Friday, August 20, 2010


Up until now “IS” has resisted beating a drum for or against suffering a mosque within a hundred miles of New York City. But a final plea came in today so if you please, have at it. Actually we didn’t think any sensible citizen could be for it or admit it would be just fine. The interest is extraordinary and up until courageous Obama said his piece we were not looking for an exchange of viewpoint. When he said they had the right to build it we figured he is a Muslim. But a second thought told us he really is a Republican doing his very best to see Congress turned over to the Conservatives. So we throw it open to you but we are betting the result will be 80-20 against it even being allowed in North America. “Go ahead, make my day.”

If it turns out that Obama is a Muslim then instead of New York let them build the mosque in our great city called Washington D.C.  We show a preliminary sketch to give you an idea of possible changes in store for government employees and D.C. tourists.  


Anonymous said...

If you're like most Americans, you're likely unfamiliar with the Muslim Brotherhood--their history and their agenda.

Our fellow citizens need to know that the Muslim Brotherhood is leading the way for radical Muslims to infiltrate American society and government. Their goal is simple: control the United States and impose Shariah law.

Don't think this is a realistic threat? Well, they've already started.

Anonymous said...

• Phase III: Infiltrate America’s political and social institutions forming a shadow state; escalate conversions; manipulate mass media to remove language offensive to Islam. Obama is expert at that, he stopped after saying they have the right to build on private land.

Anonymous said...

Is he or is he not? I tend to think that he is a Muslim. He is a pretend "christian". Remember that the 9-11 hijackers hung out in topless bars and clubs doing things that the Qyran says can get you as a Muslim get you killed.
Mayor Bloomberg supports the building of he "place of worship" Mayor Bloomberg is blind to what this build represents? I thought that Govenor Patterson was the blind guy.He doesnt want the build at Ground Zero. Let me ask you this United flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania after the brave passengers wrested control from the hijackers. As we know however, the intended target of the hijackers of United 93 was the White House or the Capitol building. I suppose therefore if they had been successful, we would now be seeing demands for a mega mosque in our nations capitol What an obscenity this would be but I am sure that there would be the usual parade of soft-headed idiots that would support it.
What if If the KKK wanted to open a community center next to where Dr. King was assassinated, how would that fly with Bloomberg and Obama? How about it the NRA wanted to open up a facility near Columbine High school? How would the people of Oklahoma City feel if we built a 300 foot tall statue of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols right next to the Oklahoma City National Memorial, and we built it so that their shadows gazed triumphal over park in perpetuity?
Have you as an American forgot that Obama said in one of his earliest speeches, possibly Cairo, that he would defend Islam wherever it needed to be defended (not Christianity the religion he pretended to embrace in Rev. Wright's black church of Hate-Whitey) and he is as good as his word. It is actually Christians who need to be defended, in Sudan where Muslim militias have slaughtered half a million mostly Christian blacks, in Indonesia where Christian schoolgirls have been beheaded by Muslims and in the USA where 3000 mostly Christians were slain by Muslims on 9/11 followed up by Major Hasan shooting over 30 Christians at Fort Hood!!!
Will someone remind Obama that he is President of the USA, a Christian country? (Although he is on record saying America is NOT a Christian country and is one of the largest Muslim countries - not even close). HE ACTS AS THOUGH HE IS A FUNCTIONARY FOR THE WORLD MUSLIM PROJECT, RETURN OF THE CALIPHATE. He showed the same eagerness and emotion in this speech defending the indefensible as when he bowed-curtsied to his "pope" the Saudi king. Wake up people! This guy is a Muslim stalking horse!!!
Ponder this fools, if the build were to happen (Union types are saying no)that this place of "worships" unveiling is planned for September 11, 2011?
The practice of Islam is incompatible with the fundamental principles of this nation.
The practice of Islam is in direct defiance of, opposition to, and seeks the overthrow and replacement of our entire way of government and life.
WAKE UP AMERICA. This isn't about freedom of Religion.

Anonymous said...

