Sunday, December 13, 2009


The Suffolk Sun recently published salaries of various high-ranking Public School administrators. No comment here about the size of the compensation because the benefit package is not included. Those can easily run to an additional twenty five percent and cause you to suck in your breath. We are a bit curious why the figures were published; was it to tease those out of work and struggling to come up with tax dollars? Or did the Sun writer just figure we should know, journalism at it’s best. One might, considering the graduation rate and test score reports, think the comp on the high side. Or might the Sun writer thinks they are low and is about to build a case for comp improvement? Our reaction is, what do all these people do and would a computer program replace about half of these “bureaucrats,” a name given to all employees with titles that mean nothing to the lay reader? Attaching names may or may not help the cause…and note that a purchasing agent makes as much a high school principal. We will leave it up to our readers to comment. Maybe next will be city staff, police, and fire department wages. We have heard much about the combo city/police spokesperson.


Anonymous said...

Take a quick drive past the school administration building in downtown one morning and count the number of high end market cars. Likewise visit a public school and see what the Adminstrators are driving. Not the same principal car when you were there? Does something seem wrong to you? How does an government worker, that is working nine month of the year with no layoffs, enjoying benefits well above the average worker get so much you ask? Unions, complacent parents, A no dollar left unspent policy, a school board of misfits, neglect, nepotism, selfishness and unaccountability with a good dose of arrogance. The Democrat Party as much to look forward to in the years to come. It's all for the children, you say?

Anonymous said...

It is after all Suffolk, so why would you be surprized in what your dollars go to. The Schools spend over half of our taxes and the rest is wasted by the idiots on Market Street. The Mayor and her boys know how to waste the money and can count on the citizens to take it quietly and without much comment!

Anonymous said...

Let's face our Superintendent of Schools is highly over paid for what we are getting. Half our schools did not make Adequate Yearly Progress based on the No Child Left Behind Act. Detroit Public Schools had the majority of their schools making AYP. Czar Johnson and her band of Council Clowns continue to support a failing leader in our school system. Comrade Parr is my council rep and only has one school in his burrough and it couldn't make AYP. We need to get smart and get rid of reps on on the school board and city council. There are four school seats up for re-election in 2010. It is about time we start taking back our city starting with the school board. Let's quit electing idiots to our school board who will spend $40K on a school board meeting software. Take the time to view a school board meeting online and see how much time is devoted to increasing student achievement. You will be surprised and get a wake up call. Tea Bagers unite and end this travesty.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness does not even begin to describe the disaster of our school system. We continue to be punished by an incompentent school board and their obvious lack of focus on promoting high student acheivement. They continue to be lectured by Supt L and they just sit there and accept his incredible pronouncements on how education works. The real issue is that education is not working in Suffolk. My school board rep was delighted that our middle schools were accredited with a warning and acted like that was a crowning achievement. I don't know about you but I am fed up with the city council continuing to accept low student achievement in our city as the standard and continue to show a support from a conn artist. Our record is a disgrace and an embarassment. The good news is that four of the school board members are up for election in 2010. We can take back our school system. We need qualified committed people to stand up and run for their seats. Change we need, can afford and believe in.

Anonymous said...

The good news is that our Governor-electis bring charter schools to Virginia and in a big way. This will provide parents an alternative to dealing with the school system. This alternative will provide competition to the school district and siffon off school funds at a rate of about $7000 per student and send it to the charter school. If the school board and city council is smart, they will see this as a wake up call because competition is coming in a big way and Suffolk deserves high performing schools and charter schools is a way to make sure that happens.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is part of a conspiracy theory. Linda, the council, the school board and the Superintendent want to prevent high student achievement. You see if we make sure our students don't have the job skills to be successful, it is easier to control them and continue the myth that we need the government to control our lifes. Our city is promoting welfare and social services. It is unfortunate and it is shameful. During a recent school board meeting our Superintendent stated that "all children can be taught and all can learn is a radical idea." If he thinks that is a radical idea, he is overpaid and we need to replacement him immediately.

Anonymous said...

I think the love in with the school board and the Superintendent needs to end. This is not Woodstock and the 1960's. If we want Suffolk to be a viable community for which new arrivals want to live, we need to have a school district that makes Virginia Bech and Chesapeake Schools systems look like a joke. Unfortunately, we have a Mayor and a City Council that likes to accept mediocrity as the standard. I believe if conservatives unit we can vote the 4 sitting school board members out ... take control ... remove the current leadership in the district and hire highly competent adminitrators to replace the root cause to low student achievement.

Anonymous said...

Four nitits from the School Board are up for election this November. Any takers please step forward and be recognized. I live in Chuckatuck, ours has been there so long he taught in one room school houses. He's a nice man but well past usefulness for our young people.

Anonymous said...

I guess the Sun wont be receiving any advertising revenues from the SB after this.

Anonymous said...

Oh wait a minute I take exception to the 60's and Woodstock. comment.The folks who put the festival together did it on a budget that they ended up busting but paid off all of its creditors. They organized a event that ran 4 days where 500 THOUSAND people gathered to have a good time and to celebrate America and its freedoms.
Here you have a group of idiots who could not organize a one car funeral with the good Drs Mercedes being used as the hearse and Charles Parr driving it for the SB
If I were a betting man and I am, I would bet on the "hippes" of Woodstock than the suits over at the SB. I am not living in the "fog" of Woodstock but I do question what they at the SB are smoking now.Woostock..4 days of peace fun and music. The SB 365 days of pure BS and greed for power, overspending and lack of achievement.

Deb's Education Corner