Wednesday, December 16, 2009


You can READ ALL ABOUT IT in the Suffolk News Herald this morning. Don’t be frightened, it covers 10 years, about eighty million. Right now we’d just like to see the details on this one. “During the next five years, about 12 percent of the five-year spending plan is dedicated to transportation. About $23 million is earmarked in the plan for roadway and intersection construction.”

If this is for the Highway 58 road widening to help out CenterPoint we’d like to be able to read the details, soon.


Anonymous said...

Borrowing limits and credit ratings by questionable agencies are tanking. What an opportunity to dig ourelves deeper into debt. Keep it going we're going to have much to debate at the next local election.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure CenterPoint, they now have signs on Hwy 58 advertising for sale or lease and if this means they are not planning on operating a large storage facility but only building and then sale or lease the storage I wonder how they will be successful when there are 4 large storages sitting empty and have been for some time , in the Suffolk , Isle of Wight area. It appears that no one is interested in leasing and buying these, 1 on Kenyon Rd., 1 on 460 and 2 just outside of Windsor.
All of the cargo coming through the Hampton Roads marine terminals now goes to a storage facility somewhere if needed to be stored, what makes CenterPoint think the parties storing this cargo will stop using the storage facilities they now use and start using CenterPoint. Did CenterPoint explain to Council how they would get the business away from the storages now handling the cargo from the terminals?

Anonymous said...

Centerpoint? Its going to be a joke at best....hundreds if not thousands of jobs yea right. All you have to is pickup any publication that covers the maritime industry. More steam ship owners all over the world are declaring bankruptcy than ever before. The trucking industry has lost 300 companies nationwide. Many of the ship owners are coming due to take delivery of new builds and there are no cargoes. In Singapore off shore, ships in the 100's all kinds are at anchor attempting to find cargoes.Centerpoint properties is looking for companies to lease property and assests to third party logistic companies and or warehouse services. Centerpoint is linked to the unions. I have asked the city and Centerpoint in Chicago will this facility be run by the union or will the property and operations operate in Va. as a right to work state. Why in the world would you build a maritime operation 40 miles to the west of the port itself? Portsmouth terminals has a plenty of space availabe.Why route trucks around and thru the city, when the east side of town all the way out to Chesapeake is open.Whats so inviting for a trucker to make a roundtrip from the port area to West Suffolk and back a distance of almost if not 100 miles A trucker who sits at the port can very from two hours waiting to all day. Then say a minimum of one and a half hours to the gate at CP,waiting time there and the rush to get back to the port to obtain another load or just to go home and call it a day.Rates are going to go thru the roof drivers expenses are going to go up. This could be the biggest boondoggle in Suffolks economic time.The port facilities and private owned facilities to combat this possible economic disaster will lower their rates and the truckers and new companies will laugh and point their fingers. So will Portsmouth Chesapeake Norfolk including those across the James. Why would they steer dollars away to Suffolk? This Hampton Roads advisory commission is not going to stand in support of being in favor of the Pnut City. All they want is the money that Suffolk throws and wastes. Suffolk is a CASH COW and not much more than that is run by fools.
Several major companies have distribution centers in the area. I dont see other companies needing warehousing.How come council member Barclay took his position on council when he did? How come while the Centerpoint people were still negoating terms and conditions that were discussed by the state legislature while in session under the work relating to the Port of Hampton Roads. Centerpoint on the private side of matters was finalized and within one week the port commision approved this deal at the end of that session and then gets a tender from Centerpoint to buy out and operate the ports.But no one was around to hear about it Richmond was missing its delagates including Suffolks own.No one questions the timing? This was a back door deal at the local and state level. What if a company now comes in seeks to rezone the obici property and say it wants to build a barging operation or say a repair yard..Nope cant do it, its industrialzation that is not wanted in the North Suffolk the bedroom community. Problem is who is sleeping in who's bed.

Deb's Education Corner