Friday, August 6, 2010


Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT):
Senator John Ensign (R-NV):
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA):
Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner:
Attorney General Eric Holder:
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL):
President Barack Obama:
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and the rest of the PMA Seven:
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY):


Anonymous said...

Fed Chairman Bernanke, NY Senator Chuck Schumer and Utah Senator Harry Reid didn't make the corruption list? Exactly how bad does it have to get before they earn their spot in the hall of shame.

Anonymous said...

Franklin D. Raines, former CEO of Fannie Mae, walked away with $90 million dollars of taxpayer money . . . after being proven to have cooked the accounting books! How he's not in jail is beyond anyone's comprehension. He should be a shoe-in for the top ten.

Anonymous said...

The PMA has now been indicted as well.
Maxine Waters once suggested that government could and should deposit funds into minority banks. Funny! Waters is now under investigation for bank-related conflict of interest, or what appears to be illegal reimbursement. "Waters ... has been under investigation for a possible conflict of interest involving a bank that was seeking federal aid. Her husband owned stock in the bank and had served on the board." Waters "defended her role in assisting minority-owned banks in the midst of [a] financial meltdown" Maxine helped instigate.
Rangel, Waters,both accused of ethical violations, both of these liberal power brokers behave in a manner that smacks of a "you owe me" mentality.
I believe it was Maxine Walters who said something like, "40 acres and a mule, I want 40 thousand and a Lexus".

Anonymous said...

If Maxine wants 40K and a Lexus that's fine with me. She and hers will get it after they are repatriated to join her fellow countrymen in Monrovia Liberia.

Anonymous said...

Wow -
Whoever wrote this must not know that John Murtha is dead.Great reporting. Maybe you could find the newest updated list which has an equal number of LIVING republicans on it.What a bunch of mess this idiotic blog is!Good luck.

rpock said...

We all know John Murtha is dead but that doesn't relieve him of his legacy. Better we show his "rank" when alive than allow the living to wonder why he wasn't listed. Of course there are some that will not understand but the vast majority did.

Anonymous said...

So ,using your logic Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon should still be on the list along with all the other republicans who have been corrupt over the years.What say you?

rpock said...

No, and you know better, it's just your way of being "clever". Those on the list are of relatively recent vintage and connected to what has "suddenly" caused severe nail biting in the nation, even Democrats are nervous and worried about being connected to the Obama administration. Political party was identified to those on the nefarious list and many could be added from all political parties. But try to realize the list is not ours...we merely published it. They stopped at ten…we could add many. And when we do we will consult you if you care to leave an Email address.

Anonymous said...

I would rather not leave my email address,I don't want to be associated with your group of carpetbaggers. I am a proud fifth generation Suffolkian and Virginian.I wonder how many of the contributors to inside Suffolk can say the same. I would guess mainly Northern Carpetbaggers.You folks are so blinded by your hatred of anything that doesnt fit into Your America .

Anonymous said...

I don't recall President Richard Nixon ever slandering our military the way Murtha did shortly before he had his VA surgical undoing. He should have been more careful who he attacked before going under anesthesia. Frankly speaking under the present circumstances Nixon looks like a Saint compared to the crowd on Capital Hill. FYI today 26 Billion of your children's furture was GIVEN to the NEA.

Anonymous said...

A fifth generation Suffolkian and still proud to say not a branch on the tree to show for it. Linear lineage means faulty DNA. Pay no heed to the man hiding behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

The Nansemonds have been here in Suffolk far longer than five generations. Take a look how much good that did them when the city wouldn't lease them property that rightfully belonged to them before someone's Great x 5 Grandfather stole it from them. See you Pale Farce 4:45 at the Pow Wow.

Anonymous said...

I read the comment exchange between Pocklington and some nut I was surprised and pleased. A good share of the comments come from nonthinkers who probably voted for Obama and dislike Inside Suffolk because it hits nails on the head. If those nuts could read they might note that IS has had more than 52,000 computers log on for a peek. If the SNH would print news I would read it. It appears to me the IS team goes out of its way to keep us informed and doesn't dodge controversy. Keep it going.

Not here in suffolk for five generations said...

Five generations in Suffolk, huh. If that is what counts in Suffolk it explains a lot for the problems we are having here in Peanut-Town. Small minds and inbreeding are endemic of all that some call Suffolk, but not us all. Does the Shrimp FEAST discribe the small minds not the seafood that are so well connected to all that is power in Suffolk right now?

If this line of reason (that I have been here longer than you)passes for belief in some superior standing by some smaller minds, we really are in trouble. It is apparent to anyone that wishes to see it, that there actually are more of us that have been here only a few years, than the santimounious souls who claim to have been here for five generations. Maybe a better claim would be how much money you have, or how big a house you own, or how much your job pays, or how well educated you are, or other irrelevent huwee!

What a sad state of affairs we suffer when the claim to substance in Suffolk by some is bolstered by time in place as in your claim that you have been breeding here longer than the rest of us. Last time I looked your vote does not count for more than mine. See you at the polls and I hope to cancel your vote out in the next election and make you nothing at all. What stupid people we suffer!

Anonymous said...

What is there to be proud of with Suffolk? All you have is crime and gangs, a downtown that hasn't changed in over 30 years. For entertainment you have a peanut festival which fits all the goobers here. To actually do real shopping you have to drive to Chesapeake, Norfolk or Virginia Beach.

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