Thursday, January 27, 2011


1.  Term Limits - Lifetime service 12 years.

2.  No Tenure / No Pension - A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay       when out of office.

3.  Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security - All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately.  All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase its own retirement plan, just as all Americans do

5. Congress will no longer vote itself a pay raise, pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11

The American people did not make contracts with Congressmen. A self serving Congress made all these plush contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.


Anonymous said...

I love the idea and the concept. Dont bet on the congress to vote themselves out of a job or as RAISE.

Anonymous said...

If the liberals in Congress and minorities think that Obama care is so great, then why is the Obama adminstration giving waivers to now over 729 companies? Union thugs getting breaks as well. Tell you what Obama I need a waiver along with Three Hundred Million other Americans from Obamacare.
Call it an entitlement for those who cannot afford to pay for it, no, no, wait. Call it a Constitutional right to not have to pay it. No, better yet let the Chinese pay for it.They’ll be happy to keep us alive so they can get thier money back. /sarcasim

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be overly critical, but whatever happened to having this site as a commentary site on Suffolk? Things posted are now so far afield from Suffolk that you should change your name to "Inside Internet Stories". What has happened? I have not been looking in lately and you have lost your way and mission. Where is the Inside Suffolk we need?

rpock said...

When I jump on a subject not quite related to Suffolk I print it in case some miss it. 99 % of what happens at state and federal will eventually affect us down here at the near bottom level. I would appreciate it if you would just skip those that don't interest you. You are stuck with Obama's health care and you heard too much about it before a vote. Trickle down means just that.What happens above us will trickle down. And if something in Suffolk needs to be discussed please tell us. Problems there too...Nobody asked us if we favored giving the SCCA $450,000 each year. They filled the seats last night but that doesn't mean that will continue. It was an excellent presentation, that's why the parking lot was full.

Anonymous said...

IS hasnt lost it's way. The only thing that has lost it's way is the people of Suffolk. Suffolk and too many of its citizens believe in the status quo. They are scared to speak out against the status quo. Thus nothing changes even come election time. The politicians know it. The city adminstrators elected and not know it.Suffolk is no different than D.C. Mr Pocklington is 100% correct. Washington has its eliets of the ruling class and so does Suffolk.The difference is you can sense a change in D.C.based on numbers. There is no sense of change on the horizon for Suffolk.The numbers arent there and its the lack of numbers you can thank Suffolkians for Suffolk remaining a city of and for the staus quo.
I believe the question was "where is the IS we need?" My response to that is 'where are the Suffolkians who are tired of the status quo.?

Anonymous said...

The lead on this thread could apply to our local folks elected or not who continue to suck the oxygen out of Suffolk. See anon 11:57 Mr. Pocklington's comments are right on the mark.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree that IS has about 70% non suffolk stuff that is just copied from the internet and almost nothing about local stuff. Pock, where are all the suffolk ideas? What happened? A example is the lack of any comments about the Southern Farms issue.

rpock said...

If you mean FourFarms, dead in the water according to both Planning Commission and Council, it is over. Suffolk ideas are flat at the moment, nothing much going on in the winter. If you will be more specific and a bit less critical we would be happy to work with you on any Suffolk subject important to you. But tell you what, just for you I will, in my next Post, advance a theory that might be interesting.

Duhhhhh said...

The Thinkers with ideas that can move Suffolk forward can only do so much. They have spoken before council, run for office and sat on mulitple task forces only to watch the administration and politicos do nothing or take credit for their ideas and attempt to milk them for more. Many Suffolkians watched council meetings on television purely for entertainment but would never dare to rock the boat. So now the shoe is on the other foot. The speakers that attempted to shake council into reality are sitting back and watching. Tax revenues are down, downtown is withering, homes are being foreclosed and big employers are scaling down. No ideas means no future. Suffolk is in a
de-evolutionary spiral and rightfully deserves it. Economic Development Director thinks infrastucture projects like the passenger train will save this city. I say that has about as much a chance as rebuilding the Kings Highway Bridge.

Anonymous said...

We need a Bridge?

Anonymous said...

Another beer summit? Which one is Obama and which is his racist professor pal?

Anonymous said...

Our founding fathers gave us 3 branches of govt to govern by. Problem is Onama and the liberals think that the three branches of government are the President, his Cabinet and his Czars.

Anonymous said...

Its truly amazing that there are so many Harvadddd, Yale and other Ivy League type including our Constitutional Law expert who wrote articles for the Haravaddd Law Review our present president who came up with this Obama health care bill have now been told by a second federal judge in Florida after the one here in Virginia said it was unconstituional that Obamacare is unconstitutional

Anonymous said...

When Obama gave his pep-talk/campaign speech to the Egyptians on Tuesday, he emphasised how "inspiring" this uprising was to all of us in American.
Excuse me ZIP
First: Speak for yourself, B. Hussein.
Second: Why are these street riots "inspirational", yet the Tea Party gatherings (where no one was shot, killed, no violence, no destruction, no trash...NOTHING) are condemned as dangerous and racist?

Third: Could it be that you WANT the Moslem Brotherhood to run things in Egypt? Did you he not stagte in one of his books that he would stand with the Muslims and wind of change?
What do you see as inspiring in the following countries but here at home its not?
And Jordan?
And Iraq?
And Saudi?
And Libya?
And Morocco?
And Turkey?
And Sudan?
And the U.E.A?

Anonymous said...

I listened to Ebola's speech today that was directed towards business.Successful businesses don’t need advice from a clown who never ran one.Maybe someone can explain to me how it ispossible to have unemployment at 10%, underemployment at 20% and a DOW over 12,000.You think that Enron cooked the books? Its inflation at its best Jimmah Carter style.Profits havent increased. Obama and his ivy league idiots devalued the money.So it appears that we are still up on China.
“If we make America the best place to do business, businesses should make their mark in America. They should set up shop here, and hire our workers, and pay decent wages, and invest in the future of this nation. That’s their obligation”….WTF???…Their obligation to whom, Barry?… What is this business-brain-deficient MORON talking about???…Why in hell would businesses want to start up here, where stifling taxes, regulation, and obamacare strangle any growth-oriented ideas….this interlecutal idiot either just doesn’t get it, or it’s some grand scheme to reduce this country to the economic power of Zimbabwe. With that being said I do belive it is the latter.I swear, listening to Obama is like listening to a kindergartner explain economics.
If Obama, his czars and liberals had brains that were made from dynamite they couldn’t blow the wax out of their ears.

Anonymous said...

The brillance of OUR congress is overwhelming and is the most hypocritical body of government in the world.

"Fathom the hypocrisy of a Congress that requires every citizen to prove they are insured.....but not everyone must prove they are citizens".

Deb's Education Corner