Monday, November 23, 2009


Our country Doctors, Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, are operating where no operation is needed. They are systematically severing this country's arteries. They are about to remove the very core of this nation's being, the heart of our Republic, they are about to remove the Constitution of the United States. If any of these Health Care Bills should be passed, if the Cap and Trade Bill should be passed, if the Environmental Treaty should be signed in Copenhagen, this Constitutional Republic will in fact lose consciousness, slip off into a deep coma, and expire right before our eyes. In essence, the Obama operation will be a success, but the United States (patient) will fail. It is imperative that we stop this administration from succeeding in this operational endeavor. Pray as hard and as often as you can that our Lord will open the eyes of our legislator's before it is too late. Obama is overloading the system, and We The People can just barely keep up with the amount of trash the White House is dumping on every citizen's front yard. Even skeptics must see that there is an agenda to this. No one, and I mean no one can make this many errors in judgement. This is a matter of life and death for our nation. Call your representatives, email them, and write them. These massive Bills put before congress and the senate must be stopped, our future, and the health of our country depends on it. Make no mistake, Obama and the progressives are operating on the heart of our nation, they, if successful, will rebuild and fundamentally change our country. Obama promised he would, and he is doing it, one illegal unconstitutional law at a time. Written by We The People


Anonymous said...

There is a disease growing and it threatens every American, young, old, female, male, black, white, red, and yellow. It is the growth of Islam. Our government officials appear to ignore this and are NOT warning the people. The government, and even many military leaders are so consumed with political correctness they prefer not to see this enemy within. We must not be fooled by the terminology "Peaceful Muslim." Muslims are loyal only to Allah and Allah is not the same God that Christian's worship. It is extremely important that all American's remain vigilant, and alert. The spread of Islam is very much a reality in the United States. Our enemies can be everywhere, even hiding in our government.

Anonymous said...

Why do I think that Obama is only following the dictates of Muslim faith, destroy the infidels any way you can manage. What a stroke if this one man can bring the entire nation to its knees. But he is not acting alone, he has enough of the folks in the houses of federal government blindly assisting.

Anonymous said...

Three months ago, KSM and his co-conspirators were willing to plead guilty and die as martyrs for their cause. But Obama and Holder couldn't let that happen; not when there was a chance to give oppressed third-worlders a forum for airing their grievances against the USA. Obama is more interested in the Muslims and appeasing them. I swear this man must have no heart or is a closet Muslim himself...and the door is cracking open. Are all of you who thought McCain wasnt worth your vote. Are you happy now?
Even when they plead guilty and were to be executed, our Community Organizer Socialist Dictator in Chief wanted to step in and feel pity for these men. Justice will not be served and they will end up getting a private island and free enmities for life. I wonder how much of our tax dollars are going to be spent on caring for these pieces of human excrerment for life? Speaking of human excrement how much is the govt paying the lawyers?

Anonymous said...

Obama is the shepherd I did not want.
He leadeth me beside the still factories.
He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.
He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,
I shall fear no hunger for his bailouts are with me.
He has anointed my income with taxes,
My expenses runneth over.
Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will live in a mortgaged home forever.
I am glad I am American,
I am glad that I am free.
But I wish I was a dog…
And Obama was a tree.

Anonymous said...

Let see….Obama won’t give a speech if a Chriistian symbol is present. Obama won’t give a speech if a jet that is the pride of the military is present. The arrogance is nauseating except when he is bowing to foreign dictators or apologizing for his perceptions of America’s past transgressions. What’s wrong with this scenario with regards to the Commander-in-Chief? Sounds similar to the 19 responsible for 9/11.
The way this so called CIC treats the military. One wonders what is going thru the minds of the pilots of Air Force 1 and Marine 1 ferrying this manchild around the world on his apology tours. He loathes the military. Manyu Americans also loathe this anti American.
How ironic my word verification for this thread was flushts. You can break it down anyu wsay you want but it fits the man

rpock said...

Democrats agree there will be no GOVERNMENT health plan which was doomed to failure anyway.

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