Saturday, November 28, 2009


"When it comes to our history, we should commit ourselves to finding a solution that not only protects our past, but is economically viable.
Both sides of this debate — both the city and the Citizens for the Preservation of Obici House — have very smart people working for them. And, it would be the biggest shame of all if these smart people couldn’t find the right answer."

This found in the SNH. Does this mean that both sides really do have smart people?


Anonymous said...

Demolition of the Obici and Carriage Houses would be among the most aggregious acts against the people and history of Suffolk. Because of politics or the economy or just bad timing no satisfactory proposal has been made. This is not an excuse to tear it down. The suggestion has been made that the city stabilize the buildings against the elements for a fraction of the cost to restore it, and recover the cost when a developer is eventually selected. If it is lost those sitting on council would pay dearly at the next election. Mr. Barclay's constituents would like to hear his opinion right now!

Not Rob Barclay said...

Politics is the driving force in this debate. Barclay is a newcomer to the city with no knowledge of/respect for the city and its history. He doesn't want to rock the boat; after all, he is holding out for a seat in the State Senate or House of Delegates.

The city could remodel the Obici House and turn it in to a museum that would have a small fee for entrance. Why not look at the possibility of a public/private partnership?

Or what about the excess revenues that come from the special taxing district in NorSuf? Could some of those funds not be appropriated for such a remodeling project?

Either way, the House should be (if not already) be protected by an ordinance and anyone wishing to develop the land should have to jump through hoops to get a conditional use permit.

Anonymous said...

If Barclay is looking to advance his political career, then he should step down from council as to avoid any conflict of interest. I am sure there are none now or will be in the future. sarc... Im not paying a portion of his salary while he is seeking to move up. I have wondered what his ties might be to the Centerpoint folks.The word carpetbagger which has been used surely comes to mind now.

Bull-Dozer Buster said...

I say tear it all down and build and nice new Golf Clubhouse. I am proud to be called a new-comer to town as I have only lived here for about two years and find this claim by some that all old Suffolk must be save, no matter the cost. A friend of mine bought some farm property and the first thing he did was to bull-doze a bunch of old barns and a termit ridden house. The he built a nice new building over the same site and now has a very nice and productive nursery operation.

We all need to support our council as they make the hard decisions on the way to remaking Suffolk. Our Mayor has more smarts about real estate than the entire bunch that wants a handout a nd gift of the Obici House. I only wish she would have been the one with the power to change the Center for Culture on Finney Avenue before all that public money got spent for it. We need people like the Mayor to stand up and tell these old-timers that we can't save it all and signal for the bull-dozers to fire up their engines and remake Suffolk for the better!

I do like the Mayor's Condo idea and hope that it comes to pass. I also understand that Councilman Brown supports this idea also and they might just get the plan approved. If Susan Blair wants to save the house, buy it and move on. If not, then lets get this done on move on to the next issue!

Anonymous said...

You are so right BDB, she knows real estate. She makes her living at it. She knows how to raise your propetry taxes over and over. She has no conflicts of interest. She hides behind the power of being the mayor. I would say her net worth has increased due to MOST FAVORALBE circumstances. There are septic tanks that are cleaner than her open and transparent style of government. She wont sell the Obici estate at this time. She needs to find a way for her and her hubby a way to make some money. She has been a leader in destroying the Obici legacy and She doesn't make any real deceisons if there isnt something for her, Parr and Gardy. She is the Nancy Pelosi of Suffolk.

Not Rob Barclay said...


Making a profit and expanding growth in NOT what makes a city great. I have lived here for 30 years, I would know. All of this growth is taking place in my borough. Controlled Growth is what we need.

Anonymous said...

I hope we haven't destroyed the Obici House by failing to attract leadership to the "group" purporting the be the new "history buffs" who haven't come up with anything but hot air and rhe former cty manager whose pathetic "recommendations" have now quickly become "demands" for the council to give them the property with no financial backing with the not so hidden attacks upon the city manager and council members and equating the refusal to honor the group's delusions with some sort of historical treason. This tactic will not work against strong leaders just as it didn't work with the "new" self-appointed civic league in Hall Place, a neighborhood whose history is greatly owing to Mr. Obici and to Planters.

The "group" needs to makr known its supporters, if any to speakof, and apologize to the council for the delays created by their inaction and only slighty veiled attempt to have those who would profit from the renovation suddenly elevated to the status of "concerned" and "historically minded" citizens.

Local Builder said...

The Mayor and her council are smarter than to fall for another public boone-doggle that wastes public resources so that a self apointed few can have sway over the rest of us. She has rightfully refused to cower to the demands of a past city manager, even when he chose to attempt to put words into her mouth. Suffolk has made mistakes in the past by bowing to pandering groups like the SCCA and others and the Mayor has dug her heels in to stop them.

Thank you Mayor Jonnson for not falling for another vailed trick to make Suffolk into the vision of only a few of us! The group headed by Ms. Blair needs to get a life and stop trying to create ome kind of self-serving empire at the cost to everyone else.

