Tuesday, August 31, 2010


For the past few years www.snopescom has positioned itself, or others have labeled it, as the 'tell-all final word' on any comment, claim and email. But for several years people tried to find out who exactly was behind snopes.com. Only recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it. It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California started the website about 13 years ago - and they have no formal background or experience in investigative research. After a few years it gained popularity believing it to be unbiased and neutral, but over the past couple of years people started asking questions who was behind it and did they have a selfish motivation? Then it has been learned the Mikkelson's are very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. Take what Snopes says at face value and nothing more. Use it only to lead you to their references where you can link to and read the sources for yourself. Plus, you can always Google a subject and do the research yourself. It now seems apparent that's all the Mikkelson's do.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snopes.com

www.truthorfiction.com is a better source for verification.


rpock said...

Obama didn't have to pay for his education because he was a foreign student, he traveled to a forbidden country not using an American Passport. The court
cases were blocked by Kagan when he would have had to prove he was an American with a birth certificate.

Do you believe possibly her reward was a seat on the Supreme Court where she was in a stronger position to protect him again from proving he is a United
States citizen. When and if it comes up there should be a conflict of interest preventing her from ruling favorably for Obama.

The six foot chicken said...

Who needs watchers watching when we have the Suffolk News Herald right here in our little village. All this politics and fact checking means very little in the scheme of things. We should pause and relish having such a team of highly trained investigative reporters in our midst. How would we have ever learned that Comet the horse returned home.

Anonymous said...

In these trying times with JFCOM pulling out our schools under performing and the economy tanking again, isn't it nice thatthe SNH can report that Buttercup is safe at last. Wow what a great week of reporting hard hitting news for our Hometown Newspaper. I'm going to put these gems in my scrapbook along with the mysterious light green pollen powder and foodie stories. If these reporters have any hope of future employment or aspirations of advancement in journalism they better get with the program.

Deb's Education Corner