Sunday, December 13, 2009


How did he look heavenward to his dad, a man that had devoted his life to his son, and say how sorry he was for being unable to deal with fame and glory his father provided? How could he hug his mother and explain that there was just too much money in his life. No words have been created to lessen the pain and embarrassment suffered by the mother of his children. How does he face Arnold Palmer and say "I can no longer compete with you, sir, you are too far above me." Try to imagine the first time he returns to a PGA tour and stands on the first tee as they announce who he is. When the starter raises the "Quiet" sign, will the fans show respect? Although he has been a generous young man giving to various charities, a madame suggests a weekend with one of her girls could cost as much as $60,000...therefore money meant nothing. Add up what was spent on pleasure during the years of his debility, and what good it may have provided. The emotional damage to his family may come close to the amount of damage he caused the game of golf.


Anonymous said...

Pock: Tiger knew the consequences of his actions if it became public and the effect it would have on those around him the whole time he carried on these sexual encounters. But he chose to continue to roll the dice. He wanted the best of both worlds. We all need to ask ourselves did he want the wealth and fame of being known as the worlds greatest golfer while at the same time satisfying his need of seeking anothers flesh. He did not care about his family and what it would do to his standing as over publicized man who plays golf for a living. There is no doubt that his golf reputation on the course is well deserved. No one really doubts he isnt and will be again.
Tiger stated that he takes full responsibility for his actions and the pain he has caused.
The question is What is he going to do for the people he hurt? How is he going to close those wounds and fix the doubt he has placed in his family's heart and to the corporate world for which he spoke for or represented. He can apologize to them and continue to play golf. Its more complex with the family side of his being. Merely taking responsibility does not absolve him of anything. I think that Tiger knows that. And that is between him and his wife and not the public.
Men and women have different opinions of what has taken place.Many women are quick to condem Tiger where most men just want him to return to the golf course and to hopefully keep his family intact. Tiger is a victim of double standards. All public figures are subject to them but many fail to remember others transgressions or failures. Celebrity status is what this country is driven by. Hunderds of thousands people world wide adore Tiger Woods. How quick some of those and others are quick to judge Tiger.
People adored Diane, Princess of Wales, so much that they overlooked her adultery. She had at least 5 lovers during her 15-year marriage to Prince Charles.There is really no difference between her and Tiger other than the numbers.

Anonymous said...

It makes no difference if its Spitzer, Sanford or Tiger. They're still a cheetah.

Anonymous said...

Simply stated ... Tiger is a crumb bum ... he let down his wife, his fans, his dead father, and more importantly his children. I will never spend another buck on anything related to the PGA. I went through a school where we swore an oath the we would not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do. Tiger's Dad lived a similiar oath as an Army Officer. Meaning that if you lie in peace time, you will lie in combat. I chose to not tolerate those who do.

Anonymous said...

Tigers dad left his first wife a black woman for his mother. His dad, his mother are not saints and nor is Tiger Woods get real.

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