If I were one of the dozen who make decisions for the 82,0000 citizens of tax broke Suffolk I’d continue as though there were no substantial objections to the proposed tax hike and charges for garbage pickup. Oh people did stack the Chambers the first of two nights showing honest pain and fear of what may come. They are cutting down even on food as prices and transportation costs continue to rise. It seems to them the city should forget starting a new city hall, skate parks, lower those high salaries and behave as though their responsibility was to be in favor of the citizen’s need, not city wants. Yet it is and will be the same year after year unless citizens are truly organized. Of course paid and elected top dogs know better about most things and are organized while the public never is. There are no leaders among the masses. It would have been good practice for the Tea Party if it exists locally. I’m sure there are Tea Party minded folks but not vocal. They, with a few hundred people, could put spines on the old Council members. That first public meeting got their attention; the second put them back to sleep for at least two years. They will get their new palace and keep their high salaries, while we muddle through. It's great to live in Suffolk.
Mr.Harward,local watchdo0g, was one of the two that presented argument at the second city budget meeting.He suggested the city save money by ending costly memberships with various organizations including the Chamber of Commerce and Dana Dickens Regional Org. And I'll bet there are dozens of other "memberships" joined by employees who should be paying for them instead of the city.
Are you starting to get the feeling that there's a cop around every bend in the road just waiting to give you a ticket for speeding? Can you expect more 'safety" checkpoints? Suffolkians remember that there
are two sources of revenue for government: income and wealth such as your savings.Right now, they only tax "income"; the only way to get at your wealth is through enforcement of laws in the form of fine or penalty.
Pock, Here we are again at the intersection where governement and freedoms clash. We've all heard the maxim about death and taxes being the only things we can never escape. With the latest advancements in science, one day we may be able to escape the former, but it's a pretty good guess that the latter will remain for eternity. Wait.. we are facing a no win situation no matter what science may prolong. We have death panels in Obamacare that counters what science could maybe offer. That call on your life also becomes the responsibility of government.
For most people, after paying a mortgage for 20 or 30 years, the thought of actually owning their home is exciting because it provides a feeling of security. They realize that they had been paying all those years for a piece of property that was owned by the bank, but at least they knew the bill would one day be paid.
The concept of 'ownership' was once thought to mean that you no longer have to pay for the item and no one can take it away from you. If that were true, then, after you celebrate getting the loan paid, you'd think the home was yours, free and clear. Nope! You still have to pay the monthly tax bill. If you don't, the government will take it away and sell it to recoup any money owed. The property tax can never be paid off, consequently, you can never truly own the property.Could we see the mayor instructing Ron Williams to also generate more revenue for the city? How about the Health Department? The question I have as a taxpayer is does public greed trump private property?
So the Duman punted his obligation to his constituents. What else is new? IS endorsed his candidacy, it acted as a propaganda arm of his campaign and assisted him in his last minute letter to voters. The question is he a Democrat and Linda Johnson's choise has been answered. Do not bother to attack Martin because she wasn't elected and you have no idea how she would have voted.
The next time you look in the mirror you can thank yourself for the city government you rightfully deserve.
I love this person who wrote the previous comment. Of course he doesn't reveal his identity as he often attacks Duman or me. "IS" has rejected most of his comments because they are groundless and vicious. He could easily have a conversation with either Duman or me but apparently that requires courage he/she doesn't have. It is easy to be cute, clever, and make false charges when hiding behind the title "anonymous."
The city is doling out $285,500 to non-profit organizations. The list is in Sunday's Sun. I agree with some, but others not so much. The city should be concentrating on organizations that actually help people. The historical society, and Riddick's Folly do not. That is $30,000 that could be put back to Senior Services and the Red Cross. ForKids is the homeless shelter, in the end more would be on the street. We all pay if citizens don't have access to health care. The free clinic is too busy and needs all the help they get. Child abuse is an ongoing problem. I don't know what to say about Peanut Fest. Yes it brings a lot of people to town, but does it bring revenue to the tax coffers? The Clean Community commission does a lot for keeping the city green. Which is a good thing. What does the $15,000 cover? I could go on, but you get the gist of things.
To the Dumanoids: Did IS endorse Duman's candidacy yes/no? Did IS work with Duman on his campaign yes/no? Did IS assist in the preparation of the last minute letter to voters yes/no? These are very simple questions that should be answered truthfully.
How fitting that today the Feds announced that they are paying out more to the citizens in govt programs than what they are taking in.
The ONLY solultion the left has to handle this is to increase taxes – no thoughts of actually reversing this horrific trend or curtailing it.
Can you say RECESSION?
This is where productive households and taxpayers are providing to those households that produce nothing nor any taxes.
Yes sir. Hows that Hope and Change working for you/us real taxpayers?
He's back, still hiding. In answer to his questions...Yes, we proudly endorsed Duman...No we did not assist his campaign in any way...No we played no part in whatever letter you refer to.
