnson; " I'm very pleased", "I look forward gto working with Mr. Duman, and I think we're going to be moving the city forward". Me thinks the IS'ers will soon have a case of voter remorse.

rpock said...

I'm sure Mike will explain, again, why he wrote the letter about her just as soon as you call him. He answered it once and it was printed in the Pilot. But no one has yet explained the Republican sample ballot that normally serves as an example. IS does not intend to serve as prosecutor or jury. Mr. Gardy insists he writes his own letters which in no way explains the one written that might have defeated Varney. Letters of the sort under question should be allowed if their purpose is to offset false charges.

Anonymous said...

rpock rule #1 violation. Whan a comment is rejected (or should have been) there is good reason for doing so. Too often there are unsubstantitated statements of "fact" that could be misunderstood. To indicate that one knows what another person will say or do, or believes, is foolish if based upon conjecture.

Heresay regarding the purpose of the Duman letter was "to offset false charges". This is a remarkable comment that can only be explained as conjecture and should have been rejected.

Anonymous said...

What about the shanaigans with the Republic Party Endorsement for Martin? What about the wild claims she made that Mike was a big spending Democrat, when she knew full-well that these were lies and baiting votes? It looks like there is not a clan slate on the other-side either.

Mike said what needed to be said and to put the record straight. Now Mr. Gardy, is an entirly different Story there is no doubt!

The campaign is over and it is time to come together and move-on. Mike Duaman will make a great Council Representative and work for the entire city.

Anonymous said...

You must be leaving in another world and can not see the big picture .Mike just like the rest of city council know he's a downtown boy just like the rest of them.THE STATUS QUO IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE SORRY POCK .MIKE NOT WHO YOU THOUGHT HE WAS . Good luck Mike Duman just hope you didn't mess up the good name you use to wave .I really hope Mike you do a good job time will tell .THe people won't forget how you won.good luck

Unknown said...

I would like to address and clarify circumstances concerning my candidacy and subsequent election to City Council. First and foremost, I appreciate all the support and encouragement I received during the process. Not only from my family and those that campaigned for me, but from the citizens I have come to know through the years. The many folks who said they would vote for me because I had contributed or supported them or their organizations in the past; be it a ball team, church, civic group or charitable organization was truly heartwarming. Many individuals who voted for me did so because my dealership had sold them a vehicle and they were dealt with fairly and honestly. They also knew I would be available and accessible if they had a problem with that vehicle after their purchase. It is this trust that I have built my reputation over the last 30 years.

I was initially approached eight years ago about running for City Council. I didn’t think the timing was right and I was apprehensive about the commitment. Since then, the thought was still in my mind, Mr. Barlow was retiring, and I was getting more encouragement to pursue the office. Now the timing seemed appropriate. I started by calling Mr. Barlow and he confirmed that he would retire if I or someone else he felt qualified would replace him.

Having never entered the political arena before , I began asking those I met about my chances of being elected. Almost unanimously the response was “you’ll be a shoe in” or “no one else will run against you”. It was the political election process that I was most hesitant about and I didn’t want it to have a negative effect on my business or having to run a full blown campaign. I naively assumed that would be the case and decided to self fund my campaign thereby ensuring the ability to be totally independent and beholding to no one. I had also planned to campaign without a campaign manager or professional assistance.

Right up to several hours before the filing deadline it appeared that my assumptions were correct. I then discovered Mrs. Martin was also a candidate.

As time went on it became more and more apparent that Mrs. Martin was prepared to run an exceptionally well financed, organized, professionally managed campaign. It also became obvious I needed advice if I was to be successful. Over the last several months I consulted with a firm in Richmond.

During the last weeks of the campaign I was began to hear feedback from friends, family and other reliable sources that I was being labeled with political views and characteristics not consistent with my conservative values. I have no knowledge from where these rumors and innuendos started, but they did exist and needed to be addressed. It was advised that I send a targeted letter with limited distribution to negate these misrepresentations and clarify my values. The letter was written and sent for my review. I questioned several of the statements in the letter and was assured that they were accurate and verifiable. I was hesitant, but agreed to the mailing.

In regards to Mr. Gardy’s mailing, I can only attest to the fact that I absolutely had no knowledge whatsoever of its existence or its content. It is very unfortunate that my mailing is being associated with his. I consider J.B. and his family to be personal friends and we have worked on several projects together.

