Monday, November 30, 2009


I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish. I can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like: " We're no longer a Christian nation." “America is arrogant." Your wife even announced to the world, “America is mean-spirited." "Tell her to try preaching that nonsense to twenty three generations of our war dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness. I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue. You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

Harold B.Estes


toasted cracker said...

Everyone can appreciate the Sailor's words. Disappointment, frustration, embarassament and a hint of anger. Before "The Greatest Generation That Ever Lived" leaves us, we must take this country back for their sake if not ours.

After WW2 we sat back forgeting the sacrifice made to achieve victory. Two separate but equal Americas evolved that were forced to coexist for pure political purposes. The fundemental undermining of this country has been well underway for decades. Expedited by the media, the Supreme Court, unions and special interest groups.

Sailor stand down, the next war won't need a Navy, it will be right here at home.

Anonymous said...

War at home between us and Obama's civilian army of Black Panthers, thugs punks and Muslim fanatics...Lock and load
Now call me a racisit I dont care anymore. Im tired of being PC and kissing butt here and to those over seas who want to destroy our country and Americans. 6th century idiots..

Anonymous said...

We are so ingrained with the fear of being called Racist and conforming to be PC the media can no longer state a truthful observation. The animal that killed four off duty Seattle Police Officers in cold blood was a terrorist and this was a hate crime against whites. Check CNN , MSNBC or any of the networks and see if they have the guts to call it like it is.

Anonymous said...

Obama made West Point another photo ops again last night. As CIC he has no clue as to what West Point symbolizes.he has no real concept of our history that encompasses WP and of those heroes that have gone thru those doors I guess that Obama wasnt't taught that at the Jane Fonda School of American History.
I feel really bad for the 30,000 kids who have to fight with PC who know they're going to go die or get injured so Obama can look tough enough to hold onto some of the political middle, before his obvious intended end-result of bringing home the troops in defeat in 18-24 months, which he will then blame on Bush, the announcement to come on a Saturday night,followed by a Vanity Fair cover story on Michelle's new fashion ideas.

Anonymous said...

Remember folks as WW2 was winding down? Nobody wanted to be the last casualty. They holded up in bunkers, trenches anywhere they could find shelter and waited to hear news that it was all over. Does anyone but a fool believe that these brave men and women will fight in one of the world's worst terrains against a radical foe that knows no bounds? This president has made it clear he will phase the military out of Afghanistan leaving the Taliban to fill the void. He can send 40K or 60K troops and it won't make a difference. They don't want to die or be maimed for life in a war that was never fought to win!

rpock said...

I was in the European war from the beaches until we met the Russians. The above comment is ugly news to me. We had no sense of a pending victory and did what we had to do until May 8. Then we were not sure it had ended.

Anonymous said...

Pock you're saying that the troops didn't stop at the Elbe, and Southern France and waited? No one knew it was going to be over after the Russians took Berlin? News of Hitler's death didn't signal the light at the end of years of conflict? Regret your sector of the front didn't hear AFR Broadcasts and Lord Haha wasn't broadcasting by that late date.

The comment wasn't intended to be as you characterize it ugly, it's reality. The same reaction occured in the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, none of our boys wanted to be the last man killed.

Anonymous said...

re: comments of 2:10pm. To insinuate that our troops will hole up and not fight the enemy in Afghanistan is irresponsible and offensive. Our military do what they are asked, just as those(including my father) did what was asked and did not hide behind any bunker until it was over.

Anonymous said...

Okay since you are so willing in the last days of the Afghan War you go out one partol in Tora Borah. If you are captured too bad. If you are wounded let's hope not too bad. But if you are killed that my friend is forever. Had Obama the Great not stated a possible pull out date do you think our soldiers would fight with greater enthusiasm? Answer Yes. Do you think our soldiers think about what they are fighting for and sacrifice every time they lace up their boots. Answer Yes. Do they remember every fallen friend and believe that ultimate sacrifice must have a reason. Answer Yes. Do they want to die in a war that now has no definitive objective by the Commander In Chief who is motivated primarily by political rather than military concerns? Answer No. Do you think they're digging deeper foxholes until there is a clearer picture for the mission?

Like you I see our soldiers lives at risk with Europeans snickering they will fight to the last American. So put away the swager and banter. We lost Vietnam because we didn't have an end game solution and that will happen again under this administration unless there is a backlash from the military.

Anonymous said...

Liberals loathe the military right anon 2:10.Why dont you ask Obama what he thinks. His military career speaks volumes regarding his policies. I imagine yours and his military history od serving is the same ZERO.

Anonymous said...

8:54 I have have the unique experience of exchanging high caliber pleasantries with the Iranian Navy protecting US Interests. I'm also of Near East Heritage. Wars over there are fought for centuries almost never to a conclusion. I imagine you like Obama share common knowledge of world history, ZERO.

Anonymous said...

Gungho instead of strategic thinking got us out of Vietam with our tail between the legs. We abandoned our allies and left the death of tens of thousands Americans in question. We then elected Jimmy Carter who promptly gave away the Panama Canal and left our military in disarray. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Well we're doing it again!

A popular British concept of the Germans at the start of World War One was the Hun did not like the taste of cold steel. So they fixed bayonets and charged well fortified entrenched machine gun positions. Today in almost every town in the UK there are memorials with rows of names of soldiers that gave their lives to nearsighted thinking.

Anonymous said...