IF they really want to do it right, raise the money and make a good offer to buy the house and by result, put your mouth where your demands are! As a local builder, I know that the cost that have been thrown around are just the start. To restore in good order such a project would take millions to get it ready for use as Ms. Blair's group has devised. So don't let them fool anyone, they are looking to create an empire that they control in the name of the good citizens of Suffolk, and with their dime.

Anonymous said...

Bringing in a former city manager to consult the current city council is like waving a red flag in front of an ill tempered Iberian Bull. You get the point one way or another.

I agree No No No public money to restore the Obici House. However I disagree the building should come down to make way for a conceited selfish politician's gain. Tear it down and see how fast your political clout evaporates. Thus we have a Stalemate! However we have yet to hear from our dear little Robbie Barclay if there should be an Obici House Authority.

Gomer said...

I'm seein a bright neon lit sign outside of the Sleepy Hole Golf Course Obici House flashin Girls, Girls, Girls. Not sure what type of girls but heck if it helps tourism and keeps my taxes low I'm fer it. Jest don't let them downtown historic gals come a hollerin up these parts.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it remarkable the Obici Foundation would build a monument to themselves in downtown and throw away their benefactor's endangered home in Sleepy Hole. The Obici House would make a fine office for the foundation with ample room for an Obici/Planters museum.

Did I miss something or did the Obici Foundation make millions selling the disaster of hospital on Godwin Blvd. Why hasn't the SNH, VA-Pilot and Historic preservation supporters picked up on this obvious neglect. They clearly lack respect for the man that put Suffolk on the map and it is sickening. Go to their website and let them know. Better yet call them at home or work and give them an earful.

Anonymous said...

Why would the boys that have millions of Mr. Obici's money care now that he is gone, as to what happens to his name or home? They are building a first-class cub-house in a very visable position in town to preen their egos, so all can see them do so and bend a knee at for the crumbs they wish to throw out. This is just another example of what is wrong and rotten in Suffolk and msut be said, is getting worse. I am sure that Mr. Obici would shake his head in disgust if he could see what is going on in the Suffolk he loved and helped to build. The only saving grace is that he is with the Lord now and has no concern of earthly things and the trivial nature of the men that now have control of his money and a city that has done all things possible to bury his name with his corpse.

A very sad and troubeling situation that the people of Suffolk have created, by those it has given the power to in our sorry community. Leadership at its worst, where tiny minds decide for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Market Street gang waiting for the Obici Healthcare Foundation to "buy" underassessed property nect to the SCCA and start building their memorial office building and ego trip, then ask for RFP for the Obici House. You owned the O-House for years and knew about its fast deteriorating condition. But a wink and a nod from the Trustees and voila downtown gets another monument to Suffolk's most selfish citizens. Don't let them off the hook, email the Trustees and Executive Director through their website at These selfish tightwads are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Go down 58 Bypass to Holland Road, past Hardees and make a right into the Food Lion Shopping Center. The Obici Foundation office is to the right in the former Bank of Suffolk building. Stop in and say hello the the Chaiman and Vice Chair and tell them how angry you are.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone vote to close down the SCCA, the Historical Society, Riddick's Folly and the Obici Foundation and put Ms Blair and her cohorts and the Sister Cities mob in charge of all of Suffolk and the Council?

I say the firemen have an excellent chance of saving Obici House and without all the bitterness and demands upon the public money. No wonder one SNH comment has already asked if the City can compel the firemen to do the work and then give the rogue historical bunch the property. Why can't this group just use the mysterious financial backing it is secreting just to pay rent to the firemen and their leadership team
without equating historical "preservation" with historical" control over the taxpayers and now even the firemen?

We don't honor Obici by attacking everone when we should be looking to the successful groups and leaders for guidance.

Anonymous said...

"we should be looking to the successful groups and leaders for guidance"

This city has none and hasnt had any in years.

Anonymous said...

Well the City has shown some small amount of leadership and common sense, according to them. They canceled the Christmas Parade in Old Downtown as the weather did what the manager was unable to do. She was trying to move it to the new center of Suffolk on Route 17 and Bridge Road where it should be, but just did not have the stones to actually do it. Now it is not going to be done at all and that in her mind is better than letting the little people tell her where to have it at all!

The supposid leaders of our community will have their way and that is all that can be said on the subject. So stay home and watch the rain and sleet and thank the weather for solving the vexing problem our poor city manager was not strong enough to solve on her own. Suffolk is changing and old downtown no longer figures very much in those plans and that is how she want it.

Anonymous said...

Smart people on both sides? We know that there are amateur idiots and professional idiots.We know who the professionals are.

Anonymous said...

The real question here is whether you think the Obici House needs a true all out historical restoration worthy of the man who gave Suffolk so much during his lifetime and after his death or, you think it is sufficient to do a basic renovation that will curtail any further deterioration and perhaps give a few more years of life to the ailing structure.
It is my opinion that the city officials favor the second option because that will serve their purpose best. In the short term the house will be "saved" but in the long term it will fall prey to what the mayor and some on council have wanted all along...the wrecking ball.

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