I have never been a big fan of the ego of Donald Trump. What if he could come up with the investors and could rebuild the towers and build them bigger than the original ones built almost 40 years ago. Where would Bloomberg and other liberal idiots stand then? They were built in 5 years. There has been no real leadership in regards to honoring the site. Nine years later and there is still a hole in the ground. What kind of blacklash could one expect from the Muslims if they were to be able to build their mosque of victory. Think about it America
If the 911 Victory mosque gets built 2 blocks away, you can be guaranteed that the Imam & his pals will be "weighing in" heavily with City officials (as the new neighbor in the area)--to influence the nature and character of any 911 Memorial to be built to ensure that any monument or Visitor Center omits all reference to the fact that 19 radical Muslims hijacked the plane and murdered innocent Americans----because that, of course, would be "offensive to Muslims" and therefore, politically incorrect.
Build the towers just the way they were when the Muslims took them down. They were targeted because they symbolized what the Muslims hate about this country.The only people who had a problem with the old towers are the ones who destroyed them and I couldn't care less what they think. Putting them back only insults those who knocked them down! In other words kiss our...If Obama was any kind of leader or man, he could provide more stimulis money and see that the towers be built. For once we could see jobs being created and OUR money actually doing something good for our country. Based on the way he spends and wastes billions,whats another 100 million that would honor this country and the 3000 plus who were murdered on 9-11? Instead of letting them spit in our eye, its time to "PORK" them.

Anonymous said...

We already established that our President attended a church that practiced Black Liberation Theology. He said he didn't listen to weekly sermons in the twenty years he was a member of that church congregation lead by Reverend Jeremiah Wright who was once Muslim. Now we have the Cordoba Mosque rising mere feet away where our family and friends were vaporized or crushed to death not a decade ago with the blessings of the Mayor of New York and the President. We have got to be the most ignorant nation that ever existed.

Black Churches will begin to trend in greater number towards the beliefs of the Islamic Faith. There will be more Black converts to Islam and our nation that has already demonstrated to the world that it lacks the ability to say no, will allow them to force Shariah Law upon us. Closely monitor how Honor Killings and Muslim Terrorists are being prosecuted to see how far they have already underminied our nation's Judeo-Christian laws.

Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage over the repubs blocking the "first responders" bill?

Anonymous said...

Include the names of the Hijackers in the 911 Memorial so that generations from now we don't forget.

In Jerusalem by the Wailing Wall vendors should be allowed to open cheeseburger stands. In Mecca let them taste our delicious North Carolina bar-b-que and chase it down with a cold. In Amritsar India serve them up a chicken fried steak and a pat on top of their head as thanks for their patronage. Ford's Island, Hawaii relic dives of the Arizona. They can start right here in Virginia by removing the gravestones in Arlington and build a sub-division.

Anonymous said...

Since the house only needed 281 votes for Obamacare and there were 255 votes for this bill, why didn't it pass? What are the Dems doing to not make it pass? And doesn't Obamacare provide healthcare for all? So why would this bill be needed if Obamacare provides free healthcare for everyone?

While I consider the911 first responders heroes,I must say that they are no more heroic than any other firefighter in the line of duty. They were responding to something that fell within the duty and as such shoudl be given the SAME consideration as any other firefighter or police officer. Are we to believe that a firefighter who near ground zero is more of a hero that and deserving of an extra level of care than one who whose lungs were damages in a burinnghouse in Wichita or a chemical fire in Houston? The answer is no. Heroes are heroes no matter where they are and this seeks to single out and set up one group above others. Had this bill offered to support all first responders and not just those of 9-11 and if we had the money to pay for it the I would suport it. But as it is it does not deserve support. And more importantly it does nto deserve to be used as a political tool the way Rep Weiner was using it. that was despicable. Suffolk lost a hero from a heart attack after chasing a criminal not to long ago. Was he intitled to more than what he signed on for in the area of insurance or other standard services as provided by the city's policies governing employment. Would you have approved of a larger pay out?.I will say this our first responders and our military deserve better. Why cant they have the same perks and care that our so called leaders give themselves for not being in harms way or as most think they are entitiled and are eliets.
Your statement is null and void, the bill could not carry enough demwit votes to get it passed so one could say it was a bipartisan rejection. Remember liberals laid claim to Obamacare also being bi partisan when all repugs rejected it other than what 4 or five of them who did vote for it.

