Friday, December 11, 2009


Dr. Stephen Fraser practicing in Indiana has read the proposed Health Bill and I will provide his notations a little at a time. Worth your read.

Page 22 of the HC Bill: Mandates that the Govt will audit books of all employers that self-insure!!

Page 30 Sec 123 of HC bill: THERE WILL BE A GOVT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get.

Page 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill: YOUR HEALTH CARE IS RATIONED!!!

Page 42 of HC Bill: The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice.

Page 50 Section 152 in HC bill: Health Care will be provided to ALL non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise.

Page 58 HC Bill: Govt will have real-time access to individuals' finances and a 'National ID Health card' will be issued!

Page 59 HC Bill lines 21-24: Govt will have direct access to your bank accounts for elective funds transfer.

Page 65 Sec 164: Is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations: (ACORN).


Anonymous said...

This is getting good folks: Dingy Reid Caves: Medicare Buy-in, Public Option Pulled from Senate Bill He must be trying to keep his seat next year. It isnt going to help it either. Okay, let's all get some popcorn and watch this one unfold. Nothing makes me happier than seeing liberals tear at each other and eating their own.
Joe Liberman is what was a true democrat at one time. His switching to independent is now starting to pay off for the people. Even with Liberman's doing a number on the liberals. He is going to vote for this HEALTH CONTROL BILL.. The liberals are still firing shots at the country and want to still force this down the citizens throats. THE BILL STILL NEEDS TO BE SHOT DOWN 100%.In the meantime lets enjoy the show Nancy Pelousy is so hot her face is melting.

Anonymous said...

I watched the debate on and off last evening, watching the final comments by Mitch McConnell and Dingy Reid. A comment Reid made in regards to 2 people die every 10 minutes due to lack of insurance. So out comes the that is 288 per day or 105,102 per year over 4 years (when benefits supposedly kick in in 2014) that is 420,480 deaths due to lack of insurance, according to Sen. Reid 2 per 10 minute statement. If this achievement is so "awesome" why the delay in benefits and help those 420,480 future deaths since this about people and not politics as Sen. Reid claimed?
So, on the one hand, we have Florida Rep. Alan "" Grayson claiming that the Republican solution to health care reform is to have old people die quickly. Seems quite an accusation, but we know he's been abducted by aliens at least once. On the other hand, Harry Reid is confessing that the Senate Democrat plan will kill nearly a half million people before the benefits kick in (and not just old folks, either).

Well, it's a darn good thing for "old people" that the Reid plan won out, isn't it?

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