Thursday, August 19, 2010


Perhaps the most profound statement made at the “Stop Gates” meeting was by our mayor who said, “We have our work cut out for us.” Vowing to fight closure is only mildly comforting to those that will lose jobs (perhaps even homes) because we are not sure yet who the bad guy is. Obama foolishly gave away too much money and may be directing Gates to save some. Gates is forced to back the closing either to appease a desperate Obama or, as he says, slow down ever-increasing defense spending. Those provide powerful motives for Gates to stay the announced course. If so those at the Stop Gates meeting need a miracle and have no leverage except to plead, pointing out the economic dread facing thousands. I’m afraid the result is a bit like the demolished bridge; no current politician will live long enough to see it replaced. Councilman Barlow believes we still have a shot at convincing the decision  makers that cooperation between the military services is of the highest priority.
The three black Councilmen might have some leverage with Obama. I’d check out the Nansemond Indian Tribe; their chance to build a village was thwarted by Black Council members, perhaps a chief ordered a revenge dance like he did the recent rain dances. Suffolk survived the loss of the huge storage facility on 58, the loss of Chesapeake Square, the loss of its lakes, etc. Suffolk would rise again…before there was a North Suffolk we thought of ourselves as “A great place to live.” And there was "Surprising Suffolk." Now we may be known as "Abandoned Suffolk." I doubt we will still be listed as 91st in the top one hundred cities but that was baloney anyway? In 1980 thousands of us discovered Suffolk and left crowded cities to acquire decent  living space. It would happen again and this time empty houses will be available. Life can be brutal.


Anonymous said...

Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason

The most destructive element in society is ignorance and there is an incredible lack of knowledge throughout this site!

Anonymous said...

A house takes months to build and seconds to lose in a fire, so it is with high paying jobs in this region. Once they are gone it will be a long, long time to replace them. Take a look at downtown Suffolk. Those mansions built during the heyday of Planters are mere shadows of their former glory. Nothing replaced the executive positions once Mr. Peanut was sold off to a big multi-national corporation.

Thankfully because of it's geographic location to major highways and proximity to water, North Suffolk will never become anything like downtown appears today. The only new development in downtown lately has been the giant sucking sound eminating from Market Street as tax revenues dry up.

Anonymous said...

"that there will come a day when a man will be judged by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin." ~ MLK
Its a shame that blacks fail to understand the comment. Whats a travesty is when the President and white liberal morons cant understand it. Hows that for ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Oh so now Suffolk is a port city? What does the proximity to water have to do with Suffolk? Maybe Centerpoint should have been located in the "white' part of the city. NIMBY was the cry.Hows that hope and change working out for our northern citizens now?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me anon 5:48
The left's favorite battle cry and what appears to be yours is "racism". This enables those mindless idiots to silence an opponent who is not racist but is simply stating facts that just happen to be based along racial lines. I said all along that Obama would polarize the issue and make it worse and he has done exactly that. Let's not forget that 95% of black voters voted for Obama in 2008. That sounds pretty racist to me. Black America is failing to advance because they have no sense of persaonal responsibility or order in their communitites not because of racism. They vote for a candidate simply because he is black and when that candidate fails to deliver they blame the white man. They vote Democratic yet the Democrats have created multi-generational welfare families, giving them just enough to get by but never enough to get ahead and in the process creating a perpetually poor and disenfranchised voting bloc. The Jesse Jackson's, Al Sharptons and Farrakhan's have only held back blacks not helped them yet they are viewed as saviors in the black community.
Let me remind you that
under capitalism, the rich get richer OR poorer and the poor get a chance; under socialism, the rich get poorer and the poor become enslaved.
Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth while Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
This isnt ignorance its fact i's the truth. And its history, of which liberals and blacks deny.

Anonymous said...

9:43's comment it's not about NS being a port city. Waterfront is considered different than others on the market. Waterfront property is more desirable than anyother and consequently is more attractive than average subdivisions. Unless someone is severely afflicted with hydrophobia, water is in great demand in any real estate market.

As to being a port city. Our highly paid downtown tourism office staff tried river cruises from the city subsidized marina by the city subsidized Garden Hilton Hotel. It horribly failed and we never heard how much it cost to subsidize the river cruises. I don't recall NS waterfront ever being city subsidized it is all privately funded. End of story.

Toasted Cracker said...

Typical reaction from a liberal, call people names then run away. They cannot stand and fight in support of their argument. I appreciate their demonstrating to the readers that we will stand and fight and they are cowards unprepared to engage in dialogue. We can draw the conclusion that we are correct in our beliefs and values. Cast off the nealy 400 year old chains of self-imposed ignorance and cross over to reality.

Anonymous said...

Yes I guess there will be some foreclosed homes along the waterfront, they too could have been a contender

Anonymous said...

Isn't it comforting to know that these liberal morons have their priorities all in order? Defense spending gets smaller and smaller while every experiment in social engineering gets more and more of our money - year after year after year......

