Saturday, July 24, 2010


U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ goal of cutting billions in defense spending during the next five years could come at the expense of North Suffolk and be very painful to both the image of Suffolk and the nation’s defense. There are over two thousand jobs at stake in the Joint Forces Command plus the taxes paid to Suffolk. You can bet there is considerably scurrying around in high places to head Gates off at the pass. Randy Forbes and the new Governor are very concerned and phones are busy. At the local level fingers are crossed and they will be taking a hard look at potential budget problems.


Anonymous said...

Thankfully we have warehouse and forklift operations on the southside of town to keep the city's head above water. There will be a huge financial void to fill if the high tech businesses depart. There's just one little problem, all that money the city and the EDA have borrowed on our tab. Our credit rating will drop if beautiful and safe Northern Suffolk suffers a major setback. So let's hope for the best. Otherwise the Mayor's Sleepy Hole Golf Course project will be write off.

Captain Obvious said...

In today's SNH opinion we learn about the pending doom about to befall the city if Secretary Gates follows through with DOD cuts to the JFC. The reporter that didn't know what the light green powder was on her car last Spring informed us we are in drought condition and the crops outlook is questionable. We were shocked to learn that we can't read or write American (English) because of the failed public school system and we have the nerve to expect illegal immigrants to be fluent.

Anonymous said...

I work in the defense industry and can tell you frankly that the jobs will be going away. We are looking at a budget cut in the department I run of more than 35% and the jobs funded by such monies. Even more will come next year! The times of plenty are gone. The times where idiots like those found on Market Street, who claim to have done a good job when the money flowed freely are about to get a rude awakening! For our stupid Mayor to claim that her policies have drive such growth, will be put to the test of reality. How will she react when the jobs start to evaporate, as they surely will? Will she take the heat for failed policies because she can not stop it? She claimed the credit for making them, surely she will claim the fault for losing them!

We have a bunch of nincompoops in charge who could not step out of the way of a frieght train and it is coming, as there will be big losses of $65-100,000 jobs that they claimed "They" brought to town!

Expect to see this start in about six months and really accelerate in about a year. The number of houses being sold will increase, so maybe the Mayor can make a buck off that! I dispise her and her lack of real leadership! How is it we get stuck with such terrible people as our leaders?

Anonymous said...

Yep hope and change and the country grows weaker. Expect to see increases in foreclosed homes, increase in crime and just decay Thank you for your voting for what we now have. In the words of Obama and liberals. Im sorry

Anonymous said...

As I recall a old saying during the civil rights movement; The Lord Giveth, and the Government Taketh away. The brain drain will accelerate as the brightest in our city move away to greener pastures. Not only does Suffolk need every shred of intellegence to counter the homegrown imbeciles, Nansemond River High School Honor Roll list will never be the same again.

La fiesta de te' said...

Nationwide the only bigger impact than Suffolk's loss of high paying JFCOM salaries is Bell California's cuts to the City Manager and Police Chief's salary. Has anyone looked lately how much we're paying our upper tier civil administrators?

Anonymous said...

Iceberg, what iceberg.

tom said...

I do not vote, nor consider national issues based on the amount of money they may remove or bring to Suffolk. I do consider what they have to do with NATIONAL interests.

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