Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Good Idea

This is an idea I brought up during the 2008 mayoral campaign as a solution for reducing the burden of costs on citizens. The more effectively and efficiently we run our city and our school system, the more money citizens can keep in their own wallets. Hence, I was thrilled to see the article in the newspaper noting that Isle of Wight is looking into this. Read the article, IOW officials get advice, by Charlie Passut (Suffolk News Herald).

I still think it’s time to look at this idea in Suffolk. Here’s the basic concept. We currently run and manage many duplicate services – one complete set for the school distict and another set for the city. Citizens pay for two of so many of the services we have. What if we consolidated these services where we can? I know, I know – it does make common sense.

It is likely that we can share services for just about every area except personnel. What do you think? Would you support the idea of our city and school district looking for ways to consolidate services? Is this a thumbs up or a thumbs down for you? Tell us what you think – let’s put some ideas on the table.


Anonymous said...

Debra, The gene pool down on Market Street isn't advanced enough yet to understanding anothers display of common sense.
However if it has anything that has the name Obici associated with it, Its bound to die no matter what the gene count might be.

Roger A. Leoanrd - Suffolk said...

I have done some consulting for Pulaski County and they are real inovators. I do agree that consolidation of sevices and pooling of resources is something that Suffolk could also gain from!

Is this another idea, who's time has come?

Roger A. Leonard

Anonymous said...

Nepotism and cronyism is rife among the city and school employees. To rationalize functions would mean releasing family and friends into today's job market. Lower pay and benefits to someone who has been employed by government is unfathonable. That would never do in our little cozy city. Just raise the fees and taxes.

Deb's Education Corner