Anonymous said...

anon 10:02

People have all sorts of reasons for deciding who they vote for, and most (though not all) white conservatives would have a hard time justifying a vote for any Democratic presidential candidate. I am not saying that all or even most Republican voters harbor racial prejudice against African-Americans. Although a majority of whites was never going to vote for a black Democrat in 2008, it was possible that a majority of whites might have voted for a black Republican. Arguments can be made that economic situations has more to do with a sense of personal responsibility about one's community rather than race.

I look forward to a future when the intelligent people who frequent IS don't need to mention race: "The three black Councilmen.....I’d check out the Nansemond Indian Tribe; their chance to build a village was thwarted by Black Council members, perhaps a chief ordered a revenge dance" how about just saying "council members" instead? or "Its a shame that blacks fail to understand the comment. Whats a travesty is when the President and white liberal morons cant understand it", what insight there.

Anonymous said...

Well when 96%of blacks voted for Obama, that wasnt a decesion made on race? Colin Powell would have gotten my vote based on his politics, EXPERIENCE and CHARACTER but what we saw in the election is a RINO and he voted along racial lines.I tend to think so did Condi Rice, two former Uncle Toms who served as repugs who now are no longer considered Uncle Toms because they came home to roost.
Getting back to the current president and race. If Obama is the answer, how stupid was the question?

Anonymous said...


Maybe this might provide to you some understanding of racism.
We see it everday.Did you know that there are now all black cruises where people like Louis Farrakhan are feautred speakers? I am curious about your perception of reality, anon Given the large number of explicitly black organizations, not the least of which is the Congressional Black Political Congress the Black Engineers of America,etc etc What about the Black Chamber of Commerce? There is the Black Teachers Association. BET it goes on and on with black this and black that In fact, there appears to be more than one such "black" organization for every conceivable occupation or group in America. For all I know, there may be a "Black Association of Black Organizations." Do I need to go on here? Haven't you noticed these things, sir/mam?
Sadly, Obama took the low road when it comes to racism in this country. He truly is a small man that does not see the big picture, or doesn't care.
How can you and others now keep playing the victim card against the man when the man is black and elected by white people?
I Can't wait to see how we, the American people, get collectively accused of racism and bigotry by the Lamestream Media and blacks when we fire this worthless, incompetent manchild and white liberals with socilaist thinking and agendas in 2012. Excuse me my racism isnt color blind. Now that you have called me a racist, I will acknowledge that,Now what else would you like to talk about?

Anonymous said...

What is rather funny is the comment on whites voting for a demwit. I did I wrote in Hillary Clinton's name, why? Because I knew what I was getting by voting for her.Being indenpendent allows me to choose. What I saw from the repug side I didnt like what I was being offered. RHINO's Then look at this manchild of mistake. He had no record other than saying present and anti war and Boosh and just plain anti. He was and is false prophet. Later proved in his two years of not being a senator but just one running for the WH with false promise.The only thing true about this man is he still thinks it about Booosh.2006 to now shows and proves what liberals can do to a country no matter what their color is.

FOIA Commando said...

I read a truly amazing point made about this entire issue the other day. Our Mayor, Linda Johnson and Mr. "Do Nothing Councilman" Barclay, stated that they were suprised by how hidden and secret this agenda to close JFCOM has been and that the Sec Def has not given data and information on the closure when demanded by the City and others.

Well Mrs. Mayor and cronnies, welcome to our plight in your open and transparent world! The citizens of Suffolk suffer these FOIA indignites all the time with your administration and you deserve a "Taste of Suffolk", so to say! How does it feel to be locked out of information you feel and do have a right to? How do you like the feel of hopeless and powerless action upon your legal "rights"?

This is an exact reason that your Suffolk, Madame Mayor does not work! It is time to be open if you are going to ask for openness.

I am appauled that our local government can make a claim that they are not getting information on JFCOM, when they vilolate the rights of citizens daily when they are the target for FOIA requests. AND, If they could get the information from Mr. Gates and the DOD, what would the bill be? Millions if billed like Suffolk DOES? Life does have some payback, and even if I am of great sorrow over the possilble closure of JFCOM in my part of the City, I find no end to the carma delivered upon our inept Mayor and her Administration!

Has anyone else found the true nature and action of this process when the Mayor claims a right to know, when she and they will not render the same considerations to their fellow citizens? What a farse you are Mayor Linda Johnson!

Anonymous said...

for the commando hoooooooo rahhhh
twist that knife just a little bit more will you?

Put on your big girl panties said...

Kudos to FOIA's comment. I recall something in the Bible about do unto others. Well Madame Mayor has had a taste of her own medicine and she didn't like it one bit. After so many years of stomewalling and insulting the intellegence of the citizens of Suffolk, she has the audacity to fein being hurt after being left out of the circle. Here;s a suggestion to anyone that sees her. Rub your index finger against your thumb and show her you can master the world's smallest violin by playing; My heart cries for you.

rpock said...