Anonymous said...

anon 405
Lets look at some will call simple but basic math. Could it be that if liberals, repugs and Obama would stop sending 800 million to Hamas, 30 million to Kenya for abortions, billions to GM who then sent one billion of our money to Brazil to upgrade their plants there while closing plants here, ACORN and the union scum get theirs in paybacks in so called "stimulus money" Even Pakistan is receivng billions. Whats really funny the billions we have given to the IMF have said that this country is bankrupt.Oh and lets not forget the 700 million given to the corrupt world organzation the UN, the model of ethics. So much for this New World order, We Are The World, light the candle, hold hands swaying to the music singing Imagine crap. Be prepared to see more of our heroes giving it all,while you as a sheep will be led away to lose your head or to be stoned to death...
All of this social enginnering, spreading the wealth b.s. is going to those who havent earned a damn thing get the money but those who do like our first responders and our military get dumped on all in the name of Islam and political correctness including in the name of the religion of peace. I extend my hand to them and liberals including Obama with my middle finger in a proud salute of defiance.Its a freedom of speech kind of thing you know....

Back at ya said...

Okay I'll bite to the Anonymous comment made at 4:05, why are the repubs blocking the "first responders bill"? Why should we be outraged? Answer these questions and we'll answer them. If you chose not to, then you are merely throwing stones without purpose inconsequential to the dialogue of this Post and should be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that when a liberal cannot bring anything of value or substance to the debate they go silent?

Here is a very bassic simple question.

Why do democrats, liberals, progressives or what ever they are this week, support Iran's building new nuclear plants yet oppose the US doing the same?
I really, really want to know........

Anonymous said...

You want outrage Anon 4:05.
Pock, sorry for the length and the cut and paste but this outrage is a real reflection on lawyers and lawyers who are politicans who appear to be doing the "right thing" for those first reponders

New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is one of the sleazier Democrats around, but has always flown under the national radar since he's decided to just reward himself in New York and not go national like other New York sleazebags (we're looking at you, Charlie Rangel). But when it comes to lining his own pockets, this guy makes Rangel and others look like pikers.
How's this for a conflict of interest?
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has spun the 9/11 lawsuits into gold.
Ground Zero workers are on the hook to pay steep interest on money their lawyers borrowed from a group of investors that include Silver and his law partners, The Post has learned.
Silver's partners at the Weitz & Luxenberg law firm are top board members of a business that quietly loaned money at 18 percent a year to the law firm representing some 9,800 Ground Zero workers with toxic-illness suits against the city.
Silver personally invested an undisclosed sum -- but at least $50,000 -- in Counsel Financial Services, a Buffalo-based attorney-funding company that gives four-year loans and lines of credit up to $10 million to law firms with cases expected to hit the jackpot.
Sources told The Post that Counsel Financial loaned money to Paul Napoli and Marc Bern, lead attorneys suing the city on behalf of cops, firefighters, hardhats and other workers and volunteers who blame illnesses on the toxic World Trade Center rubble.
Silver's office has previously described him as a "passive investor" in Counsel Financial.
"He doesn't know where the money goes," Silver spokeswoman Sisa Moyo said when asked to comment on Counsel Financial's connection to the law firm battling New York City in the 9/11 cases.
Silver's Assembly district covers much of lower Manhattan, including Ground Zero, and the speaker is arguably the most powerful Democrat in the state.
end part 1

Anonymous said...

part 2
A source familiar with the 9/11 litigation said Worby Groner Edelman & Napoli Bern, the law partnership representing the 9/11 workers, "had to lay out $20 million to $30 million" to fight the cases for six years against City Hall, which at first refused to pay a dime to ailing workers.

The firm "borrowed most of it," the source said, adding that the lawyers would have to repay the loans themselves if they lost the cases. "They took the risk."

Napoli said his firm took out various loans "at the best rates we could find," but would not answer further questions.

But now, lawyers are trying to pass on the interest costs to their 9/11 clients. Manhattan federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein has called a hearing next week to investigate whether the lawyers have overcharged their clients.

Out of the proposed $675 million settlement, the lawyers are expected to collect nearly $200 million in fees and expenses -- including "repayment of interest expenses."

Workers said they had no knowledge of the loans and no idea they would be socked with the interest charges. Some were stunned when they opened their settlement-proposal letters last month to learn their awards would be slashed by hundreds to thousands each.

One first responder, told of Silver's connection to the high-interest loans, was disgusted.

"He's making a profit off the sick and the dead in the world's biggest tragedy," he said. "These guys are just capitalizing off the guys who really need help."
Needless to say, this is just beyond the pale. I'm sure al of Silver's Democrat brethren will be quick to denounce this.
"It's highly questionable for the speaker to be investing in a company whose interest charges to the lawyers result in reduced federal taxpayer support for ill 9/11 workers," said Dick Dadey, director of Citizens Union.

