Thursday, January 13, 2011


Only three came to the city budget meeting looking for money and apparently no one from the SCCA. Was it a case of shame or has a deal already been made to escape public view? No one showed for the second meeting. Is this a new approach, just write us a letter and we will decide what we can do? C'mon Anne Seward, tell us. John Wass was correct to complain about lack of access to Suffolk waters. Norfolk does a much better job on its lakes in Suffolk. Mr. Wass also slipped in this sentence for the SCCA, “We need to keep the funding there, it takes time to get something like that going.” It took a long time to get JefCom going but time came to pull the plug.

Two reps from “ForKids Suffolk House, homeless shelter, had a good reason to be there and braved the stormy weather to plead their case. They pointed out that each sheltered child was promoted to the next grade level; that is an important accomplishment. They received no local funding last year. You figure why would the city build the King’s Fork Safety Center, an impressive complex, if they can’t fund the operation of it? One last question, if we just hired a new city water manager, what happened to the old one?


Anonymous said...

The answer is obvious, everyone wanted to see and hear about the miracle in Tucson. The New Messiah with the help of Pelosi, Gillibrand and Wasserman performed feats that no ordinary person can do. So say the MSM. I'm surprised Obama didn't try to exorcise the deamons out of Loughner's head or go to the city morgue to raise the dead. If Giffords really opened her eyes that should have been left to the hospital to release. Playing God is a dangerous matter if you doubt it go ask Jesus. The Indian, excuse me Native American First Nation introduction was way out there, previewing what we would hear from the president. Only two more miracles to go and his sainthood is assured. God help us.

Anonymous said...

The fact that no one from the SCCA showed up is proof that the "fix" is in. After all, life would be simplier for the Council to give this annual subsidy to the SCCA with its clout and threat to run Mrs. Martin for mayor than to face the other organizations whose needs are so better provable and beneficial to the children and especially minorities and homeless in our community.

At a minimum could we let some of our homeless be included in the invitation list to the SCCA free fundraisers and cocktail parties?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of water anyone notice how much your water bill has increased the past three years. Whomever is running that department needs to give a clear and concise explanation why costs are spiraling upwards.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMA @ anon 10;52
Obama's run for a 2nd term in 2012 started last night

ANON again 10;52
Brilliant I just pictured in my mind the scene from Trading Places when Dan Akroyd showed up at the Christmas Party at the trading office dressed as Santa Claus

Anonymous said...

Why bother showing up? We've tried for years only to hear ourselves speak with nobody on Council listening--unless of course you've already got a wink and a nod to get away with anything you wont to impose on the taxpayers and property owners of Suffolk like Whitney Saunders! Why waste our time? Yes the fix is in as it has been for the past couple of decades. There are only a handful of Suffolk play makers who call all the shots and voters or constituents need not apply. That's how small town mentality which convinces itself we've got a top tier public education system (which can't graduate over 30% of its customers) performs!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Councilman Gardy's comment after the City Manager's Work Session. He didn't need to hear public comment he already made up his mind. Do you think for an instant anything has changed since. The city manager is going about her business informing Council that the needs of the administration are greater than the city. Too bad Caroline Martin wasn't elected to council it would have made for far more productive budget process than the usual rubber stamp increases we pay for every year. Maybe when she becomes Mayor in 2012. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Barclay and Duman will speak for the SCCA. Yet both are local
businessmen and know the SCCA has had more than a chance. We have never seen anything published that would show any progress from the first year. In fact it probably did better the first year than any other. I expect Duman knows a bad deal when he sees one. Keep the building as a library. Plenty of culture in books.

Deb's Education Corner