Friday, December 18, 2009


Calling all parents: The city school system wants to know how it can improve.
The division is offering a Web-based survey that asks parents to rate things such as classroom instruction, discipline, facilities, food services, homework, teacher quality, technology and transportation. The division offered a similar questionnaire in 2007 and is looking to compare the results. Pass codes for the survey were mailed home, but participation has been low, spokeswoman Bethanne Bradshaw said.
Good idea but perhaps insufficient coverage; you must have a child in school for your comments to be read. So here we offer another chance for parents to speak up. If your child passed through the system you may be in a better position to evaluate.


Anonymous said...

Parents dont care, the school folks need to listen to the teachers.Too many parents or parent think the schools are just a daycare there for their use and if Johhny/Tyrone/Mary/Tamekia get into trouble including failing, its always the teachers fault. The survey is as null and void as many of the parents are.Its worthless

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the parents that care have their children enrolled at NSA. But please don't worry, soon more charter schools are coming to Suffolk to allow the parents to have a competitive choice of where their children go to school and they will take funds from Suffolk City Schools and force them to compete. Isn't McDonnell and America great?

Anonymous said...

It will be great until Obama and the feds stick their liberal slimey hands and money into the present "state" system by taking their money. The good Dr will attemtpt to step in and deny any options that may be a success story. Wards of the federal govt we all know is they way to go.

Anonymous said...

An interesting obsservation of the Government School System. Our land grant universities have taken an interesting approach to accepting students. The GPA requirements have been steadily rising while the quality of education has fallen. We now see students that can barely write graduate with a 4.2 GPA and state universities that asked for GPAs of 3.6 last year now have a minimum of +3.9. Grade inflation is sweeping through the public school system wiping out private and home schooled students from consideration. Taking into consideration the economy and SOLs there remains no valid explanation how public students GPAs rose faster than the others. In other words the fix is in. Keep the heat off the PS by allowing their inflated GPA system to undermine everyne else. Out of state students with lower GPAs will continue to be considered, presumably because they are paying higher tuition.

Toasted Cracker said...

The parental feedback process can only be construed as CYA. Many parent-teachers groups are not treating the education system as a bussiness. The teachers hopefully understand the process of teaching and may be familiar with managment. But clearly NO ONE over there at the SPS or chool Board understand cash flow. Regretfully they overlooked the Parent-businessman's input and casualy default to Doctor Liverman to interpret. More money, more programs, more staff, and less results.

All the meetings attended by city employees means nothing unless they act. Herein lies their trap. They'll attend, pretend to listen even fein caring, then go back to their office without acting. How many times have you gone to a city meeting and had no feedback whatsoever. You said it was a waste of time, and pointless to continue. You might have become angry at yourself for foolishly believing they cared. That my friends, is exactly what they want you to think! Force them to act or force them out.

Anonymous said...

We have no less than four school buses for one student on our street. This includes an early morning, regular morning, regular afternoon and late afternoon route. The bus stops right at the edge of the driveway.

I don't now about you but I grew up in the North Courty and we walked to a school stop about six blocks away. Yes in snow, ice and rain. If we missed the morning or the afternoon bus too bad. We called home, walked or hopefully got a ride from a friend's mother. Exactly how much are all these bus rides costing us in equipment, maintennce and hourly labor? Get Johnny's Mom away from staring at Oprah with her mouth open like a fish and pick her kid up.

Deb's Education Corner