Friday, August 13, 2010


Perhaps Dr. Liverman knew what was coming and escaped the problems in Suffolk Public Schools. This year fourteen schools failed  "Adequate Yearly Progress," The accomplishment  set a new record, only twelve failed  last year.  AYP is a relatively new way of measuring whether or not  a student has a chance in the job market or college, assuming they graduate.  It is tough enough in good economic times, nearly impossible today.  Consider the plight of those about to lose jobs in the  Defense Department.  They may face a challenge.  This certainly is the time to evaluate the members of the School Board up for election and those now In charge. Perhaps a new Superintendent should be selected AFTER a  new Board is seated.

A passing score on an SOL test for AYP purposes is 400 on a scale of 0-600. A score of 500 is considered advanced proficiency. A student needs only 66% to pass.


Pointed Ears said...

Teachers and administrators are pointing fingers at everyone except themselves. Granted there is ample blame to go around and Milton Liverman resigning was a step in the right direction. If you SPS employees are so knowledgable how about giving us your suggestions how to measure of performance? If you care not to do so and have nothing to say then you are the problem and need to move on away from our school system.

Anonymous said...

Liverman is another big paid political person who found out how to game the system for his own enrichment. Could he have chosen a better time to leave with his golden parachute?

Is this always to be the way Suffolk is treated by those who subscribe to be our highly paid public leaders? Look at how our mayor has cashed out in so many ways. Then there is the champion of all, Charles Parr who made big money finally getting elected and getting his property rezoned right afterwards for millions! Talk about problems, we have more than our share and it is not the loss of JIFFYCOM.

Do we deserve these people?

Anonymous said...

The SNH dared to publish a tough statement. The last sentence below edges toward "controversy.

"School Board members are in the process of finding a replacement for Dr. Milton Liverman, who retired in July from the position of school superintendent. Thursday’s report shows just what is at stake in that appointment. Whoever is chosen as the new superintendent, he or she must have a solid plan for turning the school system around. For too long, Suffolk has been satisfied to study the problem and look for a solution. It’s time for action."

But let the new Board make the decision if there are changes in Board members.

Anonymous said...

The next superintendent will be Black a partisan politico and a professional "educator" with no experience how to manage the schools as a business. Some caterpillers never turn into butterflys.

Anonymous said...

Some mover and shaker in the city must have a wife or other family relative who could step in and fill the position

Anonymous said...

Councilman Charles Brown would make an excellent School Superintendent. His CV includes teaching, management, and government. He is an excellent communicator that can take on the district's challenge by his unique talents and experience.

Anonymous said...

We have a communicator running the country and look where he has taken us aso far. FLUSHHHHHHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

Seventeen candidates for school superintendent. All willing and able with credentials and a pedigree in government service beyond reproach. They all look alike, talk alike, dress alike they even obey orders alike. Wonder if we can still reach Dr. Liverman out there in deep space for his opinion.

Anonymous said...

School Board member Phyllis Byrum, who represents the Whaleyville borough, said she felt the closed meeting was productive and that the board had made progress.

“We’ve made headway, and decided to meet with the council to have eye-to-eye contact and discuss some things there seem to be misunderstandings on,”

There is something wrong with the above sentence; what is it? What “no-no” did this school board member violate? A clue: Never end a sentence with a ____.

Ask your kids.

Deb's Education Corner