Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Anonymous said...

This morning on FOX our Governor Bob Mcdonnell criticized Obama about spending and the deficit. In the same interview he endorsed capital spending projects like high speed trains and infrastructure improvements but like the president, didn't say a word how they will be paid for. He sounds just as disconnected from reality as the Obamanistas. Maybe Bob's campaign treasury needs a cash injection from the building trades again before he runs for Webb's seat. Two wings belonging to the same dumb duck.

Anonymous said...

I think that if one wants to find a ‘sputnik’ moment they needn’t look very far: China has what basicly amounts to an F-22 now. It’s fairly obvious whom they stole the plans for it from, and most people will agree that probably happened in the 90′sCan you say Bill Clinton and Bill Richardson?
Spain has shown us the way that green industry is a money losing proposition. If its a viable, self sustaining industry, there wont be a need for government subsidy and the same with the ethanol – someone please enlighten me as to how much energy it takes to make ethanol from corn.

High Speed rail – Zip keeps refering to Europe or Asia as example, but if public transportation is so good, why does every mass transit systems in this country need subsidies and hand outs from government??? Much like efficiency of the post office???
I couldn’t stomach too much of it. My wife kept telling me to turn it to another station because I kept yelling “liar” and getting angrier. I finally turned the channel and watched Star Trek instead, at least it portrays itself as fiction.

Anonymous said...

Obama used I 55 times and me 5. He is slipping but then again he is pivoting right?

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me when I see people stand up and cheer someone advocating the taking away of their liberty and freedom.
To be dictated by fiat by on high rather than taking control of their own lives is, and always has been, a tendency of a certain segment of society since the dawn of civilization.
It couldn’t be more stark which party ascribes to this mindset more when being illustrated by these examples of ignorance more and more each passing day.
There is nothing remotely liberating when you are a liberal that is unless it is from morality and responsibility.
I find it so odd that socialism is so well received with the African American people.You would think since they hated slavery they would be screaming the loudest for their lost freedoms.Yet they’re the ones pushing Socialism the hardest.
And you dont think Obama isnt a socialist? If Obama had been a repug do you think blacks would have voted for this fraud?

Every aspect of our lives is coming under Federal prevue.
What we eat, when and how much.
How we get health care.
How much water we can use, toilets and showers are under Federal jurisdiction.
How much energy we use, what kinds of light bulbs, energy production is being subjected to an engineered crisis. And proposals are wind and solar and a smart grid to monitor usage.
Every aspect of every business is touched by Federal regulations.
It has been gradual, it is still “soft,” but it is still tyranny.

Anonymous said...

Obama' speaking skills are weak at best. Without the teleprompter he is lost.If Obama wrote an honest book, it would only be a cover. No contents page and no content. Where are hid self written articles he wrote for the Harvard Law Review?He is an empty suit, a nothing.
This man has drowned in his own arrogance

Anonymous said...

With the turmoil in Egypt, do you remember something about a 3 am call?
The phone is ringing.

How apt that many name him zero. zero by name, zero by nature. zero response from a zero intellect with zero experience in dealing with matters such as foreign policy, job creation at home or economic growth. zero promised everything but in the end, after the nincompoop is finished, all you will get is zero.

The phone is still ringing and ringing.

Anonymous said...

Barack Hussein has absolutely no right to meddle in the sovereignty of another nation, even if he doesn’t like it. He desperately wants to see the Muslim Brotherhood to seize power in Egypt. He is himself an IslamoMarxist.
So, if we can get a million people to protest in Washington DC, and torch the Smithsonian, will Barack Obama step down? What if the Chinese premier asks him to? What if the Chinese premier tells him to?
Somehow I doubt it. Yet he sees no problem in demanding that Mubarak a former ally, or at least non-enemy does so.
I thought ZIP said he would not comment on the protests in Iran because it would be inappropriate to interfere with the internal affairs of another sovereign state. What arrogance this community organizer displays.

Anonymous said...

Per WikiLeaks: Obama Agreed to Give Russia Classified Info on Britain’s Nuclear Capabilities in Order to Secure START Treaty…

The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty.
Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Every ally treated as an enemy, every enemy treated as an ally….. Who does our POTUS really work for?

Fellow Citizens it is time to speak aloud the words that must be said about our current president. He is a deadly enemy of this country and is systematically destroying our way of life and liberties. He has or is in the process of dismantling our free enterprise system including our ability to have the opportunity to work. He has or is ruining our energy sector, our heath care sector, our military, our alliances with other democracys in the world and siding with radical islam and communist dictatorships. He is destroying our ability to grow enough food to feed ourselves, to live in our own homes, to have decent medical care, to have ample supplies of energy and through his gross abuse of the powers of the government attempting to control every minute aspect of our lives.
Its seems that every single day a fresh outrage is committed by this marxist tool and I believe his committed goal is to drive us into open resistence in the streets just like Egypt, so he can declare martial law and finally achieve his longed for totalitarian rule. It sounds crazy but look at all of the absolutely insane things, to an American, that he has done since sleazing his way into office.

He and his fellow Democrats are pure evil to this country and somehow they must be stopped dead in their tracks before it is too late. We cannot afford two more years of this anti American person.
Obama hates, with a mortal passion, this country.
When. Will. This. End?

Enough already! Isn’t it obvious to anyone with two eyes to see that this man who occupies the White House I refuse to acknowledge him as my president – he sure doesn’t consider himself mine is leading this nation off of a cliff – on purpose? Is this not treason?
Article 2, Section 4 – Maybe its time for the House of Representitives to act.
A treaty is a mutual defense pact. If Obama forgot to address the details of the treaty that is official US policy, he may have committed an act of treason by compromising the security of those we are contracted to. To a degree, their security IS our security.
Article 2, Section 4 – Maybe its time for the House of representitives to act.

Deb's Education Corner