Monday, November 16, 2009


In an attempt to upgrade comments to our Posts we offer the following. Misspelled words indicate our Public School education system is lacking, just as does poor grammar and words out of context. Former teachers expect more…some of the comments we receive are an embarrassment to them. It appears we have finally eliminated such words as “hacks,” and “crap,” course words at best, both unnecessary. Our objective is to stimulate intelligent discussion and in most cases that is what we see. One-liners are out…they are usually too cute or sarcastic and seldom offer a solution to a problem nor add much of significance…although there might be exceptions. We would like to be a class act. Over 43,000 computers have logged on and we want them to stay with us if only for a different slant on the news..


Dr. Kidneyman said...

I dunno bout dat. We publik skool garduates dat voted for Pres. Obama thanks too groups lik AKORN and the televishion hav to rush thru our thouts befor someone sees us an we loose our citi jobs at work. Writing hear can be tuff widout spelchek and gramma chek, you kno. But anywey we'd try hardr nex time. Thanksss.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's not very classy to point out your own mistakes?

Have a look at this thread title and guess what's wrong with it, "ONE MAN CAN DO A TERRIBLE AMOUNT OF DAMANGE"

How about gonig back to focussing on Suffolk and not posting LOL>>>>FWD's from your email inbox?

The pack can't pull any harder than the lead dog.

Anonymous said...

The new rumor is that the City will be incorporating Inside Suffolk into the new City Web-Page. IF you can't beat them, buy them!

Anonymous said...

"Misspelled words indicate our Public School education system is lacking..."

The homonym you meant to use, of course, was coarse.

I swear, Bob, if you aren't careful you'll slip to Milteer's level of communication.

rpock said...

Deliberate of coarce and you are the only one that spotted it. Hey, be careful, Milteer and I are brothers. Different wars but brothers.

rpock said...

Oh, it's true, Inside Suffolk is for sale but only Obama can dig up sufficient money.

Deb's Education Corner