Thursday, August 5, 2010


Who are the 81 Socialists in Congress? Some are flat out Communists, with a few Muslims mixed in, but this is important to know in order to understand what has gone so wrong in our country with our public school systems, our private business sector, and in some places, like Chicago, our judiciary.

Bernard Sanders, Senator from Vermont, is the mastermind and founder of the CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS, and a self-described Socialist. Nancy Pelosi was the chair of the CPC until she was elected Speaker of the House. Barack Obama is no longer an official CPC member since he is no longer a member of Congress.

Here are some of the names we see in the news: Steve Cohen (TN), Hank Johnson (GA), John Lewis (GA), Alcee Hastings (FL), Alan Grayson (FL) Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL), Jim Moran (VA), Charles Rangel (NY), Louise Slaughter (NY), Jerrold Nadler (NY), Dennis Kucinich (OH), Barney Frank (MA), John Conyers (MI), Jim McDermott (WA), Henry Waxman (CA), Lynn Woolsey (CA), Pete Stark (CA), and Maxine Waters (CA).
From The Virginia News Source provided by InsideSuffolk daily


Anonymous said...

You may as well include Republican Senators from Maine Snowe and Collins. There wasn't a government spending program or tax they didn't like. All of these Bozos will decide not to run next time or will lose their seat to angry voters. How to repair the damage after they are gone is another matter that will be very difficult and long process to undertake.

Years ago in our country, if a member of congress did the mis-deeds of the so called representative of the people they would have feared for their lives returning home. Fear was a great motivator back then. Now they call DC their home, are given special medical exemptions, big pensions an ambassadorship or consultant job. They write a book and worshiped by academia. Where is the outrage?

Anonymous said...

Just today Pelosi scored another victory by getting her democrats multibillion bill halfway through the puzzle palace. She actually believes spending more money will not only save jobs it will create them by the hundreds. No matter who will be stuck with paying for their actions. If you have children you can only hope there will be a workforce available to them. You may find them living with you much longer than desired. Congress has no idea how to pay for all they have spent but your kids can figure on it.

Anonymous said...

Pock I also think that Pelousy is a vampire.During her next press conference someone should tip the windowshade and let the sunlight shine on her and see what happens!

I was having a spirited debate with a liberal friend who asked me If I thought that Pelosi, Obama were really socialist's. I love answering a question with a question, My response was does Charlie Daniels play a mean fiddle?

Anonymous said...

One thing you've got to admire about Uncle Josef Stalin he cleaned his house often. Ours looks like something from the television program about Horders. Everywhere you look there are piles of useless politicians and bureaucrats.

Tsarovitch Romanov said...

Even after completing his five year plan several times sucessfully, Iosif Vissarionovich then embarked on his purges that rid the ranks of partisans, cronies and laggards as well as commion citizens and many innocent individuals. You may not agree with his method, but he was the last real Tsar since Peter the Great to modernize Russia. Who will ours be and will he be as big a monster as the Georgian called Stalin.

tom said...

I really do not care what political movement people claim to be in. There is good in all of them, as well as bad. Conservative, Liberal, Centrist, Independent, Socialist, Communist, Monarchy, Legislative Monarchy, Dictatorship, and on and on, all have both good and bad. I personally have some beliefs that are far left, some are far right, some in the middle and some off the charts in some unknown direction. Each of us is free to make our own choice about who to vote for and why. Lets stick with issues as most are doing, and leave the childish name calling for the playground.

Deb's Education Corner