In closing, I regret the discourse these events have created and I remain committed to the citizens of Suffolk. I will be diligent in representing their interests independently, objectively, with no agendas or allegiances. I intend to remain transparent and accessible.

I hope this clarifies the situation. If you have further questions please call me at 539-3826.

“Honor isn’t about making the right choices. It’s about dealing with the circumstances.”


Mike Duman

Anonymous said...

Circumstances that you created Mike, however you have always worked you way of of "circumstances?" that were created by you and other's helped you get past them. I am sorry I cant buy into your comments. well. What we read is your opinion and this is mine. May you serve the others well.

Roger A Leonard said...

Well said Mike. That should just about take care of all the inuendo, except from the ones that just will never accept the fact that a candidate they wanted in did not make it for whatever reason the voters might hold.

Time to move on...

Also, the Pilot is considering requiring people to sign their names to their comments, like some of us already do. I agree with that and it should insure personal accountability and notice for ones comments and no more hiding behind a cloak to snipe at good people like Mike Duman!


Roger A. Leonard

Kings Fork Republican said...

Mr. Duman,

Thank you for your clarification. This is just another reason why we know you will be an open and transparent councilman.

I am a member of the Suffolk Republican Party. I'm not the most active member, but I came to the meeting when you spoke and was very impressed - so much so that I decided I'd be voting for you.

I did not attend the meeting where Mrs. Martin was endorsed. The agenda simply stated that she would be attending to address the committee. No endorsement vote was scheduled and between my other commitments I decided to skip out on this meeting. Had I known that, I would have attended and voiced strong opposition to her endorsement.

The meeting where the endorsement vote took place only had about 5 members show up. From what I was told, Caroline did not even show up - she had a proxy speak on her behalf. It was held in the back room of the Suffolk Farm Fresh, which is not the most public or convenient of places to hold an important meeting. I did not know such a place existed.

Steve Trent has again disappointed me very much. There was some kind of a deal worked out, what he gains out out of it I don't know. Maybe he was promised a committee appointment if she won.

The Suffolk Republican Party endorsed a candidate who never had time to address it, and snubbed its nose at a quality candidate who talked with us, and who will be a great councilman.

I'm not the most active of members, but after this, I may not be attending anymore.

Thanks again Mike!

J. B. Varney said...

I wish Mike Duman had not put the today's letter on the blog. I did not want to have to respond, but several of his comments were painful to read. We have been friends for many years and my family has done alot of business with him out of mutual respect, trust and faith in each other. He has helped generously with many school projects and other events throughout the years, not to mention employing my son at a crucial time in his life. For these things, I am very grateful. I have always been able to depend on Mike. I was delighted when he chose to run for council and I was
one of those who encouraged and tried to give him all the information that I possibly could that would help him with the process.

I have had a great amount of trust and respect for Mike over the years but now I realize that my trust was misplaced especially when he chose not to come to my defense after reading the letter (whether before or after the election) that Gardy sent out three days in advance filled with lies to discredit me. One statement was that I had called for Randy Forbe's defeat. Mike, who was at the Chamber of Commerce forum, heard every word and knew for a fact that Randy Forbes nor either political party were ever mentioned. In fact, I had a Forbes sign in my yard. Mike decided it was in his best interest to ignore the lie rather than defend the honor of his friend. If the situation had been reversed, I would have been all over Caroline Martin and defended Mike with my last breath no matter what the cost. I think he knows that, too! The Damiani show speaks for itself. Play the tape. No politician in their right mind would ask for higher taxes or a toll road on 58W. The newspaper would have crucified me the minute it was said if true! Gardy was desperate and knew he was going to lose. Since he could not find any dirt on me, he resorted to making up lies which is his nature. That is now he won the first time. He came out with negative information on Calvin Jones at the 11th hour, people believed it and (no conscience) Gardy won.

Mike did make a phone call which I appreciated. He implied there was no connection between his last minute (trash your opponent letter) and Gardy's. It is interesting that the same political agency out of Richmond represented both Mike and Gardy. Their letters both had an identical paragraph with the same exact words underlined. Gardy claims he wrote his own letter so who is telling the truth? During our phone conversation, I did my best not to say anything that would damage our friendship. However, each of his "explain it away" comments and letters have been more of an insult than my good nature can deal with. Who cares who wrote what? They approved their "bad deeds" at any cost. It worked and they won. Stop trying to make excuses and trying to explain it away. They did what they did and the more you try to explain it away, the worse it sounds! Using the quote, "Honor is not about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the circumstances" was hard to take too. Truth and honor go hand in hand. A man of honor will always defend the truth and his friends at any cost! That is if he is a true man of honor and true friend.

