Saturday, November 28, 2009


Always wanted to eat at the Oysterette in downtown Suffolk. Back when it opened Andy Damiani and I did a Round Table Talk show there. As much as I love oysters I left when the show was taped. Before noon the air was so thick with first and second hand cigarette smoke I could not find Andy. Customers in there were either smoking or choking. It’s a cute little place and oyster lovers will suffer anything for a fresh batch. So whom do we thank for the statewide law that now reads, “No Smoking Under Risk Of A $25 Fine Even For Customers.” The odds are that all complying eateries will see more and healthier customers. I gave up the habit, now very expensive, 39 years ago. It's sad to see the addicted leave a non-smoking establishment after a meal and frantically light taking a pill to stop a painful heart attack. Tuesday is it; the ashtrays will be stored away; it’s outdoors for you addicts. The majority, 78/22, finally won. Thanks to a few courageous politicians.


Anonymous said...

The author of the thread is dead wrong.The majority are not the politicans. The business owners are.
There is no arguement that smoking is good for you.
That is absolutely true. What is also true is that non-smokers dont have to be harmed by smokers in bars/resturants They are free to choose what establishments they go to and dont go to. If they dont want to be around smoke, they dont have to go to that smokey bar or resturant.There is no reason for it to be completely outlawed. If they want their favorite place to be non-smoking, they should have the right to tell the owner, and try and get other customers to do the same. Why do people feel like whenever there is a wrong, the only way to right it is by passing a law? Just tell the manager. And if you, the non-smoker, are in the minority, and the manager chooses to keep allowing smoking, just accept the fact that you are a less-than-50% patronage of the establishment, and either deal with the smoke or find another place to go. This was an issue that the the individual business owners and not the politicans, could have decided what's best for their business, and let people enjoy their nights out however they please, wherever they please as long as it is legal. This should have been about personal choice.
People choose not to shop or support downtown business's isnt that a choice? What's next a law that doesnt allow shopping in downtown?

Anonymous said...

11:30 nailed it. What happened to freedom of choise. Must everything be regulated by the language, color and health police? It should be the responsibility of the retaurant owner to allow smoking. The decision impacts on his bottomline and no one else. Does anyone recall the great experiment called prohibition? Remember how that worked out with speak easys. If the legislators that voted for this red herring think they've accomplished something they are sadly wrong and they will be voted out of office. I don't smoke, but I am smokin hot when we forget the importance of freedom.

Smoke Killer said...

There is no freedom of choice to poison other people. Teh al mighty buck has driven smoking for years and this is the only way to get it under control.

Make the world smoke free!!!

Anonymous said...

It is said by some moonbats enviromentalist's and liberals that up to 18% of CO2 pollution is created by cows. So lets eliminate all cows. Make the world cow free!!!

Smoke gets in your eye said...

To poison another person? Ahem, no one forced anyone to go to a restaurant that allows smoking. It was the freedom of choise that person made to enter a bar or restaurant. If they are so concerned about poisoning they should refrain from eating fish laden with mercury, meat laced with steriods, eggs containing botchalism, most cheeses and raw vegitables coated with E-coli and/or pesticides. Boil everthing before it is consumed and for God's sake never lift a glass of water, pint of beer or wine to your lips. In fact don't touch anything because it is contaminated with H1N1 and other nasties too numerouse to describe.
I'll refrain from what the food handlers may transfer into what you are eating.

My friends this is only the beginning phase of the radical food police action to come. Since it was easy to control the minds (however weak) of Virginians we can anticipate regulations on sugar content, high fat products, high colesterol products, soda, and anything with alcohol.

You may call these politicians courageous, I call them self-serving control freaks with the sole intent to create new taxes on food.

Anonymous said...

The smoke police are advancing their agenda. Soon there will be no smoking in your car, in an apartment, hotel, public park, public assembing area, sidewalk, building front entrance or back alley. Tax revenue from cigarettes will fall as sales will surely go underground. However tax revenue will need to be recovered somehow. Guess where? Doesn't sound like such a good idea does it?

Anonymous said...

Ewwwww my clothes smell like smoke they have to stop smoking in restaurants. The problem is the "smoke" you smell in your clothes when you leave establishments like the Oysterette, Sushi Aka, Java and others is cooking oils, grease and fats from their open kitchens. Go ahead and believe its the cigarettes, we'll still know/smell what you had for lunch after Tuesday. Anyone want a chaw of Redman?

Anonymous said...

The staff at the newspaper that cares about Suffolk endorses the loss of freedom in favor of going along with the rest of the pack and ban smoking from restaurants. Wow what a surprise! I suppose their next complaint will be smokers standing at the entryway of buildings or the rancid stench of smoke eminating from the clothes of their co-workers causing second hand smoke disability claims. Write us another staff report Mr. Reeves.

Snake Eyes said...

If a casino opens in VA will that mean there will be no smoking? Food and beverages will be served, often in the same room. Will smokers have to step out of the building or pry themselves from the table for a quick light up in a sealed air chamber? The SMOKE NAZIS in the room may cough but they'll hold their tongue because they understand casino generate big tax revenues that reduce theirs. Strange how they don't see it that way same for a restaurant or bar. The reason I mention casinos is that will be the only new source of tax revenue left after the local, state and federal government have finished sacking the middle class.

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