Sunday, December 20, 2009


Obama and less than half the country’s reps claim a victory with Health Care even though the surviving bill is a tattered remnant of the original. And he had on his team the three most powerfully positioned Liberals, Nancy, Joe, Harry, and a large majority in both houses. We understand why Obama forced this on the citizens and there are those that will pay a price for it. All can see the Democrat poll lines heading south and Obama is now concerned by the enormity of his self made national debt. His attention has not been on creating jobs or the economy and fingers are eagerly pointing at his early mistakes.

It is hard to understand why Obama needs help tackling the debt when he already has more seized power than all prior Presidents plus the House and Senate. two-dozen Czars, a Cabinet of All-stars, and a partridge in a pear tree. But for the very first time he is extending his hand to Conservatives to serve on a debt reduction committee. Would it not be wise for them to decline the “generous” offer? If they take part and his reduction effort fails, we know who gets the blame.


Anonymous said...

When Obama extends a hand it's usually only the middle finger. Bipartisanship is dead. Henceforth there will be no rational dialogue because government only talks it never listens. Government only takes, it never gives without strings attached. George Washington had the right idea only one political party and let the best man prevail.

Anonymous said...

emHey, sometimes you need to buy people off…or make them an offer they can’t refuse.
-Vito Corleone (aka Harry Reid)

Congress is the epitome of organized crime. And Obama complains of corruption in the gov't of Afghainstan? Funny Obama is corrupt, Who does he think he is?

Our Senator Webb's combat boots from Vietnam are bronzed and are near the Vietnam Memorial. Hopefully Jim will go by pick them and disappear. Maybe he can take Warner with him. They are both LIARS and hopefully Virginians will speed up their disappearing along.
The M/V Hopey and Changey is sinking and its time to the get Webb&Warner lashed to mast. We need a new crew. Up scope range year 2010 2012 Open all tubes FIREEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Anon 8:26 interesting comment about former Marine, Cabinent Appointee now Senator James Webb. I guess all that flag and constitution waving must have wrapped around his neck cuting off O2 from his brain. You see the point about OUR military has been made by our very own Senator. They can be corrupted, misused and turn against the people they repeatedly swore to protect. If ever there was a time our Reserves were needed it's here and now. As for the Honorable (or not) Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia, let the people decide if he is a hero, opportunist or just another liar? If he loses his re-election or just bails out, rest assured there will be a golden parachute waiting for him. So let us enact a scorched earth policy to anyone that supports this administration. It worked for the Russians 1812 and Soviets 1941.

Anonymous said...

Webb has chosen the low road when it comes to politics. He forgot who he represnets..A party or the citizens. He is just about two levels above John Murtha and John Kerry. Remember that Webb wrote a book that a part of the story line related to sex with boys..He is pushing the enevlope again. He is starting to spread like a small cess pool of elietism. Warner? Is like toilet tissue stuck to your shoe.VOAI time for them to be sent home.

Anonymous said...

Pock is America going to fail as a nation? Obama wants it that way
Just ... fail seems to be the order of the day since last Jan 20th. Its time top put the overnment on a diet.
Call me crazy if you will, but isn't this the kind of BULL that the real conservatives have been saying about the American budget? That we should stop spending, cut where we can, and through that simple process, work on lowering the deficit? Well not during the last 4 years of Bush anway. It has to be the future of America.
The Dems have to raise the limit on our credit to keep spending their way into oblivion; Obama has the nads to say that he's going to reduce the deficit by waving a magic wand while riding a unicorn; and they keep spending our money like it's nothing. Well that is true on the world market.

Obama its time for you to stop blaming Bush for our deficit when the botox-fed ideas from the Democrat congress took that deficit and jacked it up all the way to the moon by paying off corrupt banks that were too big to fail, but big enough to lobby for the paper. FAIL that you keep calling "money".Thanks to the liberals thinking that President Obama can just say, "Look, all better," and it'll be just like ripping a band-aid off your kid's skinned knee; meanwhile, they beat us over our heads with their unfounded, pork and earmarked "health care" BS

Is this the future of America? Unless you think the future of America is to fail when you spend and spend and spend like money is made of magic dust that comes from a wand and there'll be more of it, eventually, you dig yourself into a hole that's too #@#@! big to climb out of.
And then, you're drowning in your own cess pool because there's no one left to pull your emaciated butt out of the grave you created.