He added, "For the lawyers to add interest to their generous take is particularly heinous when this federal money is intended for those who fell ill helping the country on 9/11."
SIlver, naturally, supports the Ground Zero mosque. Who knows, maybe he's an investor in that as well.

Where is your outrage now anon4:05
Let me see a lawyer who just happens to be what?" A liberal cess pool deweler aka a progressive aka democrat

Anonymous said...

Today’s crop of Republican lawmakers have never met a tax increase they didn’t absolutely loath, even if the “tax increase” is actually the closing of a tax loophole for multinational corporations and even if it would pay for much-needed health care for some of the nation’s bravest and most deserving heroes.

So it should come as no surprise that last week, all but 12 House Republicans voted against a measure that would have provided free health care and compensation payments to 9/11 rescue workers suffering from respiratory illnesses due to inhaling dust at Ground Zero.

The cost of the $7.4 billion bill would have been completely covered by closing tax loopholes on foreign subsidiaries that do business in the U.S. Under the bill, multinational corporations incorporated in designated tax haven countries would no longer be able to avoid tax obligations on money made in the U.S.

Republicans referred derisively to the measure as a “slush fund” and a “massive new entitlement program.”

“They were there to save survivors, not to raise taxes,” Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), doing his best Sylvia Brown impersonation and reading the minds of 9/11 first responders, inexplicably said on the House floor during debate on the bill.

Eager to protect the profits of multinational corporations, many of Brady’s colleagues took to the House floor to decry the evils of ending tax evasion.

“This legislation has been paired with a fundamentally flawed and job-destroying tax increase, and therefore I will vote against it, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) said on the House floor.

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), who infamously defended BP against the federal government creating a $20 billion fund to pay for the Gulf oil spill, portrayed the measure as a huge tax increase on average Americans rather than a tool to collect billions owed to the U.S. Treasury by tax-cheating companies.

"We support it, without raising taxes on the rest of the American people," he said.
Others used the typical Republicans attack, claiming that the measure is just part of a secretive and ominous Democrat plot to grow the size of government and strap today’s children with tomorrow’s debt by stealing from the pockets of hard-working Americans.

"I think this is another example of the Democrats' insatiable appetite for the taxpayers' hard-earned dollars," Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) said on the House floor.

The measure ultimately failed to pass despite garnering a majority of House members. Fearful of casting tough votes during an election year on unrelated amendments dealing with abortion and illegal immigration, Democrats used suspension rules to block Republicans from offering frivolous amendments. However, that all required the bill to gain a two-thirds majority, or 291 votes. In the end, only 255 lawmakers voted in favor of the measure.

Democrats defended their decision to use suspension rules, claiming it was a common procedure that prevented Republicans from playing politics with a bill that has been nine years in the making.

"It's Republicans wrapping their arms around Republicans rather than doing the right thing on behalf of the heroes," Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) said during an impassioned floor specch. "It is a shame. A shame! If you believe this is a bad idea to provide health care--then vote no! But don't give me the cowardly view that 'Oh, if it was a different procedure.'"

Anonymous said...

Then let them hire a demwit liberal attorney to fight for their cause pro bono.Its another bi partisan bill just this time yoy could not count on other liberals to agree with their own. I wonder why? Why not blame Boosh Do you think that our firsdt responders and our military dont deserve the same perks and insurance that congress has. Remember its our tax dollar that pays for their 5 star medical plan and their rating is what

rpock said...

"An orthodox Muslim man would never take his wife on a politically oriented trip to any nation which practices Sharia law, particularly Saudi Arabia where the Wahhabi sect is dominant. This is true and it is why Obama left Michelle in Europe . She will stay home when he visits Arab countries. He knows Muslim protocol; this includes, bowing to the Saudi King. Obama is regarded as a Muslim in the Arab world, because he was born to a Muslim father; he acknowledged his Muslim faith with George Stephanopoulus. Note that he downplays his involvement with Christianity, by not publicly joining a Christian church in D.C. And occasionally attending the chapel for services at Camp David. He also played down the fact that America is a Christian country and said, unbelievably, that it was one of the largest Muslim nations in the world, which is nonsense. He has publicly taken the side of the Palestinians in the conflict with Israel and he ignored the National Day of Prayer, something no other President has ever done. He is bad news! He conceals his true faith to the detriment of the American people." --- Jim Murk, Doctor of Philosophy in Middle Eastern Culture & Religion.

