Wednesday, November 11, 2009


On three sides of our home are natural woods that allow deer access to our flowers and shrubs year around. Attempts to run them off are fruitless so we expect year around Bambi’s plus their parents and relatives to survive on our efforts to beautify. What we don’t expect are hounds traipsing through attempting to deliver meat to their owner hunters who have been known to park nearby so we know “who turned the dogs loose.” Some years ago that happened too often and could have been dangerous.

Up in Michigan as a guest of a hunting club I witnessed an incident where a hunter blew the heart out of a game warden we had invited to join us for supper, a 12 gauge lead slug will kill an elephant. The shooter insisted he heard and saw a buck in a cedar thicket. That’s where the warden had just parked his blue Chevrolet. Suffolk gun laws are about right and, hopefully, enforced. Just as important would be to educate and test for understanding before a hunting license is issued. We are careful who gets a driver’s license.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will gun laws have any effect? Their lawful use in the hands of an individual that has a healthy respect for them and has taken the mandatory hunter education course lessens the likelihood of accidents. The problem has been their mishandling by children thinking they are a toy or by persons with willful intent to discharge their weapon at another person. Coomon sense should rule.

Deb's Education Corner