Not only is it the future of America, but it should have been the past under Bush.When he bailed out the banks. The ball was set in motion and look now its speeding up.If the repugs are to return to the same mode of operations as under Bush domestically they are going to need to do the following:

Defund The Department of Education
Cut the State Department in half
Starve the EPA
Repeal the Endangered Species Act
Repeal the ADA
Repeal the Clean Air Act
Stop ALL payments to the UN, no matter what they are for
Stop ALL aid to other governments, starting with those regimes that we know to be corrupt, anti US, or terrorist havens
Cut and then freeze the salaries of our elected nitwits, cut their staffs in half, and make them pay for their own transportation.
Any business that was "too big to fail", shut them down and liquidate them and their assets.
Cut spending, cut taxes and encourage business growth. The country isn't going spend their way out of this economic crises by creating more and more entitlement programs.
Then again, this isn't really about spending out way out, it's about creating more 'indebted' voters to try and keep the dems in Congress and the White House.
Lots of what is posted above could be a great platform to remove Hillary of Suffolk and her band of minions. When looking at Sir Charles and his 'accomplishments" I will refrain of posting what I am thinking . This way it gets printed. Folks think what you would like to do this self serving...... oh never mind...When the time comes for them to pass on maybe he and his queen could share a fine box like those that he sells to the familes of those who recently departed.It would be most fitting and deserving.

Anonymous said...

Now that Obamacsare has passsed the Senate and will likely make it through the House. The next MOST important matter is re-election in 2010. The Obama Administration, Democrats, media and special interest groups will embark on a blitzkreig ala the Ardennes circa 1944 to place blame on the Republicans and Bush Administration. In part they are correct. Had we not had so weak a president, such lackneys in the Rupublican Party that bloated government and the national debt we wouldn't be in this position. The very sad aspect is the Rupublicans will be coast back into the House without so much as a platform of reform issues nor understand they are just as accountable as the Democrats. Entitlements, entitlements, entitlements, what a mess.

Anonymous said...

Posted by: funkendunkel at January 1, 2010 6:36 PM


I am not sure how the headline goes, something wrong with the crystal ball, but the story goes:-
President Obama had an audience today with His Holiness Pope Benedict and appeared before a huge silent crowd that had gathered at St. Peter's.
The President was reportedly dismayed at the reaction of the crowd and was told by His Holiness's secretary that the President's insistence on a public photo op had not been well received.
"You know who I am," the President said turning to the Pope, "I think it would be in the best interests of everyone if you could motivate the crowd - that is, if you are capable of it."
"I assure you, my son," the Pope reportedly replied, "With one small movement of my hand I can set this crowd alight with happiness."
"Well do it," the President replied, "It is in all our interests."
At that His Holiness forcefully backhanded the President and, as he had predicted, the crowd went ballistic with joy.

Anonymous said...

Wello the first year of Zero and the liberal congress is over. What we have learned is that Obama is a malignant narcissist and that was a true demonstration of his personality disorder that could do the most damage to the country.

From Wikipedia:

* Feels overly grandiose, an exaggerated sense of self importance.
* Fantasizes about unlimited success, bodily beauty, unequalled brilliance, or ideal and everlasting love.
* Feels unique, and believes that he/she can only be understood/should associate with others of equal brilliance or importance.
* Requires excessive admiration or notoriety.
* Feels entitled, demands automatic compliance with his/her wishes, feels slighted when not met with these expectations.
* Is interpersonally exploitative, uses others for their own benefit.
* Is unable or unwilling to empathize with others, feels like they are the center of the world.
* Believes that others are envious of them, or is constantly envious of others. Always wants to outdo others, or prove themselves to others.
* Displays arrogant or haughty behavior. Similar to criteria 3 and 5.
* Also displays symptoms of the antisocial personality, the schizoid personality and the paranoid personality disorder.

Common characteristics of those with malignant narcissism include:

* Grandiose sense of self-worth
* Impulsiveness, doesn’t finish projects, or attempts to finish a project too quickly to move onto something else
* Recklessness (psychology) tendencies
* Pathological lying or exaggeration of the truth
* Shallow affect
* Creates illusions of superiority
* Strives for constant recognition or prestige
* Exaggerates and boasts about accomplishments
* Feels ashamed or attacked by negative judgments from others
* Preoccupation with fantasies of a perfect partner or future
* Lack of empathy or selective empathy
* Pulls attention from everyone else onto themselves to feel unique
* Tendency to idealize their own superiority, devalue other people’s worth or accomplishments
* Sensitivity to how others react to him/her
* Inability to tolerate boredom
* Manipulativeness
* Indifference to or rationalizes having hurt or mistreated others (underdeveloped conscience)
* Drug and alcohol abuse
* Narcissistic rage

Some of the above describes those down on Market Street when you think about it.

Deb's Education Corner