Anonymous said...

Obama is a pretend christian. Fact plain and simple.
We have the NY slimes still telling us that we has a country are built as well on Islamic values. Even Zero made claim to the same b.s.. If any one can share with me that and point it out please do. All of this is positively sane compared to this from Haaretz: “Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told the Al Wasat newspaper in Bahrain that the freedoms enshrined by the U.S. Constitution also reflect true Muslim values.”


The Constitution of the United States is embraced by Islam?



Show me the Islamic nation that respects freedom of speech and freedom of speech and a free press and the right to petition government for redress and the right to peacefully protest and the right to bear arms and the right to a jury trial and the right to face one’s accusers and protection from cruel and unusual punishment and the right to remain silent and equal rights for women and minorities and yes, the right to drink alcohol…

I will grant you that some Islamic states offer some of these rights and that Turkey was pursuing a Western-style democracy.

But Rauf is a Sunni Muslim and in Saudi Arabia, a majority Sunni nation whose legal system is stuck in the 7th century.
"The freedoms enshrined by the U.S. Constitution also reflect true Muslim values.”
This is oh, so true. sarc

And if you disagree, they’ll cut your tongue out.
Islam and the United States Constitution are fundamentally incompatible. Choose one or the other, because you can’t have both.
We see which one our President has chosen to serve. Hint: it’s not the one ratified in 1787.

Anonymous said...

Pock: Islam should be reclassified from ‘RELIGION’ to ‘PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEM’ – a virulent contagious mental illness.

Of course,Hillary and Rouaf are going to approach the various Muslim heads of state — starting in Saudi Arabia — to ask permission for Christians to build churches in all the major Muslim cities. Since there are 2000 mosques now in America, the Christians have a lot of catching up to do in Saudi Arabia and Syria.

Obama and liberals want us to show some tolerance for an intolerable act from the most intolerant culture on the planet?

Naw, not gonna happen kiddies. It’s time to take a stand.Lock&Load

Anonymous said...

More and more of the Black Community are coverting from Christianity to Islam as they believe they are returning to their ancestral religion of West Africa. Others will take a more radical approach believeing they can wrest power and undermine the system for their personal benefit. In the next ten years we will see significant number of Mosques open all over the country and a rapid destabilization and closure of Black Churches. Our lives and businesses will be interrupted at least five times a day as followers will be excused by the call to prayer. Freedom of Religion and Speech will be the fulcrum.

Anonymous said...

From the land of tolerance and our Muslim brothers as Obama would say

A Saudi court has ruled a man's spinal cord can be severed as punishment for his cleaver attack on another man.
A Saudi Arabian court has ruled that a convicted man's spinal cord should be severed so he is paralyzed as part of the kingdom's Islamic-law-oriented retribution for similar injuries he is said to have inflicted upon another man in a fight.

The ruling has prompted an outcry from human rights groups and an intervention from Saudi officials who say they are trying to persuade the victim to accept monetary compensation for his injuries instead of the punishment against the criminal.

According to reports from Saudi Arabia, the court in Tabuk, on the northwest coast of the kingdom, has approached a number of hospitals about the possibility of cutting the convicted man's spinal cord.

So far at least two hospitals have refused to carry out the procedure, citing ethical concerns.

In the Saudi justice system, the court establishes guilt and the family of the victim or the victim himself has the option of inflicting the same injury upon the guilty party, seeking blood money or offering a pardon.

"The sentence of 'an eye for an eye' has always been in conflict with medical ethics," said Christoph Wilcke, a senior researcher for Saudi Arabia at Human Rights Watch, adding, "This case is a new angle in the sense that doctors are speaking out."

Amnesty International urged Saudi authorities not to deliberately paralyze the man.

Anonymous said...

This just came to light how stupid of me. hillary and Rauf are visting other Muslin countries. It is reported that Rauf is not enganging in rasing money at this time for the grand golden porcelian throne to be built near ground zero. I guess Skillay isnt seeking more money for the Clinton library either.

Anonymous said...

Building Permit

I recently submitted a building permit application for a new house. It was going to be 100 ft. tall and 400 ft. wide with 9 gun turrets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system. It would have had parking for 200 cars and I was going to paint it green with pink trim.

The City Council told me to forget about it. So, I sent the application in again, but this time I called it a Mosque.

