Friday, August 20, 2010


Visiting with a friend today I picked up a slant that maybe hasn’t occurred to those local and state leaders hoping to change the mind of Gates and/or Obama so they would leave JfCom in place. I have not heard the idea kicked around in high or low level conferences but it’s quite obvious when you think about it. It is called horse-trading when two persons dicker over almost anything. Assuming the person you dicker with has the authority to OK a deal, you trot out your willingness to trade, trade “even” if necessary, but trade. So what does Virginia have to trade that could be equal to the value of our JfCom? What else has the government been willing to take away from Virginia? What else are the powers that be attempting to wrest from the economy of this state? Why would Virginia be expected to give up both when even one or the other gouges a big hole in our economy? They speak of moving an Aircraft Carrier to another State, a move that would harm the economy in many ways. Are we really expected to give up both? I don’t pretend to know the actual value of either but for sure they won’t let us keep both. It is time for some horse-trading.


Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is declaring peace in the middle east in one year between Irael and Hamas/Palestine. Meanwhile Russians are fueling an Iranian nuclear reactor and Iran is building another fuel enrichment facility to have a bomb in about a year. So we're worried about a Aircraft carrier being relocated? Sounds to me it's a smart move because Norfolk Naval Base is a bullseye on some terrorist's map.

rpock said...

It appears that the local authorities, State and local, are surprised to learn that military top brass had kicked the JfCom closing idea around five months ago. What surprises me is that they are surprised, seems that would be the normal thing to do...get the boys together late at the Officer's Club, a few drinks then Gates springs it and watches their faces go white. C'mon now people, can you imagine it the other way around...Gates asks our mayor for an opinion before he tells the top Marine?

Anonymous said...

Pock you don't trade anything with a highwaymen. You raise your hands up high, hope and pray all they want is your valuables and then leave. If on the other hand you are armed and ready for a fight the highwaymen usually flees to seek out another more vulnerable victim. Likewise Virginians need to prepared for the type of fight to come on all fronts of social-economic, political and physical warfare if need be.

Anonymous said...

How about not sending our federal taxes to Washington. If the people withheld paying taxes the federal government would come to a screeching stop. It hasn't been done before, but it would get the message across that we The People have had enough.

Anonymous said...

Whats next Norfolk closing? If Crist wins in Florida and the demwit liberal wins the Govenorship in Fla. Dont be surprised if the Second Fleet ends up in Jacksonville

Anonymous said...

At one time I had no sympthay for those at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Now I tend to understand and have some sympthay.
I saw a Ron Paul bumper sticker the other day and didnt know whether to laugh or cry..

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt the Commander & Sheik will be sending Norfolk based ships to Florida for several reasons. Mayport needs an economic shot in the arm. Florida has been an important swing state during national elections. Bush wouldn't have been elected president in 2000without Florida's votes. Crist clearly is a political weasel that will do anything to become Senator. Political pay back against Virginians for electing a Republican Governor. Virginia is trending strongly to the right for the foreseeable future and needs a push back (scare) to bring them back in line. JFCOM is just the beginning more closures, cutback surprises will follow.

Norfolk is today's version of Pearl Harbor. The Naval fleet battle groups, ship repair yards and fleet services are all concentrated here in Hampton Roads. Consequently it is an important target to anyone, nation or organization that wants to hobble our country's ability to strike back.

Anonymous said...

The Doomsday Clock is six minutes to midnight. After Iran detonates their A-bomb how much will the minute hand be moved forward is up for debate. However there is no question anywhere the hand will be moved forward far closer to midnight than ever before. Israel will not wait to strike or be wiped out. We have been distracted with petty issues and partisan politics while our enemies plot our demise through cultural, economic and cultural means. We are at the edge of national suicide triggered by a man induced catastrophy and no one has will to recognize it's about to happen. God help us all.

rpock said...

City of Suffolk could lose $2.5M - $4M, the estimated impact to annual Suffolk tax revenue under the scenario of a complete closure of the USJFCOM Suffolk campus.
And they would make that up with an increase in the tax rate rather than cut costs.

Anonymous said...

JFCom headed for Florida to join an even larger group of similar industries. And maybe the second fleet with it. If so there is no need for another crossing and both tunnels will see traffic ease up a bit. Gates, with one stroke solves a lot of our problems. That's the positive side

Anonymous said...

The photograph incorrectly shows a carrier entering a port. The correct view should be of it leaving Norfolk for Mayport. The Commander & Sheik would have it no other way to any state that dares to stand in his way.

Anonymous said...

When Obama and Gates close the facility I propose that they turn it into a mosque and a community center for our brothers from the religion of peace.

tom said...

First off, your entire premise is wrong. The question is not what harm moving either thing will do to Virginia, but what good it will do for the NATION.

Anonymous said...

B.S. If this a budgetary problem and a spending problem, then stop sending our treasure over seas to our enemies in the way of "aid". We need to stop being the cash cow for the UN. Another one of our enemies. This county's back bone is now its knees.

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