I tust those experiences dont cost us another Ft. Hood. Sitting off shore is a support mission. I support any mission that one may have but since you havent been in close combat I dont see how you can question ducking and hiding as to avoid the last death in any war.
My historical experience of war commenced in the jungles of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Gulf of Tonkin a lie as told by a politican who was the president. When the lie was found out and to be a lie.We didnt hide nor did we retreat nor did we quit and nor did we lose the war. We were never defeated on the battlefield. The politicans lost that war, those in congress lost the war not the president.Today our men and women are commited to win. Nothing has changed there. However its both the president and liberals in the congress who seek no victory nor do they trhink that we can win, butr just wont say it now like they did with Iraq. The war is lost, we cannot win, we will not win.They are more worried about losing their seat in Congress, they seek treasure and power at any cost as long it doesnt cost them a ***DAMN THING. You are invited to come state your arguement and opinion down at any VFW of your choosing at any time.Your service to this country is appreciated.Its your questioning of others service that is the problem that vets have with you and of you. I repeat you were far and away from actual combat and you can only imagine what others have been thru and will go thru. For you to say what you do in my opinion places you in the same mode of John Kerry, John Murtha, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid Nancy Pelosi and a few more including the present CIC. A treasonus self serving excuse of a man or woman. I am trying to be politically somewhat correct. I want the post to be posted so that others may see what a lousy sailor you must have been. And how you question ones service. You make note of your being of near eastern heritage. Are you too a closet muslim? You speak this way so one may wonder are you the next Major Hashad?

Anonymous said...

Well lets recap what we learned today. I have been called treasonous, self-serving, lousy sailor on a support mission. I have been compared to Hillary Clinton, John Murtha, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. I'm surprised he left out Hanoi Jane. He did stretch it out a bit calling me a closet Muslims. Unfortunately the individual doesn't know which oriface of his body to speak from. No I am not a Muslim but please try again my learned friend. There is more than one religion in that part of the world.

When a fool speaks never interrupt him, he is arguing your point for you. Salam

Anonymous said...

Vietnam Vets do have the moniker of being the first to fight and lose a war. Maybe it as the politicians, the media, generals or ar weary public. Nevertheless the war was lost by an army of draftees. I'll take an battle hardened army of voluneers with exterience and language skills any day.

Anonymous said...

My apology to Hanoi Jane.Didnt call you a closet Muslim. Asked the question.As a learned friend would say dont disrespect our veterans. Especially the ones of the only country that stands by your homeland or historical birth heritage.Its not real hard to determine what orifce my foot would end up buried in either.

anon 7:15 your statment regarding that the war was lost because of an army of draftees. You are wrong;
Facts say so:
1965-1973 1,728,344 men were drafted
38% of our forces during those years were draftees
30.4% of them served in Vietnam
17,725 were killed in combat.
2,222 was the average number of men who gave their all during those 8 years.
Using the round number of 58,000 who gave it all the 17,725 who gave it all leaves 40,275 who gave it all.

Anonymous said...

6:44 Sorry to interrupt you my friend. I chose to avoid the Major Hashad comment. However I would like to point out the correct spelling is Major Nidal Malik Hasan. You may continue talking from both ends.

Anonymous said...

Gungho, Remember Pearl Harbor and what those those Japs did? We hated them so much our government sent fellow Americans of Japanese ancestry into interment camps. Fellow Americans spat on them and took their property by force. Later their sons Americans all, joined up to become the 442nd one of the highest decorated units in the European Theater of War. Sounds like you think Near Easterners should be treated the same way.

The impression your wartime experience is noteworthy. It must of been very hard fighting in the dense jungle of Vietnam with a white hood over your head.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:27 Yea and look what we did as a nation to the Indians..your point is now what?

The hood comment is about as relevant as the comment on the Japanese being put into camps. I have aboutthe 442,the Navajo code talkers and other minority soldiers including those called Buffalo Soliders and other units made up of blacks and minorities.Your racial comment is again what?

Today being the 7th of Dec will our CIC again apologize to Japanese for our fighting back.

And your service and sacrifice to this country has been what?

Anon 8:32 all is under consideration regarding your commentary on your where what and who and why. However you are right I had it wrong on the spelling, makes me wonder why you would get it right. Last, but not least,did you serve in our military and you havent said whether you did or not.Do you support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with your family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of our soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home wishing they could be with their families.You too should thank God for our military who have served are serving and will serve. I guess you and others think that the Seals that gave what you might call a freedom fighter a fat lip that they should be court marshalled.How about being tried in the Hauge?
When the UN has a problem in the world they cant deal with or wont, who do they call? I have the opinion that our military deserves a Noble Peace Prize. Carry on

Anonymous said...

Wow Anon 11:42, that was quite a purge. Keep on talking we're enjoing it. Before you continue are Navy Seals lousy, treacherous, self-serving support mission sailors or just those with Near Eastern names? Salam.

Anonymous said...

You have a knack in understanding no matter which end you got head at. You have a real knack to ignore questions vital to your defense,You take shots at our military yet you didnt serve in ours correct? You claim to be of near eastern desecnt right? You claim to have had exchanges with the Iranian Navy right? You use Hebrew in your verbiage to me right?
Are you here as a citizen of Israel"
Are you a citizen of this country?
Do you have dual citizenship?
Are you here on a green card?
Do you pay taxes to our govermenet other than payroll taxes?
Do you think you have the right to speak of our veterans the way you do? What gives you that right?
Have you earned it?
IF called would you defend this country? Would you leave to defend Israel?
Until you can take a stand and respond to the questions as to your status your comments and opinions of me or our vets, our country are as null and void as you are.

rpock said...

I think this debate has gone slightly beyond the pale and before it gets too rough we must put it to rest. I'm with one of you who believes generals send too many boys and men to do impossible jobs, ie islands in the Pacific.

We did not hole up before the end of the war on May 8, the only contact we had with the army bosses was through bad radios. We stopped because there was no one left to fight in our sector and we could not even deal with the prisoners. Although Patton said we should eliminate the Russians, their vodka said enough is enough.

Deb's Education Corner