Gates will retire in 2011 but not before he bloodies his axe a few more times while streamlining the Pentagon’s massive bureaucracy and tightening efficiencies. In a recent memo to military department secretaries, Gates directed “a series of initiatives designed to reduce duplication, overhead, and excess, and instill a culture of savings and restraint across the DoD.” Some of the key initiatives are:

Reduce by 10 percent service support contractors. Eliminate at least 50 general and flag positions and 150 senior civilian executive positions over the next two years.
Recommend closure of Joint Forces Command in Hampton Roads, VA. Gates insists every aspect of the defense budget will be reviewed -- to include increases in retiree health fees-- stating, "There are no sacred cows.” But notice he used only the word “recommend” closing JfCom. Sounds like the door is still open.

Anonymous said...

More than nine months after the Fort Hood, Texas, massacre, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered a series of changes meant to prevent such incidents.
In a 26-page memo released [Friday] and signed Aug. 18, Gates ordered a series of procedural and policy changes that focus on identifying, responding to and preventing potential WORKPLACE VIOLENCE
On Nov. 5, 2009, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an American-born Muslim of Palestinian descent, allegedly shot and killed 13 people [actually 14, but libs don't count unborn babies] and wounded dozens more at the Texas base. …
The changes include plans to educate military commanders on signs of potential WORKPLACE VILOENCE, increase commanders' access to personnel records and improve emergency notifications and the 911 system.

Apparently scrutinizing Muslims with radical associations who wave large red banners in advance of their killing sprees was not found to be necessary. Army bases like Fort Hood will no doubt remain gun-free zones, ensuring that our troops are helpless sitting ducks for the next Major Hasan.

The important thing is to twist ourselves into whatever demented contortions might be necessary so as to pretend that Hasan was just a disgruntled worker who happened to go postal, and his scream of "Allahu Akbar" as the bloodshed began was only an irrelevant slip of the tongue.

We are doomed to be slaughtered by our government stupidity and political correctness.
We haave heard on the talk shows and read how Moderate Muslims that are here in the states are not supporters of the extrmeist. that may be true. Well The really nice people who happen to be born Moslem but in no way are associated with this are NOT CONSIDERED "OF THE FAITH". In other words, THEY are infidels also.
It's no-win with Islam.
That just happens to be about 90% of Muslims. The bad part is there are over a billion Muslims, so if you have 10% of them as extremist thats about one hundred million crazys or almost 1/3 of the U.S population.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday by the proposed site of the Cordoba Mosque in downtown Manhattan protesters against the mosque's location were called racist by a smaller pro mosque group. This struck me as bizzare as the protesters were of many ethnicities. The followers of Islam are also of many ethnicities from Bosnian White to Nigerian Black to Chinese Yellow.

The victims of 911 were of many colors, nationalities and ethnicities. They were selfishly slaughtered by fanatical Muslims in a well planned coordinated attack. The families and friends of those who perished a horrible end must live with this loss for the rest of their lives. The word Racist, has no place in this discussion.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that it was Obama's kingpen lawyer who said we needed to talk about race in this country did he not? If white folks bring it up then we are called racist by the blacks. So naturally it becomes a part of the discussion and its only liberals who use it openly but critize others for it??Now to answer that for you does Charlie Daniels play a mean fiddle. Could Obama be Kenyan royality? How about a Muslim?

Kimo Kahuna said...

Obama is a combination Hawaiian-Kenyan Royalty. He is often confused and undecided whether to paddle a surfboard or steal it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Gates will retire and surley will become a lobbyist making millions.

Anonymous said...

Again we see racism being exploited by our bu racial presidnet and now he is once again targeting black folks and he is worried about racial profiling in Arizona?? This man child should practice what the hell he preaches. Please tell me that Zero and the DEA would not partake in racial profiling. But that is exactly what they are doing with the hiring of people who speak Ebonics! Our stimulus dollars finally created nine jobs!
For those wondering why Ebonics speakers are needed, it may be that Demwit liberal policies have led to there being more drug use, thus more drug sales,and more drug realted crimes. Before you say pot is a victimless crime,I direct your attention to border with Mexico and then to our cities.Suffolk included.
But you can’t possibly think that Eric Holder or Skippy wants to really crack down on drugs, ergo crime in black neighborhoods. Two brothas who would not prosecute Black Panthers?! The HNIC who appointed Van Jones to his Czar network?! Cracka please!
Neither of these light-skinned, metrosexual brothas would run the risk of losing street cred.
Leave it to progressives to promote the use of a useless language to fight a war that can’t be won with the current strategy, then to attempt to sell Ebonics as a language.

tom said...

If the closing will lower lower government expenses, and be good for the nation, I cannot understand what the whining is about.

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