Work starts on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I think I figured out why Skippy is playing all this golf. Since OJ is in prison & can no longer be out on the Golf course checking around for the real killer of his wife & her friend……Maybe thats what the Messiah is doing out on the Golf courses for his Friend OJ!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that by leaving islam to convert to Christ you have brought the wrath of allah upon you and are marked for death. Yet Obama freely travels in muslim countries, meets with their leaders and has 200 muslims in his dining room for ramadan dinner. Surely they could have killed him at any time. Pres. Bush had a shoe thrown at him, yet not a single word of obama's conversion from any muslim, anywhere.
I ask this and not one liberal muslim lover wants to talk about why a 16 year old girl is marked for receiving Christ but obama gets a pass. They really want to end the conversation when it gets to the muslim pratice of deceit in order to advance their agenda. I think Obama is a muslim period.

Well boys and girls Obama now claims he is a christian. Fine. Let him produce his baptismal certificate. Just like his other sealed records.

Anonymous said...

Folks, just in case you didnt know there are nearly a hundred mosques in NYC, 20 of them in Manhattan alone.Everything about this mosque is an in-your-face attempt to raise a memorial and shrine not to the 3,000 Americans who lost their lives on 9/11, but to the murderous martyrs who killed them.
If Park 51 is genuine in their desire to build bridges between Muslims and non-Islamic society, they need to just buy the world a Coke and call it a day, because the mosque isn’t going to help matters.Maybe all of those who support the mosque and its building may they have a candle light gathering, join hands and sing Imagine.

Anonymous said...

After it was revealed that the folks that want to build the Islamic Victory Tower in the shadow of the Ground Zero crater only had about $18,000 on hand questions started to arise about the funding. Good news for New Yorkers. The Democrat governor and comptroller, John Liu, have come up with an idea to make New Yorkers pay for it.
The Muslim center planned near the site of the World Trade Center attack could qualify for tax-free financing. I remember during the Cold War that there was quote attributed to some Soviet big wig saying they would beat America with it's own freedoms and it certainly seems we have plenty of people nowadays willing to make that become a reality.

Anonymous said...

Foof for thought:
“What happens when more Americans think he is Muslim than think he is Christian*?
Does he get kicked out of the church?”
Wouldn’t he have to attend one first?
I think the only thing they’ll kick you out of Our Lady of the Fairways for is not paying your greens fees…
I guess obviously a lot of people, like the Zero say they believe one thing but actually practice and do another.

Anonymous said...

Not that this is front pages news.There now is a muslim soldier at Fort Campbell refusing to deploy to Afghanistan. Do you need to guess why? Maybe his religion you think? He is now claiming to be a conscientious objector.Isnt this army of ours all volunteers?
This is a prime example of why every Muslim in our miltary should be discharged, If they are true believer in Islam thier religous beliefs are in direct conflict with Shira law and our constitution. I dont think that he should be deployed due tot eh possible harm he could do to his fellow solider. Deploy the unit and deploy his butt into the brig. for the verbiage as used by the DOD states the following:
3.5. War In Any Form. The clause "war in any form" should be interpreted in the following manner:

3.5.1. An individual who desires to choose the war in which he or she will participate is not a Conscientious Objector under the law. The individual's objection must be to all wars rather than a specific war.
Deploy him to Leavenworth where he can turn a big pile of rocks into smaler piles.If this Muslim is right-handed, and used that hand to sign all his enlistment papers, apply Sharia law to his devout self.

Anonymous said...

Once again we liberals who fail to pay taxes but could obtain intrest free financing to build a "community center" the words of Keith Obltoon, Prissy Matthews and other liberal morinic thinkers. Turns out that the backers owe $224,270.77 in back property tax on the site.
Where is the MSM in reporting this?
And people question Fox News?

Anonymous said...

A cellphone taped to a Peptobismal bottle, suddenly change their flights, Arab looking young men over dressed in heavy winter garb and they got through the airport apes at TSA. Any of you government workers feeling comfortable about flying home for the "Holidays"?

Anonymous said...

This is day two after Zero announced the end of combat operations in Iraq: 2 dead
This story to continue

Anonymous said...

For the liberals: What is it that you don't understand? "Long live Islam" and "Death to America"

Anonymous said...

