Saturday, April 9, 2011


Mount Zion and Robertson combined for the highest total saved in the closing of two of the three schools. The closure of Florence Bowser Elementary School was discussed, but the board decided it needed to remain open to account for the growth in North Suffolk. Most of the jobs at the two schools will be transferred to other schools, Suffolk Public Schools spokeswoman Bethanne Bradshaw said. Superintendent Deran Whitney said closing the two schools was a way for the board to cut spending while not compromising the quality of the programs and education in Suffolk.

But you did  and I suppose rightfully could, miss this sentence. School spokeswoman Bethanne Bradshaw said that most of the jobs at the two schools will  be transferred to other schools, so is this just being nice or a sensible business practice? Top man Deran Whitney said closing the  two schools is a way for the board to save money. This also a way to build an inventory of unnecessary people, one of the things the Board has complained about in the past.

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