I had planned on just letting the wound in my back heal over time and let this mess die a slow death, but I felt led to respond to Mike's blog. I don't know how accurate his blog is and really don't care any more. As for me, I will be looking over my shoulder and sticking with my true friends.

J.B. Varney

rpock said...

I hope, Mr.Varney, that you hold "IS" and me harmless for having served as a place where reasonable discourse could take place. We published what we knew when we knew. We hope that you will heal your attitude toward Mike by dealing with him personally. Isn't it possible he was unaware of the attacks on you as was everyone else.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Varney is moving on. Hes been given good press on "IS". But he has a point saying Mike heard everything at the chamber debate and didn't defend his friend Varney. If my friend didn't come to my aide I'd be upset too. Regardless of the letter, especially since it cost him the election. Gardy needs to resign, he has shown his true colors. I wonder what his supporters think of him now?

J. B. Varney said...

IS has been great throughout this campaign and I have nothing but high praise for the way you conduct this "freedom of speech" effort. Alot of cheap shots are taken hiding behind the word "anonymous". That would be the only change I would recommend for your column. A person can't defend himself against lies unless he knows who's telling them. Nothing is impossible, Mike could be telling the truth, but trying to kill a lie is like trying to kill and elephant with a BB gun. IMPOSSIBLE!!

Many Thanks!
J. B. Varney

Anonymous said...

I think Varney should run again in 4 years - but he may have an easier victory against Copeland on the school board.

The only reason Copeland was re-elected is because his opponent ran a lackluster campaign.

Roger A. Leonard, Suffolk... said...

Mr. Varney,

Politics makes people do strange things, but I too agree that the way Mr. Gardy handled things is a down-right shame. I also agree with you that when dealing with the issues, the truth is the only way to go, because it never changes and never has to be "handled".

I have known Mike Duman for years and know he is of good character and is a very good person. I feel in his case he was responding to wild and untrue claims made by his opponent, who would do or say anything to win and had to act. I also believe he stated the truth in his letter and was right to do so.

As to jumping into the fray on your situation, I just do not know the facts. I would have to rely upon my knowledge of Mike's character as stated above, and believe that he either did not know what was up, or had the facts to late to take action on your behalf. Mike has helped me out too, and has always been a gentleman of great and strong character, as you know.

In a very different case: I have known Mr. Gardy for some years also, and have found him to be a jovial person who seemed to have the best interests of the Community at heart, even if misplaced at times. I must however state that I am amazed at his conduct, actions and claims in his letter about you and will have to reassess my understanding of his character and repute. I find such actions, where one will spread lies and untruths, just to win at any cost, is nothing less than selling your soul for a seat on a two-bit job that should be done with honesty and style. The purpose is to represent the interests of the people, and this cannot be done with lies and untruths from the very start...

I also believe and have stated that if people want to make harsh and vivid statments as seen herein, they should be honest enough to sign their names to such... To hide behind nameless comments is just not right!


Roger A. Leonard

Anonymous said...

I agree with the earlier comment. What a great idea that IS should no longer accept any comments whatsoever from Anonymous. Anonymous has been entirely selfish in monopolizing this Blog and should no longer be allowed to place a comment. By doing so the number and quality of comments will suffer and lessen to the point where only the administrator and a handful will remain. This is exactly what should be done to avoid any contrary opinion or argument. There must be another more descriptive word for suppressing opinion, but I can't think what it is. Perhaps someone from this blog can ask a disabled Veteran on November 11th what they think.

Anonymous said...

Varney is running away from his plain spoken words as fast as he can. He cost himself this election and he can't come to terms with it. He said, as plainly as one can say it, that he thought that Suffolk should consider tolling Route 58 just like Chesapeake did to pay for their new road to North Carolina. He also called for "the defeat of incumbents from Washington on down" at the Chamber event. He can't say these statements are false or the Pilot would have published stories on them. Relying on the Pilot for the news is laughable. I don't even think the Pilot attended the Chamber event. In any case, welcome to politics Mr. Varney where what you say can and will be used against you. You can't go running around spouting off nonsense about tolling Route 58 then not expect to be held acoountable for it. You can't say you want all incumbents from Washington on down to be defeated, but then expect your opponent to know that you have a convenient exception for your own popular Congressman.

