Friday, April 22, 2011


Freshman Councilman Duman had the audacity to suggest looking at other options to recycling that could provide an incentive to recycle and bring the cost down. He was brash enough to make a motion that was seconded by Leroy Bennett. He was simply asking the city to get more info and crunch the numbers. Barclay, Bennett and Duman voted yes to the motion but ran smack into the old status quo wall…the mayor, Brown, Gardy, Milteer and Paar for the course. Why? Man of great wisdom, Brown displayed reluctance to change the budget and agreed with Curtis Milteer who uttered this gem “Lets stick to the guns and be a man or a woman.” The other four members showed an unwillingness to make any changes to the budget.
Even think for himself Gardy said something about it being dangerous to unravel the budget, preferring to amend it if they don’t get it right the first time.  So nice try Mike.


Zembu Baka said...

Gardy made up his mind in the work session or at the 19th hole. The good thing is all those Hollands in Holy Neck that voted for him can enjoy another 3.5 years of him representing their interests. As for the others they have no time to re-work the budget nor care. Brown has been bought and paid for, Parr has aspirations for something, Milteer does what he is told, Barclay wants cover before the next election, Bennett loves to throw political knives, Duman's feet are being to the fire by his constituents and the mayor is too busy with "other" matters. So here we are. This city deserves the moniker; Suffolk we are broke and stupid.

A Bordeaux Ford Flex said...

We now know who has the citizens interest in mind. Johnson, Parr, Gardy, Milteer and Brown have absolutely no reservations about raising taxes and spending. Unfortunately only Johnson and Milteer will be up for re-ellection in 2012. By their vote they have given their opponents ammunition. Lets hope Suffolkians don't forget.

Anonymous said...

Who will remember?Suffolk voter have no memory at the polls or we would hav esome new blood already.


Anonymous said...

Mike Duman has done more with just one comment to try to reduce costs and taxes than all the rest of Council combined. I am proud to have supported Mike with my vote and help. He is the only pricipaled person on council. Mike KEEP SPEAKING UP FOR THE REST OF US! We do no tneed a bunch of lackies that roll over and agree with the city manager so they can keep the process of the budget from "unraveling". This is both dishonest and lazy. We need leaders not city manager followers.

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