Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Good question…why should Chuckatuck citizens vote for Mike Duman. He gave me four good answers, not promises, his serious intentions.

“I will encourage and promote business development and ASSIST existing businesses. It is critical we continue to attract small commercial development to reduce the tax burden on our citizens. I will focus on small business and entrepreneurial start-ups relying on 30 years of business experience and time on Suffolk’s EDA.

I will work to maintain a low tax rate by spending most tax dollars on core government services, public services, utilities, and education. I will insist we consider “needs before wants.”

I am a firm believer in open government. I will foster an environment and establish lines of communications to insure interested citizens have access to city information. I will further establish that city employees are accommodating and accountable.

I have had many years of business experience dealing with the public and making thousands of transactions.. I have also made numerous personnel and business decisions. I believe I am uniquely qualified to make practical, sensible and logical determinations that will benefit the citizens of Suffolk.

Reach Mike at 757-539-3826       or  mailto:MIKEDUMAN@MIKEDUMAN.COM


For the past few years www.snopescom has positioned itself, or others have labeled it, as the 'tell-all final word' on any comment, claim and email. But for several years people tried to find out who exactly was behind snopes.com. Only recently did Wikipedia get to the bottom of it. It is run by a husband and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California started the website about 13 years ago - and they have no formal background or experience in investigative research. After a few years it gained popularity believing it to be unbiased and neutral, but over the past couple of years people started asking questions who was behind it and did they have a selfish motivation? Then it has been learned the Mikkelson's are very Democratic (party) and extremely liberal. Take what Snopes says at face value and nothing more. Use it only to lead you to their references where you can link to and read the sources for yourself. Plus, you can always Google a subject and do the research yourself. It now seems apparent that's all the Mikkelson's do.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snopes.com

www.truthorfiction.com is a better source for verification.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Put unwell seniors in jail, and the criminals in nursing homes. The seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc. They would have constant video monitoring and be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes, and bring their meals and snacks to their cell. They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool, and education. Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, pajamas and legal aid would be free on request. Private, secure rooms with an outdoor exercise yard with gardens. Each senior could have a P.C, a T.V., radio, and daily phone calls. There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a helpful code of conduct.

Criminals forced to live in average nursing homes would get cold food, be left all alone, and unsupervised. Lights off at 8 pm, showers once a week, live in a tiny room, and pay $5000.00 per month with no hope of ever getting out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress.  Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest was to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law. I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop. Constitutional Convention - this is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come. And, with the advent of modern communication, the process can be moved along with incredible speed. There is talk out there that the "government" doesn't care what the people think. That is irrelevant. It is incumbent on the population to address elected officials to the wrongs afflicted against the populace...you and me. Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land...all because of public pressure. Author unknown

Friday, August 20, 2010


Up until now “IS” has resisted beating a drum for or against suffering a mosque within a hundred miles of New York City. But a final plea came in today so if you please, have at it. Actually we didn’t think any sensible citizen could be for it or admit it would be just fine. The interest is extraordinary and up until courageous Obama said his piece we were not looking for an exchange of viewpoint. When he said they had the right to build it we figured he is a Muslim. But a second thought told us he really is a Republican doing his very best to see Congress turned over to the Conservatives. So we throw it open to you but we are betting the result will be 80-20 against it even being allowed in North America. “Go ahead, make my day.”

If it turns out that Obama is a Muslim then instead of New York let them build the mosque in our great city called Washington D.C.  We show a preliminary sketch to give you an idea of possible changes in store for government employees and D.C. tourists.  