You made dumb remarks and your opponent held you accountable.

Finally, your expecatation that Mike Duman would go to bat to defend you honor is unbelievable. Mike has his own race to run and you have yours. You admit that Mike has helped your school and your family and now because, what? he won't demand Gardy be hung from the yardarm, you no longer have faith in your former friend? This speaks volumes about YOUR sense of entitlement and poor judgment.

Varney, people did not vote for because they questioned your temperment. And you have proven beyond all dount that you are a bitter, bitter person.

Anonymous said...

I'd be bitter too if my opponent used lies to win the election. Watch the Damiani show, the question was what to do about the traffic on 58. Gardy responded with "its the states problem." Varney said to toll the feeder road on 58 which doesn't even exist yet and let the mack trucks pay for it. Then in Gardy's letter he made it sound like Varney wanted a toll on the 58 we all drive today.

And I was at the chamber debate. Saying if your not happy with the current council is hardly calling for all incumbents down to be voted out. Get your facts straight before you come on here and write things like Gardy would. More lies.

Lilly White said...

Anyone see how happy Mayor Linda Johnson has been lately? There's a spring in her step and smile on her face and her hand tightly wrapped ala Pelosi on the gavel. Congratulations to all.

Anonymous said...

I was at the Chamber debate as well and Varney said we should vote all of the incumbents out of office from Washington on down. He didn't say a word about City Council in his answer. He never said Charles Brown or Charles Parr should be voted out of office. He wouldn't dare say hat to their face. He may say it behind their back - that's what political cowards do.

On the toll road issue, he absolutely did state Suffolk should consider tolling Route 58 to pay to improve the road. So many people know that is what he said its incredible someone would come on here and try to deny it.

Anonymous said...

Varney is far from being a coward he calls it like it is and I never seen him stand down from a fight.I know for a fact you would not tell that to his face.Its sound like to me you still need to get your fact together before you talk.It looks to me Varney has moved on I guess some of you can't let it go just to let you in case you didn't know the election is over so let it go people.Talking about people make you feel better about your self the rock on you have no life.You can not change the out come so shut up about it I think I can speak for a lot of people you can not beet a dead horse for so long

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard for the ones that won to be gracious "winners"?
Winners don't usually keep whining.
They just accept their win and move on. Enough damage has been done. No need to keep stirring it up. You won! Be happy!

Anonymous said...

I was at the debate too and thought it was hilarious. Between Parr yelling everything he said and Brown saying words like concrick and scrong, I didn't know who to laugh at more. I thought Stone was going to Ax him another? What a distinguished council we have... Maybe pock can start a discussion on how many terms they should have. 16 years is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was funny! Brown has been on this "distingeshed" "bowed" for "sissteen" years. They have been a very "scrong bowed" for all "sissteen" years and have accomplished many "concrick" things. I'm glad they didn't "axe" him any more "queshuns"! That Chamber debate was a hoot! We can certainly be proud of our new "bowed"! They are truly men of integrity, honesty, and above all great speaking ability. Go Suffolk! You done good again.

Dumpster said...

I read this blog sometimes and I am always aware that most people have bad thing to say about the Honorable Councilman Brown, my councilman I vote for. I know him ofr years and he is a warm and good person that helps city make the right decissions when they dont make right decisions about afro-american folk. The Honorable Councilman Brown is one to to trouble about because he pays attention and will respond in some ways.

These comments about the Honorable Councilman Brown should be stopped and investigated about how thay are race issues. This blog has good points but some comments are going to far.

Anonymous said...

Dumpster:Brown??? honest? ROFLMAO Being a black man you would think that he would vote yes on the Indian land. Something about descrimintion come to mind? Civil rights?

Dumpster said...

The Honorable Councilman Brown nows that the right thing is not to just give the people lans away for nothing to the indians. He will make a deal when ther is something in it for his people and that is why he gets votes from us.

It should be how other council persons ses it and vote too. Just look at Mr Pair. he votes for his land to be zoned for his sale out near my house and such. We dont need to give land to indians we need to do the Phienix Bank project for people that are already in town and need some help. to give peoples and to indians is not right. The Honorable Councilman Brown will stand up to mayor and others to stop this until they give hime what he wants.

Deb's Education Corner