Once again Barrack Obama will skip 9-11 in New York. Not exactly a profile in courage is he?
I guess that isnt surprising. But you can bet that if the Mooslims succeed in building the GZ mosque he will make it a point to appear at their grand opening. It's just "reaching out" you know.
Today he strongly condemned the Florida church that plans to burn korans on 9/11. I may not agree with them, but hey, isn't that their religious right under the constitution? The same right he celebrated for the muslims to build their triumphal mega-mosque at Ground Zero? Obama is such a hyprocrite!
Personally I am glad that he isnt going. You think that Bush and Rudy could make it? But then again that might inflame the people that Obama (the dog) even more.My apology to all dogs.
He goes to a Ramadan event to honor the same group that caused 911 and joins their fight for a ground zero mosque but he can't find time to honor the many hundreds of victims and heroes that died that fateful morning? And the left wing press is surprised that 18% of Americans think he is a Muslim! Hell, I'm surprised that it isn't 50%.
Remember in his one of his books what he said basically that if push came to shove he would stand with muslims.....he has consistantly done this...and that is what he is doing on 9/11...I wish it was just him being a thinned skinned coward...unfortuantely we have elected a president who stands against and works against the United States at every turn

Anonymous said...

Its been 9 days since Zero declared an end to combat opearions in Iraq: 4 dead
This story will continue

Anonymous said...


Well, someone figured out why Obama nominated Elana Kagan for the Supreme Court.... Pull up the Supreme Courts website, go to the docket and search for Obama.

She was the Solicitor General for all the suits against him filed with the Supreme Court to show proof of natural born citizenship. He owes her big time. All of the requests were denied of course. They were never heard. It just keeps getting deeper and deeper, doesn't it? The American people mean nothing any longer. It's all about payback time for those that compromised themselves to elect someone that really has no true right to even be there.

Anonymous said...

NYC Firefighters lost over four hundred brothers in the attack on the World Trade Center. They need to send a message to Mayor Bloomberg they are in opposition to his appeasement by calling for a sickout, slow down or all out strike. The Mayor doesn't get it unless he is stood up to by decent citizens.

tom said...

There are already over 100 mosques in New York City. The non-issue of a new Islamic civic center with a small place of worship located two blocks from ground zero is a waste of time. All ranting about it does is give terrorists ammunition for gathering new followers. Freedom of religion means, freedom of religion.
Our president has many times stated he is NOT Muslim. He IS Christian. Making snide remarks about his religion shows your ignorance, and nothing else.

tom said...

Even Bortz, Hannity, Beck and Savage have all admitted that they recognize that Obama is a natural born American citizen. If there was no proof of his citizenship do you think President Bush would have allowed him to be sworn in? This Birther movement is total idiocy.

Anonymous said...

Dear never without words Tom, do you really believe Obama is a Christian? You have doing a lot of writing recently and I was beginning to think you are a bright individual. Not now.

Anonymous said...

Well this president doesnt celebrate Christmas, He celebrates the made up holiday called Kwanza and he doest exchange gifts even with his two daughters. To clear things up then provide the birth certificate and Skippy needs to release his baptismal certificate

tom said...

A great many Christians do NOT exchange gifts. And a great many Christians celebrate Kwanzaa. All Holidays are made up, just because one has been created to celebrate African heritage, does not make it any less valid than those created to celebrate Jewish, Christian, Muslim, American, English, Canadian or any other "cause".

As I also said earlier, the birth certificate is not an issue, it has been settled to the satisfaction of all but conspiracy 'people'.

Anonymous said...

Tom Tom Tom: Upon reading your last comments, then Bill Maher is right you are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Tom no matter what Obama's religion might be, which I tend to think he had none close to being a christian. Who would choose this unaccomplished pedant to lead anything more substantial than a conga line in or out of church?When will Obama stand up and assume the responsibility of mature leadership?"This manchild is already a lengend in his own mind.

Anonymous said...

Obama is Half white, half black, half Christian, half Muslin, half American, half Indonesian, half truths, half lies. What do you get? A False Prophet! Sometimes the Bible, sometimes the Quran. What’s black is white, what’s white is black. What’s up is down, what’s down is up . . . a crockpot of truths, half truths,distortions and lies.

Anonymous said...