Visiting with a friend today I picked up a slant that maybe hasn’t occurred to those local and state leaders hoping to change the mind of Gates and/or Obama so they would leave JfCom in place. I have not heard the idea kicked around in high or low level conferences but it’s quite obvious when you think about it. It is called horse-trading when two persons dicker over almost anything. Assuming the person you dicker with has the authority to OK a deal, you trot out your willingness to trade, trade “even” if necessary, but trade. So what does Virginia have to trade that could be equal to the value of our JfCom? What else has the government been willing to take away from Virginia? What else are the powers that be attempting to wrest from the economy of this state? Why would Virginia be expected to give up both when even one or the other gouges a big hole in our economy? They speak of moving an Aircraft Carrier to another State, a move that would harm the economy in many ways. Are we really expected to give up both? I don’t pretend to know the actual value of either but for sure they won’t let us keep both. It is time for some horse-trading.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Perhaps the most profound statement made at the “Stop Gates” meeting was by our mayor who said, “We have our work cut out for us.” Vowing to fight closure is only mildly comforting to those that will lose jobs (perhaps even homes) because we are not sure yet who the bad guy is. Obama foolishly gave away too much money and may be directing Gates to save some. Gates is forced to back the closing either to appease a desperate Obama or, as he says, slow down ever-increasing defense spending. Those provide powerful motives for Gates to stay the announced course. If so those at the Stop Gates meeting need a miracle and have no leverage except to plead, pointing out the economic dread facing thousands. I’m afraid the result is a bit like the demolished bridge; no current politician will live long enough to see it replaced. Councilman Barlow believes we still have a shot at convincing the decision  makers that cooperation between the military services is of the highest priority.
The three black Councilmen might have some leverage with Obama. I’d check out the Nansemond Indian Tribe; their chance to build a village was thwarted by Black Council members, perhaps a chief ordered a revenge dance like he did the recent rain dances. Suffolk survived the loss of the huge storage facility on 58, the loss of Chesapeake Square, the loss of its lakes, etc. Suffolk would rise again…before there was a North Suffolk we thought of ourselves as “A great place to live.” And there was "Surprising Suffolk." Now we may be known as "Abandoned Suffolk." I doubt we will still be listed as 91st in the top one hundred cities but that was baloney anyway? In 1980 thousands of us discovered Suffolk and left crowded cities to acquire decent  living space. It would happen again and this time empty houses will be available. Life can be brutal.

Monday, August 16, 2010


What percentage of a President’s cabinet ever worked in private business, where ones’ experience is with real life business, not a government job? The lowest was Kennedy; only 30 percent of his cabinet had been in the real business world. By comparison 57% of Ike’s cabinet consisted of tested successful businessmen. Reagan 56%, Carter 32%, G.W. Bush 55%, Clinton 39%, Roosevelt 50%. All of the Presidents knew the value of genuine business experience except one, our current man in the White House…Obama 8%. And these people tell our big corporations how to run their business? They know what's best for GM, Chrysler, Wall Street, you and me. How can the president of the country with the most successful economic system in world history talk about business when he's never worked for one…or talk about jobs when he has never really had one? And neither have 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers! They've spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs...or as a "community organizer."

Saturday, August 14, 2010


The folks participating in the Nansemond-Suffolk NAACP believe there’s a crisis among the youth of Suffolk, and they hope to step in and provide a solution. It seems to have taken a very long time but you can’t ignore three murders in a year. Again, finally the NAACP local leaders will take up the cause that has been left to the cops for many years.

Charles S. Gates, President of the local NAACP leadership reportedly said, “We realized here in Suffolk that we have a major problem that exists here on the streets. That problem is violence, the NAACP feels that now is the time to take a stand.” We pray for their success, violence has been a trademark of Suffolk for many years.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Perhaps Dr. Liverman knew what was coming and escaped the problems in Suffolk Public Schools. This year fourteen schools failed  "Adequate Yearly Progress," The accomplishment  set a new record, only twelve failed  last year.  AYP is a relatively new way of measuring whether or not  a student has a chance in the job market or college, assuming they graduate.  It is tough enough in good economic times, nearly impossible today.  Consider the plight of those about to lose jobs in the  Defense Department.  They may face a challenge.  This certainly is the time to evaluate the members of the School Board up for election and those now In charge. Perhaps a new Superintendent should be selected AFTER a  new Board is seated.

A passing score on an SOL test for AYP purposes is 400 on a scale of 0-600. A score of 500 is considered advanced proficiency. A student needs only 66% to pass.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


“Today's announcement to close our nation's premier joint operations and efficiency command is the outcome of fiscal coercion resulting from reckless and dangerous spending decisions, not from well-placed and much-needed efforts to root out waste in government. It exhibits an arrogant lack of leadership and lack of concern for the welfare of our nation and for the men and women in uniform.

