Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am thankful I am not a progressive liberal, did not vote for Obama, have had twenty-three years of retirement, and if one must get old I’m glad I lived through nearly 85 years without socialism hanging around my neck. Younger folks will have it tough unless they can summon the majority of the population to oust those radicals who adopt change without contemplating the damage they are inflicting on our subsequent generations. It is frightening that enough high government officials may foist upon us a health reform plan that will break us. Many will come to regret their actions.

Our kids and grandkids in military uniforms have little power to organize and attack the bureaucrats in DC…it appears non-combatant civilians will again decide how they fight and where, as in Vietnam. I’m thankful we have soldiers duty bound to do the job and joyful I don’t have to join them. I did my time and I pray for them. I remember being eighteen in California on Thanksgiving Day when a limousine pulled to the curb and a lady in the backseat asked my buddy and I if we would join her for Thanksgiving dinner. Two lonely privates said, “Yes Mam.“ I hope your day turned out as well as ours.


Anonymous said...

I gave thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama...
Thank you Barry for the following debt you gave us.
The Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act $787,000,000,000
- Expanding health $300,000,000,000
- Landmark legislation to fight climate change: $1,400,000,000
Which now turns out to be a hoax
- Sweeping health insurance reforms $2,500,000,000
My grand children and their children give thanks as well

Anonymous said...

Get ready to be thankful again. have you received your invitation?

Barrack and Michelle have 28 parties and open houses are planned for December, with more than 50,000 people expected.

Fifty thousand guests, 28 parties...Michelle has GOT to say something about letting them "eat cake" soon. She just has to.

Deb's Education Corner