Tom I suggest the following regarding the question of whether Obama is a Muslim or Christian can be best be determined by an examination of his life and finding the best fit. In my opinion Obama is a Black Muslim. Black Muslims can be defined as an American sect of Islam that has as its goals, Nationalism, Separatism, Reparations and Retribution bound together by Islam and guided by Marxism. His youth indicates at the least a tolerance for Islam, more probably a comfort. His mentors and education indicate a preference for Marxism that he deems necessary to overcome U.S. Colonialism in the world. His more than 20 years in Reverend Wright's church learning Black Liberation Theology while flying a banner of Christianity explains his ideas of victimhood, separatism, reparations and retribution for Blacks. And his relationship With The Nation Of Islam suggests that he may harbor an idea that Blacks in America should have their own nation like Indian Nations currently have. Since Louis Farrakhan, the leader of The Nation Of Islam, believes a flying saucer is an integral part of his life, Obama can't express separatism as an ideal because he would lose credibility.

tom said...

There is no question of Obama's religion, he has stated repeatedly he is Christian. Myself being an atheist, I accept the word of any person about their own beliefs. I have no ax to grind against Islam, Christianity, or any other religion. People commit bad acts, not religion. I save my disdain and anger for those whose acts are harmful, not for the god they choose to (or not to) believe in. The religion of out president has not the most minor importance to me. His actions do, and like all of out presidents so far, I agree with some of his actions and disagree with others.

tom said...

Once upon a time in this great nation, many of our states wished to leave the union known as America. They had that right, to express their views and even act legally on them. Until the shots were fired that started the Civil War, no crime was committed. If some people in America today feel the need to express their desire for a separate nation, that is fine with me. It is their right under freedom of though and speech. Until the day they fire shots to support their ideas, they are just doing what all Americans have the right to do. If anyone in America, wishes to be a racist, bigot, or idiot, that is their human given right, paid for with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Anonymous said...

Tom; the following quote came from Zerowhile speaking to the congressional hispanic cacus. See if it you can identify it.
“So let me close by saying this. Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. To British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, to Mexican — (applause) — to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land. We didn’t always get along. But over the centuries, what eventually bound us together — what made us all Americans — was not a matter of blood, it wasn’t a matter of birth. It was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Something about we hold? these truths? Here are the words as written
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”It from the preamble to the United States Tom.
Yes Skippy has stated he is a christian and the hijackers on 9-11hung out in strip clubs.
Tom:You can make the argument that he is or isnt a muslim but you cant make the argument he is a Christian.I tell you what Tom.
He is an athiesist or a muslim.
Either way – he ain’t American. What a national embarrassment this person (I won’t say man) is.

tom said...

Oh, for those of you that do not know, the quote in a previous comment was made by our president to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 33rd Annual Awards earlier this week. It was a political speech to promote togetherness (and hopefully to gather votes). It is not a quote from a dictionary, nor does it provide a definition for any English word.

Anonymous said...

Tom Bill Marher is right. he used the words that come form the The Preamble to the U.S. Declaration of Independence: He left out th word Creator Tom. One other thing he said isnt factual in his comments.
“Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. To British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, to Mexican”

Opps Mexico declared independence from Spain September 16, 1810. They were Spaniards until September 27, 1821 when Mexico was recognized as an independent nation.
So Tom is he smarter than all of our Founding Fathers? I am sure and you were correct Tom, that since it was an official dinner, he was speaking off the TOTUS, but seriously, not quoting the Declaration of Independence correctly shows not only his incorrect knowledge of American history but also his speechwriters. They and he do not give a damnn about America.
It reminds me of his 57 states remark but then again there are 57 Islamic states.
Tom I won't quit picking on the black guy. He’s puny in complishment
but soaring in rhetoric. Just what America needed in our time
of crisis…..affirmative action, and a Marlboro Lite dangling from
those sneering purple lips.

tom said...

Unlike many, I am neither racist, bigoted, nor an idiot. But I am foolish. I should know better than to attempt to make sense to those that do not desire to be sensible. Forgive my foolishness, and I will do my best to stick to topic and stay away from inane and argumentative discussion. Thanks.
PS. In the entire world, their are 27 nations which have some form of Islam (Sunni or Shi'a) as their national religion. The Organization of the Islamic Conference, has 57 nations which send members to it, 30 of those member nations are NOT Islamic states. It also has 5 nations which send Observers, and 7 international or national organizations which also send observers, giving the OIC 69 members, not 57, of which only 27 are Islamic States. Facts are nice, but do tend to confuse many people.

tom said...

Every President and Politician that has ever existed, has been tired, mistaken, confused, or just plain wrong in some statement at some time. To take these mistakes as some hidden meaning or conspiracy is more than just foolish, it is --- hmmm, no it is just foolish.

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