“Under the cover of night, this Administration is selling off our military at auction to pay for its social programs. It has withheld our nation’s shipbuilding plan - required of them by law - while the Chinese navy aggressively bypassed us in number of ships. It has withheld our aviation plan, while our Navy struggles from a lack of aircraft needed to perform current and future missions. It has issued gag orders preventing any Pentagon officials, military and civilian, from speaking with Congress about budgets cuts and the risks to our national defense. This Administration has brought blatant partisan politics into the annual defense policy bill by attaching controversial social agendas. They have shown more regard for the rights of terrorists than for justice for those lost on September 11th and the safety of those currently fighting to protect our nation from the next radical terrorist attack. And this week, they and Congressional Democrat leadership have called the House back into session to vote on a package that includes $2.8 billion in defense spending cuts in order to pay for more social bailouts.

“The American people will see this decision for what it is: a first step in a long string of national defense cuts that will systematically and intentionally gut the institutions that protect and defend the freedoms and liberties upon which our nation was founded - and they WILL NOT STAND FOR IT.

Monday, August 9, 2010

AP: Gates will close Norfolk's Joint Forces Command

I have been working in Washington DC for sometime now and I keep my ear to the grape-vine about all things that could affect my hometown: Suffolk.

I just left a staff meeting at the Pentagon and the Department of Defence has made the decision to close the Joint Forces Command in Norfolk/Suffolk. This effort is to reduce redundant services and costs. "The primary duties of this command will be absorbed into other commands, as an effort to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. The Department must focus more effort on domestic obligations and duties and reduce costs."

This will have a big impact on North Suffolk as almost three thousand jobs are at stake in Suffolk and a total of five thousand jobs overall at JFCOM. Such a huge hit will demand rethinking the North Suffolk growth plan and how it will play out.

Do our local leaders have a plan, or will they just let events run-over them as usual? I would demand that a relevent plan be instituted immediately and a focus group be established to guide this huge process. What do you think...?

Friday, August 6, 2010


Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT):
Senator John Ensign (R-NV):
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA):
Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner:
Attorney General Eric Holder:
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL):
President Barack Obama:
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) and the rest of the PMA Seven:
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY):

Thursday, August 5, 2010


A gala event has occurred in Gaza .

Hamas sponsored a mass wedding for four hundred and fifty couples. Most of the grooms were in their mid to late twenties; most of brides were under ten. Muslim dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, were on hand to congratulate the couples who took part in the carefully staged celebration. We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness, Zahar told the grooms, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp. Each groom received a gift of 500 dollars from Hamas. The pre-pubescent girls, dressed in white gowns and adorned with garish make-up, received bridal bouquets. We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war. Local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech. The wedding photo tells the rest of the tale.


Who are the 81 Socialists in Congress? Some are flat out Communists, with a few Muslims mixed in, but this is important to know in order to understand what has gone so wrong in our country with our public school systems, our private business sector, and in some places, like Chicago, our judiciary.

Bernard Sanders, Senator from Vermont, is the mastermind and founder of the CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS, and a self-described Socialist. Nancy Pelosi was the chair of the CPC until she was elected Speaker of the House. Barack Obama is no longer an official CPC member since he is no longer a member of Congress.

Here are some of the names we see in the news: Steve Cohen (TN), Hank Johnson (GA), John Lewis (GA), Alcee Hastings (FL), Alan Grayson (FL) Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL), Jim Moran (VA), Charles Rangel (NY), Louise Slaughter (NY), Jerrold Nadler (NY), Dennis Kucinich (OH), Barney Frank (MA), John Conyers (MI), Jim McDermott (WA), Henry Waxman (CA), Lynn Woolsey (CA), Pete Stark (CA), and Maxine Waters (CA).
From The Virginia News Source provided by InsideSuffolk daily

Monday, August 2, 2010


The big push is for the November mid-term election. The simple minded will think that because the republicans have gained seats all is well. Quite the contrary the leftist news media is still well in place. The courts are packed with liberals making up laws as they go. Academia and the entertainment industry are solidly to the left. Our Constitution is under attack and steadily losing its significance. Our system of government has been so badly compromised with imbedded socialists willing to do anything to justify their obtuse reasoning for existing that it will take decades to ferret them out and undo the damage. However time is a luxury we do not have. There will be more Obamas to carry the torch of the left and further damage this country as we slide deeper into a government dependent uneducated society. There is no option left but for each state to opt out. Like an eaglet peering down from its nest high above the forest floor, it's time Virginians to learn to fly on your own.

Deb's Education Corner