Sunday, December 6, 2009


If scientists in this world cannot be trusted then who can? Those brainy ones who have been fudging facts about global warming are still insisting they are right. A believer is Obama who will spend more millions of our money to get to Copenhagen. At least our simpleton, Al Gore, except for making millions, has cancelled his ticket to avoid having the liar label pinned on him. Too late, Al, you have lied to the degree that Bill Clinton is embarrassed to know you. I’d guess you had a money motive for all that malarkey you’ve been spreading for two years…blaming pitiful mankind for the evils of Mother Nature. Perhaps she will find a way to get more than even with you, at least an exploding gall bladder. That would keep you busy for a little while.


Anonymous said...

Pock: If you liked watching Enron collapse, you'll love what happens to our economy if Gore's leftist cronies push through Tax & Charade.OK, Let's get down to a few basic things: Global Warming as an excuse to redistribute America's wealth and destroy her sovereignty...then establish a one world government and one world court.Al Gore is a bloated gasbag and should be put in the same cell as Bernie Madoff.
Whats next global cooling? Remember the Concorde the airplane was going to create global cooling

Anonymous said...

The global warming controversy has been heating up as the media issues dire warnings about the planet's future.

Riding the media heat wave, Al Gore recently released his documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."

Despite plaudits from the major media, Newsmax magazine finds that the film, in fact, offers some "convenient lies."

Anonymous said...

Global Warming is a religion to the tree huggers and a meal ticket for others like Gore, Obama and government. Scientists use it as a means to justify funding their programs. What a sad comment of how far our society has fallen. This afternoon I think I'll burn my storm debris pile in protest.

Anonymous said...

Gore would sell heroin to school children, peddle black market kidneys and corneas from unwilling donors. He would lie, cheat, and steal even more than he has if were possible. He is one of the worst examples of human beings possible and probably the worst if it weren't for Obongo and crew who are running up their own score. Could this be the same non profit screamer that pays for his private jet travel and reimburses his extravagant lifestyle? Of course he puts into a non profit, can you say "I don't pay taxes that way?"
Al Gore was worth $2 million in 2000 and $100 million in 2008. Um, I don't think he was being honest about putting all of his profits into charity. Also, it's OK for liberal politicians to be in business but not a repug.

Anonymous said...

How after so much damage has been done can Obama have a 46% favorable polling? Is nearly half of our country dead from the neck up? Why are Blacks in a state of denile explaining why 90% still support him? "Year end Layoffs you can believe in".

Anonymous said...

Al Gore, as President, would’ve insisted on paying carbon credits for the smoke emitted from the WTC, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania in 9-11.
Al Gore is just a liar the man makes comments like this.."the center of the earth is millions of degrees!”
Excuse me I’ve met smarter boxes of fishsticks.

Anonymous said...

Al Gore the reknowned scientist is now telling the world that the polar ice cap will be gone in 5 years.I have a vision of Al Gore meandering aimlessly across an ice flow wearing nothing but a robe and flip flops. He’s muttering to himself about the …bears…polar…bears… as he kicks little snowballs.

Anonymous said...

Gore is the Pope for the Greenies. No matter what he says they will believe him. I did enjoy his most recent absurd comment about the center of Earth being the same temperature as the surface of the Sun. The others use him and the cause to pad their research budget and create an aura of importance to publish book, papers and receive merit awards. The last group seeks to profit from the movement whether it be government through taxes, or businesses by green industries underwritten by government incentives. We cannot stop fanatic Greenies if they chose to believe in a false god. The others obviously are in it for the money, power and recognition.

Anonymous said...

What amazes me the most is how many people actually swallow Al Gore's B.S. whole.
"When they passed out brains, they thought they said TRAINS.......
And they missed theirs....."

Anonymous said...

San Fran Nan is on her way to Dopenhagen to attend the conference on global warming. She reserved 5 planes to take her and her entourage over.24 demwits and 5repugs are just a part of the group.
"Climate change is a religion for them, so there was no way they were going to miss this including Charlie Rangle."We all know that Charlie Rangel is a big fan of subsidizing his vacation with taxpayer money, but the truly offensive aspect of this is Nancy Pelosi's decision to bring the corrupt Harlem Democrat along for the ride,"
The 89th Air Wing's from which the planes are assigned to the military versions of the Boeing 757and the Boeing 737.A 737 that only carries 26 passengers??
WTH? Is there a bowling alley in there too?
The 757 carries 45 passengers and costs more than $10,000 per hour to fly, according to Air Force figures.
The good news is that they won't be in D.C. shredding the econom1y. Now if we can get them to stay in Denmark until ... say next November ...
These people are so arrogant they never fail to amaze me with their actions and thinking. I hope there's a "sudden loss of cabin pressure" somewhere over the Atlantic.

The roundtrip cost to Copenhagen and back for the C-32A would cost taxpayers $160,000.

The 737 carries 26 passengers and costs about $7,500 per hour of flight time, bringing the costs of a Copenhagen jaunt to $120,000.

Deb's Education Corner