Monday, January 17, 2011


From the heart speech  for victim Giffords.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me.If Obama's and liberals brains were made of choclate, they wouldnt have enough to fill an M&M.

Anonymous said...

What did you expect from a public university, fair and balanced? The problem has been the lack of retribution when a conservative takes office. No doubt the liberals take their pound of flesh from institutions on the public dole that stray off the agenda. If a conservative dares to challenge them they are called insecure racist homophobic maniacs. How's that for civility Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

Look up in the air, it's a bird, it's a it's, it's, it's?

Anonymous said...

while I am certainly no Obama fan, I heard from a news source that seems legitimate that the (applause) word in the video is a closed caption item that relates to hearing impared persons that there are people in the audience that are applauding... hence the ( ) on each side of the word... that seems reasonable to me.... I guess you really needed to be there to tell for sure.

Anonymous said...

I guess the Wells Fargo bullet proof booth was necessary too.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall anyone questioning the MSM when they taunted President Bush with hearsay and rumors. No they enjoyed making up lies and broadcasting or printing them as fact. Fact checkers seem to be a recent development ever since this President was elected. Someone should check if the fact checkers are ever checked.

Anonymous said...


Snopes? its based and operated by a couple of canucks who have taken a few blows to their heads with sticks and pucks. You can draw your own conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Last week, the left quickly blamed the right for the national tragedy of a shooting spree by a madman who never watched Fox News, never listened to Rush Limbaugh and likely did not know who Sarah Palin is.
Fortunately, the American public rejected out of hand that idiotic notion that the right was responsible.
Rather than apologize, the left wants to change the tone of the political debate.

The left suddenly wants civil discourse.Bite me.
The left wants to play games of semantics.Bite me.
The left wants us to be civil — after being so uncivil for a decade.
Bite me.

There is grown-up work to do now. Liberals ran up the federal credit card, destroyed the American medical system and undermined the rule of law — which is the foundation of capitalism — with a bunch of unconstitutional fiats from the president and his bureaucracy.
The economy is a mess. The president “inherited” a 7.6% unemployment rate. It’s now 9.4% — after we spent a record $787 billion on a stimulus.The only thing that has been stimulated is Chris Matthews leg and the hope and change that blacks first dreamed of but will talk as there is still a chance and it will come.

Lefties have been too busy celebrating the 2008 election to listen.But that changed last November and the civil discourse directed to the repugs and the Tea Party folks again picked up as if Bush was still in the WH but it has been more intense than ever.
When people protested lefties made vulgar remarks about tea-bagging and giggled.So screw you and your civil discourse.I don’t want to hear it.I have been screamed at for 10 years.

It’s my turn now. I am not going to scream back. But I refuse to allow anyone to dictate what I say or how I say it. I refuse to allow the same foul-mouthed, foul-spirited foul people who dumped on me to now try to tell me what I may or may not say.
My free speech matters more than the feelings of anyone on the left. You don’t like what I say? Tough.
I will not allow people to label my words Hate Speech or try to lecture me on civility. I saw the lefty signs. The left’s definition of civil discourse is surreal.
We have a terribly unfit president who has expanded government control beyond not only what is constitutional but what is healthy for our freedom.
Indeed, this call for civil discourse is itself a direct threat to my free speech.So screw you.
You don’t like my words? You don’t like my tone? You feel threatened?
Too bad.
Sit down and SU so we grown-ups can fix the nation and the economy. If you can’t put up with a little excrement, get the hell out of the way.
Now I have to go and clean my guns.

Anonymous said...

Who is Casey Brezik? Of course you went Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
ABC? NBC? CBS? MSNBC? CNN? would you like to comment? The networks respond. Why? Should we? Are we missing something here that isnt newsworthy?

For those of you have never heard of him. He is black liberal leftist He tried to stab a man who he thought to be Jay Nixon the Govenor of Missouri another with a D behind their name.He actually stabbed the dean of the college where the Gov was speaking.
As he would later admit, he confused the dean with Nixon.
I guess you didnt hear about it because It didn’t fit the narrative of the Tea Party, Sarah, Rush,Beck so it didn’t really happen.

Anonymous said...

There was no stabing. I misstated. He slit the deans throat.

Anonymous said...

Obama tells the Egyptinas to stay civil stay out of the streets.Tells them he will support them. Iran suffers unrest people are killed by govt troops and says nothing. Try this food for thought:
All the while, Obama's radical rioting Moslem brethren are inching closer and closer to owning control of Suez.

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