Saturday, January 8, 2011


Our blabbermouth President had to steal the General’s limelight again by announcing the current agreement about JefCon, that’s right, con. They spent 373 million to get what was imperative for military success and then backed down when Obama realized the amount of debt he created overnight. About half of the 3700 employees in Suffolk/Norfolk will be conned if they get walking papers, those of lesser importance and skills. It looks like Warner is skilled in horse-trading but him pointing out that DOD’s 60 million piddling cost of the broken leases is of no consequence to the DOD.

But is there another shoe to drop? Will we still lose an economic boom when they free the hawsers and tugs push a carrier out into the current as the band plays nautical music and sailors wave goodbye Norfolk, hello Florida? Half a loaf of carrier isn’t seaworthy so it is all or nothing in that case. The loss of a carrier and half of Jefcon could even put a dent in Hampton Roads Regional plans, let alone sales tax losses. Landlords will face a quandary when buyers or renters pack up, but bridge and tunnel traffic remains the same. 

Our mayor will sit down with General Odierno but I’m afraid that will only serve to put the sod back on the fresh grave.    


Anonymous said...

Commentary from the elected officials

Senator Mark Warner
Senator Jim Webb
Congressman Randy Forbes

Senator Louise Lucus
Senator Fred Quayle
Delegate Chris Jones
Delegate Lionell Spruill

in 1,2,3,4...
Forbes will speak up and say actually nothing, the rest will be like the crickets maybe except Warner who has rode on the coat tail of Forbes wanting us to think he is for Virgina.
The mayor??She isnt in the class to learn, she is just a bystander to politics she is no match for.
Grats to those mentioned above for a job well done.

Anonymous said...

The Chinese unveil their stealth fighter that looks much like ours. We in turn cut back on our development programs. Rising sun meet setting sun.

Deb's Education Corner