Friday, January 21, 2011


That’s easy and exciting and only a good estimate. Obama’s disastrous two years make it impossible to know what’s ahead for the dollar or taxes, or an individual’s worth. Based on planners faith perhaps is OK but the plan should be written in Pencil. And that’s just the Capital Plan, there’s still operational money and most all of this must be wrested from wallets and purses. There is no doubt the listed planned items are good ideas and necessary to growth but it is merely an exercise, as was the Fairgrounds experiment and expanding Highway 58. If the nation’s burden of debt is not paid (taxed) down to lender’s satisfaction we could all be looking for space to raise bananas. Well, not me, too old, but those whom will pick up the nations reins will face an economy like that after World War II. Like I said, we are not yet committed, it’s only a vision and city rules call for it. Just remember the SCCA was once a planner’s dream, and the unrecoverable cost of seeking tourists.


Anonymous said...

An exception. A California-based manufacturer and distributor of automotive condensers is opening a warehouse in January that will create 20 jobs, the city announced Wednesday.That's good news.

Bad news...the Oysterette eatery downtown on Main called it quits.

Anonymous said...

The explanation and justification for capital spending in this city is akin to taking a child into a candy store. They want everything simply because they want it. There is no one, and I mean no one in this administration that will apply a cost-to-benefit analysis approach, ask the tough questions and have the backbone to say NO without fearing the consequences. That person doesn't yet sit on council nor on the city's payroll, but hopefully soon before it's too late. This morning I'm going down to see more than a million taxpayer dollars wasted on a Visitor Center in downtown and skip lunch.

Anonymous said...

Must have missed that. Where in the city? Up north? Well if so that would be good news for the 1500 or so over at the JFMCO 1480 more to go. Good luck.
I can see it now all of those white collar types there working on the NEW 460.

Anonymous said...

Anon class envy doesn't suit you. Leave that for the Dems they are the experts leading the naieve and weak minded to the trough of poverty, neglect and government dependency.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:12
Better get use in seeing an influx of illegal criminals in the area then. Damn I guess the Mexican food business is something that we all might considering investing in. lol

Anonymous said...

Anon you may be on to something. Following the tornado there was a run on Mexican restaurants. Getting a table at a local Mexican eatery was as hard to get as New York's Le Cirque. If there is a menial labor job to be had, be assured the south of the border gang will be there. Hampton Roads has a remarkably small population of illegals as compared to NoVa and the Eastern Shore. Either they are being chased away or the job market in HR is that bad. One of the Route 460 bidders is from the nearly bankrupt country of Spain. Guess who they will be hiring if they get the contract; Bobby Joe Sixpack the lazy gringo American or Pablito and his adopted family of 40.

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