The Obama administration has officially approved the first instance of taxpayer funded abortions under the new national government-run health care program. This is the kind of abortion funding the pro-life movement warned about when Congress considered the bill. The Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new "high-risk" insurance program under a provision of the federal health care legislation enacted in March.It has quietly approved a plan submitted by an appointee of pro-abortion Governor Edward Rendell under which the new program will cover any abortion that is legal in Pennsylvania. The high-risk pool program is one of the new programs created by the sweeping health care legislation, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama signed into law on March 23. The law authorizes $5 billion in federal funds for the program, when it is nationwide.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Obama administration has officially approved the first instance of taxpayer funded abortions under the new national government-run health care program. This is the kind of abortion funding the pro-life movement warned about when Congress considered the bill. The Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new "high-risk" insurance program under a provision of the federal health care legislation enacted in March.It has quietly approved a plan submitted by an appointee of pro-abortion Governor Edward Rendell under which the new program will cover any abortion that is legal in Pennsylvania. The high-risk pool program is one of the new programs created by the sweeping health care legislation, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama signed into law on March 23. The law authorizes $5 billion in federal funds for the program, when it is nationwide.
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The black voters got what they wanted in Obama care. They dont seem to understand that this was trust-me legislation written by most untrustworthy people.”Two peas in a pod?
Pock,The difference between liberals and conservatives boil down to relativism vs. absolutism. To a conservative, you are alive OR dead. To a liberal you must prove your value in order to merit life – either by being ‘wanted’ by your mother – or agreeing with them completely when you are grown.
It is a basic and fundamental difference in how the far lefties and conservatives think. We just want to be left alone to live our lives in a free country. The far lefties are so wrapped up in their ideology they literally can’t stand to see someone else succeed through hard work or having fun living life without government interference and supervision.
The only place I want to kill any liberal is at the ballot box. I even want to see old people get the best medical care we can provide when their time to die comes – they’ve paid their dues and they should get as much reasonable extension of their lives as they want. I even want to see the millions of babies liberals rip out of the womb for the sake of their personal convenience come to term and live full lives, even if they inherit their parents’ lack of logic and common sense.
In short, conservative tend to love and respect life. Far lefties don’t.
President Barack Obama pledged on Friday to redouble efforts to fight HIV and AIDS through his global health initiative, despite dealing with economic hard times in the wake of a global recession.”
After nearly 30 years and roughly a trillion dollars, AIDS keeps spreading. How about we start treating it like a communicable disease instead of a civil right?
Oh that's right its a cultural thing.
This lovely continent called Africa has experienced some of the worst human rights voilations in the history of mankind. Slaughters, man induced starvations, civil strife, corrupt governments, plague and epidemics. Pouring aid money without stings attached is a waste of our borrowed money from China. Sixty years is enough time for them to get their act together.
Obama is doing his
B – is for Bush, it’s really all his fault
E – is for Effort, which is all that matters, we’re taught
S – is for Scolding, to turn the guilt upon others
T – is for Tea Party, those backward, racist, NASCAR-car-loving mothers
ARE you better off than you were a year and 7 months ago? Hmm, not really …
To bolster his sagging ratings our President who happens to be black smokes, is clean and only speaks with a Negro dialect when he wants to, will appear on the program The View. It's a great idea that should get his message out to the people that helped elect him the unemployed. That is about the extent of rational thinking by his administration.
Meanwhile Michelle Obama is flying off again, this time to Spain where she will be renting hotel rooms and brining in Executive Chefs from all over Europe to help her, her daughters and friends feed their faces without guilt or the watchful eye of America's food police. Next month it's off to Nantucket for more fun, food and games for the family. By the time summer is over the First Lady's size 16 will be bursting at the seams. The next Whitehouse State Dinner she should invite former Jenny Craig spokesperson and actress Kristi Alley to sit next to her.
Instead of Nantucket the Obamai including Grandma Robinson (who has been MIA since they took office) should demonstrate their support for tourism in the gulf region. Since New Orleans is considered a "chocolate city" our First Lady could help the recovery by eating her way through it starting at Commander's Palace and Pere Antoines restaurant with frequent stopovers at Bourbon Street to wash it all down while listening to the Blues, then off to a late night snack at Cafe Du Monde for a heaping plate full of powdered sugar covered beignets and an aperitif or two or three. Isn't great seeing America's First Royal Family enjoy themselves at our expense.
Obama visited the ladies at The View because Michelle watched the program. Tomorrow he'll be on some show on the Food Network.
Lately there has been discussion concerning race. Obama is a racist. Obama isnt a racist. The NAACP claims that it isnt racist.The name itself screams racism. The NBPP is racist.It is full of hate. I am going to express my thoughts and it will be considered racist. It will be thought that due to the words that will be used. It wont be hard to grasp the words, the meaning some wont.
I think we are confusing racism with tribalism. What I think Obama is guilty of is tribalism. Racism is hating a particular race and working to persecute members of that race. Tribalism is favoring a particular race (tribe) and consequently working to elevate that race at the expense of all others.
Maybe I am splitting hairs here, but I think it is a considerable difference. Racism is based on hatred, Tribalism is based on a superiority complex.
Sound like anyone you know?
I could be wrong in my thinking however I do know this for sure,I could care less what color he is. He is rife with amateurish incompetence which knows no bounds.
The concept of tribes is unteresting and does describe much of what has happened here in the past five decades. In Nigerian there are no less than 371 tribes. But in the last election 98% of one tribe sided with Obama because of his race. Some other North American tribes consolidated into a federation called the DNC. Years ago in Germany colored arm bands of red, yellow, pink were worn by members of different tribes before they were shuttled off in box cars to extermination camps.
But the reality today is if I disagree with the tribal federation's leadership I am called a Racist. I am also called a cracker and their tribe wants to take every last shred of dignity and property I have.
I don't know what the other tribes are thinking, but this warrior will stand and fight. If they call me a racist so be it.
My answer to the leftists who use racism as the crux of their arguement I hav said to tht perosan, "We are all racists now." Because the left always redefines the meaning of words with their political correctness, I am free to do the same. I then proceed to tell them what the word racist means.
The I prefer to just laugh at them. The left,they hate ridicule. That is the only thing that gets their goat. Just laugh in their face. It works like a charm every time. Of course, then they have to throw McCarthyism in my face so, I call them an enabler. That really activates their ire because every single one of them has been told they are an enabler by their shrink. And every good sheeple has to go to a shrink you know. It's what the in crowd does when they can't solve their own problems.
Yes Patriots, wear your racist tag as a badge of honor. It's what today's descendant of the founder's wears to fight against "the red coats."
Obama isnt going to be happy until we all are living in a tin shack like in Kenya making 20 bucks a year. I not a relgious type who wears his religion on his sleeve but I’ve got a Bible quotation for the good reverend.
Psalm 109:8 “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”
Chains we can live with for the rest of our lives. Another 26 billion will be given away to keep teachers SEIU employed. A bail out for states that can't control their spending. Until the states realize they have to control the hemmoraging caused by inflated pensions, their fiscal problems will never go away.
I am not sure how 'fighting redcoats' equates to disliking people because of the color of their skin, their religion, or nationality. Disliking troops of a foreign nation, who happen to wear red coats, by force of arms, moved into your home, does NOT equate to racism. Racism, unlike honest disagreement with the actions of someone is NOT a "badge of honor".
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