Saturday, November 7, 2009


But tonight the Democrats stabbed the nation in the back making Pelosi the heroine. Of course there is still the Senate. If this bureaucratic bill passes and is signed into law it will speed the ruination of democracy, but the end of the Democratic party come the next two elections. Either way it goes you had better study up on how to live during the coming short period of Socialism.


Anonymous said...

This was a positive step. We as a nation because of affirmative action, ACLU, political correctness and disfunctional media has allowed our nation to arrive at the brink of ruin. The sooner Americans start fighting back, tearing each other's throats if necessary, the sooner they'll realize the importance of why and how this country was founded and begin the recovery process. It's been proven for decades that simply voting out one bad political party for another doesn't solve the problem. Sometimes when there is bad blood a good old fist fight is the only cure. Brass knuckles anyone?

Anonymous said...

Speaking from the Rose Garden about 14 hours after the late Saturday vote, Obama urged senators to be like runners on a relay team and "take the baton and bring this effort to the finish line on behalf of the American people." The Senate will tell him what he can do with the baton.

rpock said...

"The House bill is dead on arrival in the Senate," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said dismissively.

Democrats did not line up to challenge him. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has yet to schedule floor debate and hinted last week that senators may not be able to finish health care this year.

Anonymous said...

Would any insurer with a brain accept an applicant with the preexisting condition of obesity, alcoholism, or love of tobacco? That's what the government would force upon them. And it seems that more than half the population suffers from overeating.

Anonymous said...

Obama said that he would not sign the bill if it added 10 cents to the budget. He said nothing abt anything beyond that.I want to send a shout out to the socialist in the WH...Allah Akbar he surely understand that

Anonymous said...

Does the great one smoke? Anon 11:14.
Should he too be denied per your reasoning?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe IS suggests that overeaters, overdrinkers, and smokers should be denied, just pay more. Have you noticed the price of a carton of cigarettes lately? Booze is not cheap. And what does an obese person eventually cost the insurer, and other insureds, via premiums, that try to take care of their health? Do you think life insurers should accept everyone without questioning health and life style?

Anonymous said...

anon 6:57
Who is going to approach the Obama man? So we must pay higher taxes just for him and his cadillac plan that we dont have?Remember he won and he is the presidnet and he has what 15 doctors at his beckon call at any time? He drinks smokes and like cheeseburgers too...

toasted cracker said...

The word Obese is just another PC word for FAT. If FAT people want to move ahead in the world they have to push back from the all you can eat buffet and undergo a lifestyle-lifesaving change. Leave those electric FAT wagons at Lowes and Walmart and try walking the aisles. Businesses should be encouraged to pay a health bonus to employees that meet criteria for age, height, build, etc.. It is not the business of government and certainly never addressed in the Consitution.

Meantime you fat slobs out there need to get off the couch turn off Oprah get your big booty into gear and save your life. We're tired of paying for your condition.

Anonymous said...

Here's something to ponder while we each sit on our ponificating thrones denying each other their struggle for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; let's just imagine an America without obesity, smokers and drinkers...sounds like the answer to all our troubles, yes? Ok, now imagine where the revenue for all the profits/taxes from higher insurance premiums, food purchases, alcohol and tobacco sales will come from. Do you think businesses/governments aren't going to try to recoup their money some other way? Which "group" would be next? The old? The very young? The infirm?

That is not even mentioning the individuality we would be giving up if everyone fit into this mould that so many think we should be formed into. What would we lose then? Einsteins, Pasteurs, Mother Theresas?

Maybe, just maybe, if we started looking beyond our own noses when we make blanket opinions/statements we'd realize that our constitutional rights are not any greater or lesser than anyone elses. Together we have a responsibility and obligation to preserve those very basic rights that Americans have fought so hard, and even died, to create and preserve.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:56...well stated and the response coming in rebutal will be crickets chirping..

Anonymous said...

Go figure: Democrat Values:Jail for people.Who Don't Buy insurance, Citizenship for Border Jumpers...

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately in today's communal society we are forced by government, insurance companies and businesses to pay for the acts of others. In most cases persons that cannot control their addictions are either institutionalized for treatment, receive "free" medical assistance or in one way or another create/cause expense and inconvenience to others to accomodate them. I do not believe there is anything in this country's constitution that suggests it was founded to be a socialy responsible society. It is individual freedom like a private business to allow it's customers to smoke or access for persons of limited mobility. There are monetary profit/loss consequences that shape their decisions. Access to public transportation and facilities excluded. The rub is the financial burden and honus for personal responsibility has shifted from the individual to the Great Society we have today. Until this injustice is corrected we will have no resolution just expense.

Anonymous said...

took place in England where who controls health care? with CONTROL?

If You're Fat, Go Give Birth in a Gutter
...or, at least not in our birthing center, say the noble souls at this UK facility:
Weston General Hospital, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, has a low-risk midwife maternity unit and can only safely admit women with a body mass index (BMI) of up to 34.
This equates to an average 5ft 6in (168cm) woman weighing 15 stone (95kg).
That's 210 lb to you and me.
Women above the specified weight are sent 20 miles to the nearest fully-facilitated maternity unit at St Michael's Hospital in Bristol.
The policy also includes women who have gained 44lb (20kg) in 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Ladies in the audience can discuss how common a 45 lb weight gain is. I've certainly heard of them.
If the hospital isn't competent to handle the potential complications from such births (is there an OB-GYN in the audience to discuss these?) then why can't the place upgrade its facilities, rather than put women and babies at even greater risk by transporting them an extra 20 miles? Apparently, people don't matter, even when seconds count, if they are a little overweight.

Anonymous said...

What most people don't understand is that if you sign up for insurance with a major company (i.e., Humana, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, etc.), it would cost you less than the one the govt is trying to shove down our throats. Plus, if you are unemployed, how can you afford to buy health insurance, how can you afford the $250,000.00 fine. These liberals known as people are STUPID!!

Deb's Education Corner