Monday, November 22, 2010


A piece in the SNH written by Leila Roche pictured our grey haired handsome Treasurer smiling as he peeked over a pile of frozen turkeys. My first thought was; "That's great, our Treasurer giving up $28,000 of his salary to buy food to give away for thankgiving." I've always thought Ron was a good guy even though every year he receives the biggest check I write.  But reading deeper into the story I came across the name Leotis Williams, that's the one who gave away two thousand turkeys. That Mr. Williams owns L. W. Lawn Care and MWM Investsments and has been generously giving food away since 1997.
Pretty darn clever, Ron, and excellent timing.


Anonymous said...

The most dangerous place in Suffolk is the space between Ron Williams and a camera. Dispicable...

Anonymous said...

Ron Williams is no different than any local politican "where he is just another in the realm of life where sacrificing his own common sense is simply a terrible way to function."

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