I also believe we should hear what is going on with ReEnergy.
In an open and transparent government, closed meetings are held ONLY for things that HAVE to be closed. I continue to believe our Council looks for ways to KEEP things closed. I am one who would appreciate hearing the conversation of our council members. How about you?
What Council has to say is not always interesting but worth our time. It's when we aren't allowed to hear that crazy ideas are born and tax dollars spent foolishly. Reminds me of the school board that met privately with the Superintendent before the board meeting. And who is it that determines when their meetings should be closed?
I am sick of hearing the words open and transparent coming from this council.This is like Mayor Pants over and over again. When will the people realize that this woman is LYING? That she has no intention of doing what she says, that this is only a smokescreen to hide what she really intends to do?
The mayor reminds me of Kristie Alley swearing I plan on starting the diet and losing the weight right after the holiday's are over.
The City of Suffolk regrets to inform the public the hearing on closed sessions has gone into closed session. The council appointed panel to report on closed sessions also gone into closed session and will release a report following council's closed door session on the panel's closed door session. Anyone still interested can fill out the appropriate FOIA application along with a signed blank check for an undetermined amount and understand that anything arbitraily deemed working papers in closed door sessions will be withheld. Failing that applicants can file with the Commonwealth Attorney's Office as if his door isn't already closed. If the applicant is still breathing, a complaint can be filed at the State Attorney General's Office and wait for pigs to fly for a response. Thereupon the applicant realizes they have wasted days and hundreds of dollars with nothing to show for the effort.
It now looks like even the "Pilot" and the "SNH" have come to the conclusion that Suffolk is a closed and secret society like East Germany of past. The only difference is they were Communists and we have Democrats in charge!!!!! We in Suffolk do have a serious problem with how many of the decissions for Suffolk citizens are made behind closed doors, just too often.
It seems clear that the Mayor, Council, and Manager just do not care what you think and plan to always work around the citizens. At least in past regiems, they tried to look like they were open and even on occasion did ask what the people wanted or thought on policy.
It is time that we have the ability like many other communities, for referendum. The ability to use such to state too the Mayor, Council and Manager what it is we want; is long overdue. To get such authority "the secret squad" would have to approve and if they have anything to say about it, it looks like the answer for us all is a resounding "NO!!!". We need a change to the City Charter to get the right to do a referendum, and that will only be discussed in SECRET, Don't you KNOW!!!!!!!!
Madame Mayor took offense to talk about closed sessions and actions. Seems like she is getting a thinner skin as we speak.
She can solve it all by just letting the sunshine in and letting the people see what is done in their names.
Don't expect the mayor to allow access by anyone that is not int the inner-circle. Why should she, she has total control now that all the minnows are gone. No one even comments about her at the town meetings and that shows she does run the show!
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