Friday, April 1, 2011

High gas prices. Thank you Barack Obama.


Anonymous said...

All we heard for 8 years was Bush/Cheney/Halliburton=BAD. When you look at the OG (oil and gas) market and how it is being run by Soros/Obama/Immlet (GE)where are the repugs on this issue? Im sorry drill baby drill isnt going to cut it. The repugs in the house need to investigate the sweethart deal that Obama used our money and 'loaned" the Brazialns a billion dollars while Soros bought up 40% of Petrosbras and the Chinese bought a big stake of it as well. Immel saw GE profit 5 billion and didnt not pay one RED cent in taxes.
Compared to the actions of George Soros/Obama/Immel, Bernie Madoff should be released from prison with our deepest apologies.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices should be according to who and what we are. Lets say the benchmark price for gas is $3.50 a gallon. Taking into consideration economic circumstances, Whites should pay about $4.50 a gallon. Because they have large amounts of discretionary funds, they have cheated and enslaved the poor and hide their income from taxes. Asians that are generally industrious, aspire to higher levels of education and trend towards the professions should pay about $5.50 a gallon. Tans including all Hispanics and Middle Easterners because they are recent arrivals with no skills and no education should get a break $2.50. First Nation aka American Indians because they were enslaved, lost their lands, starved on to reservations, have lower life expectantcy should pay $1.50. Blacks it should be free.

Anonymous said...

I've already cut back on shopping and weekend travel--consolidating trips into one or two to meet our family's needs. Restaurant trips are over until gas prices come down. My sister just got rid of her land telephone line since everyone's got cells anyway. Eliminates another bill.

I'm interested in understanding what $5 gas will do to your family and lifestyle and what do you think you will do differently to cope with this?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what they are thinking the city manager's car allowance (income) appears to be shrinking. She will have to cut back driving the Benz and the SUV and find something with better mileage or hit council with another COLA for herself.

Anonymous said...

Iraq oil Bush evil..Afghanistan pipeline Bush bad Obama ok..Libya oil good bad good bad. Gates said no vital interest is at stake. Obama thinks its a problem for the world. But we can now buy oil from Soros and Petrobras.
Now its being reported that over 1000 civilans have been murdered in the Ivory Coast
JOHANNESBURG – Unknown attackers wielding machetes and guns killed more than 1,000 civilians in the neighborhood of an Ivory Coast town controlled by forces fighting to install the internationally recognized president, the Catholic charity Caritas told The Associated Press Saturday.

The U.N. mission in Ivory Coast said it has a team investigating the alleged mass killings in western Duekoue. It said most of the nearly 1,000 peacekeepers based there were protecting about 15,000 refugees at a Catholic mission in the town at the time.

Spokesman Patrick Nicholson of the Roman Catholic charity Caritas said workers visited Duekoue on Wednesday and found hundreds of bodies of civilians killed by bullets from small-arms fire and hacked to death with machetes.

They estimated more than 1,000 civilians were killed, he said.

If Barry DOESN'T send it troops, doesn't that make him a racist, African-hater like BOOOOOSH! If he DOES send in troops, aren't we being racist Imperial colonialists, trying to force that half-white war-mongers agenda on innocent Ivory Coast natives?

Where are the progs to defend the Punk In Chief now?
Let's see: Economy sucks but we are on the right road. Iraq. Iran. Afghanistan...Gas & food prices going thru the roof. Budget problems.. UN asked us to stick around a little more in Libya. Now the Ivory Coast where a thousand have been murdered by small arms and hacked to death..And he is playing golf AGAIN.
President Putter knows two things real well, that is how to get
to the golf course and find the basketball court at the White House…
Everything else is above his pay grade and that is not saying much
for this clown pugtter in chief.I say we do a TRADE. Let’s put Obama in the Pro-Am Golf circuit and take Tiger Woods and place him in the White House.No one would no the difference.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again:Is the president off his meds?
ABC News reported that the president stopped his motorcade, got out and ran up the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial to greet tourists. President Obama told them: “Because Congress was able to settle its differences that’s why this place is open today and everybody’s able to enjoy their visit. And that’s the kind of future cooperation I hope we have going forward ‘cause this is what America is all about — everybody from different places enjoying those things that bind us together.”
Hey moron How the h#ll do you close the Lincoln Memorial? There really are no doors or gates.
Whats next? He’ll be taking credit for the Potomac River flowing.
With the cave in of the repugs I guess that the "non essential" govt employees such as those in DC who are working on automatic elevators who's job is pushing buttons for the congress critters both liberals and repugs are relieved that they will still be needed come Monday morning.
If and when the council builds their Taj Mahal I could get a job like that.

Anonymous said...

@##@!!@@! GWB its his fault

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, if we had REALLY listened to what Obama was saying we wouldn't be sitting around scratching our heads wondering, how did this happen? Next time around, let's REALLY listen to his words and not be caught up in the media hype.


Anonymous said...

Why do people try and blame the government for the greed of the oil companies. Again it looks like in the first quarter they are going to report record profits passing any in history and why do the conservative right wingers still refuse to end oil company tax breaks and subsidies. By God the oil companies are not giving us a break so why shouldn’t they pay their share of taxes and why should any taxes I pay be given to them! Get this all in perspective and remember you right wingers can’t have it both ways… You preach “get government out of free enterprise” then stop giving certain industries special treatment and get these companies the hell out of government, stop lobbyist, corporate funding of political campaigns, and corporate/business manipulation of the law based on corporate greed!

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