Your last comment was your last.
Clearly emotions are directed in the wrong direction. It's your council representatives that should be taking the heat from you. They need to know in clear, concise and specific terms. Hate to say it, but......
To the "whiners"
Suffolk has enough folks who are dependent upon govt hand outs.What seems to be the problem is that too many folks in Suffolk actually thought that Duman was going to be different.And it turns out he isnt. At least with Martin you knew what you were getting with her. I think the complainers who are mostly citizens from the nortern portion of the city. You know the transplanted ones who moved here because this city offered you something when your "home" was crubling around you, could care less about Suffolks heritage and history.Its sour grapes and the attempt to say that IS should be held accountable? Yes IS endorsed Duman. How many folks and organizations endorsed Obama? You have heard how Chris Matthews stated that it was his job to help get Obama elected. What makes this Duman and IS Suffolk endorsement any different? Excuse me, would you care for some cheese with that whine? You could have your order served down at the SCCA and maybe Martin will serve you and Duman will be the bus boy.
Fronm the SNH:
Mayor Linda T. Johnson assisted in the ribbon cutting that officially marked the opening of the area’s 10th PetSmart location at 6243 College Drive.
“We love seeing this area grow,” Johnson said
How nice mayor.! Your own words show just how bias you are. Its a damn shame, you dont love the entire city and attempt to sell it. Not just certain areas. You and those who came before you ignored the base root of the city. Job well done. Job accomplished.You all should be so proud.
I read "IS" about once a week and find the comments: informative, ammusing, and down right shameful at times. I supported Linda Johnson for Mayor and overall I am proud of our Mayor! She has not made all the right decissions, but overall she has been a good Mayor.
I knew Bobby Ralph for years and supported him when he was Mayor, but what he did in his private life turned me against him forever and Bobby knows what I speak of.
The real issue I want to state is that our town is well run and taxes are low for most of us. I pay about $1400 in taxes on my house, and a few othere fees. For what I get it is a bargin. I go to the SCCA for lunch a few times a week, the library about the same and enjoy a clean and well kept downtown. I like it that way and only wish those of you up in the fast growing north end of town could get a life and stop complaining all the time. I have listened to a few who I don't see around anymore like Roger and Kenny who had some good ideas but were always gentlemen and well spoken, even if I did not agree with them all the time. So this constant gripe session does no good. We need ideas that matter not just sour grapes. I only than goodness that Mrs. Martin did not get a seat or it would never end with her. I know some of her and she is not the type person we need on council. So my word is enjoy Suffolk for what it is and let life flow.
Anon 8:08 we are happy for you, your low property taxes and the pride you have in your city and the mayor. There are however others citizens concerned about issues this city is facing and the lack of leadership to grasp the urgency. So while you are filling your tank with $3.75 per gallon gas then go to the grocery store to see how much your grocery dollar shrunk since the previous week, take heart that your property tax will go up just a few cents more and you will be paying a monthly garbage fee of about $18.00. Also remember not to get seriously sick or injured until after 2014.
Now that citizens are sufficiently cowed the city Mothers will meet with Seward to flip a coin to determine increase in mil rate to cover recycling, and garbage pickup. Out of the blue came these new charges, just when we needed new expenses, the timing was perfect and gives you that cozy feeling that your city administration really cares about you and your welfare. Like Pock says,they will get their castle and you will get the shaft. w weneeded
Pock, it's your forum; if you want to weed out the trolls that's your business. I don't see anything especially abhorent in his posts, but again, this is your game, we just get to play. If Duman didn't turn out the way we thought he would - well, that's life. We just know who not to vote for next time, right?
I'm not so worried about being able to afford to live here. I've been very fortunate in the past few years and have been able to put away a decent amount in savings while trimming my monthly budget substantially. The problem I see with the current City Council/Manager is that they seem to be unwilling to do the same. It's very disheartening to see them take increasing amounts of my money with such thin excuses for it and discard sincerely offered suggestions from the citizenry with no apparent consideration. I'm just disappointed. I think the ladies up top need to go.
Mr Pock, why doesn't either newspaper pick up on the $450,000 city supplement to the Cultural Arts? That's probably more than the entire production costs last season, especially with so many "local" shows which were free.
Also, I don't know much about Mike Duman, but you sure seem to have found (before you cut him off) a true nut on the subject and the exaggerated "help" you gave his campaign. Is it possible this nut is a "martian?"
Finally, how's your daughter who got hurt a couple of months ago?Is your other little girl active in the horse shows that have been featured so prominently lately?
The Dumaniacs have returned with their attack dogs. Perhaps their minds(?) can be refreshed by reading Jeff Sheler's article in the VA-Pilot: http://hamptonroads.com/2010/11/lastminute-attacks-unfair-suffolk-candidates-say. Lets see how well the medicine goes down this time.
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