Friday, July 30, 2010
If you don't believe there is freedom in America the picture ought to change your mind. There I was in Walmart when a similar offending idiot strutted by with a normal male friend that looked uncomfortable being seen with this fashion fool. You know what I wanted to do, yes, I admit it. This disgusting animal was proving that society had no power over him, and that our forced system of tolerance has gone too far. If that dim-brain walked down Main in my little Michigan home town he'd be dragged behind a building and relieved of both layers of protection. No other harm, just the embarrassment. And the deliverer of justice would smile for weeks.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The other day a man needed the emergency room. It is hot in Arizona and not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, he put on his green hat. When he entered several people, apparently no longer sick, got up and left. That hat cut at least 3 hours off his waiting time. Try it the next time you're in need of quicker emergency service. It will work just as well in Virginia.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Maybe we need Superman or Superwoman for our new superintendent
The School Board has asked for input related to characteristics of the new superintendent. I finished my thoughts tonight and will email them to each Board member. Download my letter to the Board.
If you haven't had a chance to share your thoughts, you might want to take a few minutes to do so.
Just visit the link posted on the website for Suffolk Public Schools:
At this site you can add your own ideas and read the comments from others.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Up in DC the Public School System’s teacher tree was shaken and 241 alleged bad apples fell out. And it is believed another 700 school employees will drop out if their performance doesn’t improve. This happened when a new evaluation system was introduced. No fuss, no bother, just let the new method determine who is and who ain’t qualified. The total number of DC teachers and employees is not available so what percent the “aints” represent is NA. Nor do we know if dealing with student discipline (mob-control) was a factor. At any rate the Teacher’s Union will no doubt fight tooth and nail for the status quo. And if the new method of evaluation is determined to be fair, equitable, and accepted, the Washington Mall will be surrounded with teachers making far more noise than the National Tea Party. However, the quality teachers will rejoice. As it is now a teacher is a teacher in Suffolk and in too many Public School systems. This can easily be determined by the data referring to honest SOL tests, truancy and graduation rates.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ goal of cutting billions in defense spending during the next five years could come at the expense of North Suffolk and be very painful to both the image of Suffolk and the nation’s defense. There are over two thousand jobs at stake in the Joint Forces Command plus the taxes paid to Suffolk. You can bet there is considerably scurrying around in high places to head Gates off at the pass. Randy Forbes and the new Governor are very concerned and phones are busy. At the local level fingers are crossed and they will be taking a hard look at potential budget problems.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It is easy to understand why talks have shut down, perhaps permanently, between city officials and the Nansemnond Indians over 20 acres. Some sort of mental disease. Norfolk and Portsmouth own the large VALUABLE lakes in Suffolk, Chesapeake got Chesapeake Square because of our dithering, The Fighter Factory and the War Bird Museum end up drawing tourists in Virginia Beach. Oh, but we might one day have the Phoenix Bank that will bring millions of tourist dollars. Did I miss anything?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Obama administration has officially approved the first instance of taxpayer funded abortions under the new national government-run health care program. This is the kind of abortion funding the pro-life movement warned about when Congress considered the bill. The Obama Administration will give Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new "high-risk" insurance program under a provision of the federal health care legislation enacted in March.It has quietly approved a plan submitted by an appointee of pro-abortion Governor Edward Rendell under which the new program will cover any abortion that is legal in Pennsylvania. The high-risk pool program is one of the new programs created by the sweeping health care legislation, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama signed into law on March 23. The law authorizes $5 billion in federal funds for the program, when it is nationwide.
Mr Spencer Ackerman and his fellow "reporters" exemplify the disconnect between the public and the mainstream media. As was said many years ago about the subject of slavery, so it is with the media today. They dare not let go fearing the repercussions that will befall them. The national media more than the Democrat Party has brought our country to where it is today; divided by race religion economic level, skeptical of anything said or done by government, no longer willing to dialogue by talking but not listening and broke monetarily and spritualy. So now they go on the offensive with reports and opinions to self-absolve themselves of sin.
We may not be able to reach those in network news but we can locally in Hampton Roads. If you don't like the reporting let them know. If they fail to listen let their advertisers hear from you. Give them the opportunity to change and if they remain biased boycott their sources of revenue.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I admit to knowing nothing about inner workings of banks but I believe I understand the outer workings. These days a bank looks more expensive than India’s Taj Mahal and therefore cost a fortune. Nepotism in banks is as common as petunias and that’s where they find qualified personnel. At least that’s always been my impression. And it is the banker that drives the best cars and constantly wears $800 suits, except when golfing at his club or on his tennis court near his pool. Think about it, have you ever known a poor banker. Recently a well-known bank “acquired” another bank. (That means picked it up for a song.) Somebody in that plush building stroked a check for ten million. Was that a good faith check or the final cost? Much of the money floating around in the banking world came from us via our President. Here is how it is in real life...a new little village bank struggles from day one to find a clientele willing to risk their money in it. Soon the bank amounts to something. Then bigger bank buys it and you need new checks. But where did that ten million come from to buy that little bank? The big bank uses part of a leftover, the difference between the infinitesimal interest they pay on your deposit and the gross amount they get for the loan on your house. Leftovers also cover such necessities as caddies, suits, cars and bonuses. And what drew you to that fat bank…and causes you to keep your cash in their vault? That’s easy…your money they spent on advertising. And perhaps you have noted that banks beget banks, they are all over the landscape.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This smile is long overdue. Kent Marshall has talked about the potential of "his" airport for many years but never mentioned what or who was the holdup. When talking to Kent he would only admit that the customer couldn't get so much as a tire repaired. By offering cheap gas he did increase the landings and take offs. I mentioned the City Council, Airport Commission and individuals who might have stood in the way of progress but Kent never took the bait. His reward will be to see it grow. Thanks to Tracy Agnew who arranged this picture of a nice guy in the SNH. I expect Roger Leonard, a member of the InsideSuffolk team to comment. If I remember correctly he joined the battle for airport improvement a long time ago.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Top 100 rank: 91
Population: 82,000
Compare Suffolk to Top 10 Best Places
Once known as the peanut capital of the world, this town an hour from Virginia Beach celebrates its nutty history every fall with a four-day festival that includes a demolition derby, a carnival, and a shrimp feast.
Residents can relax by fishing on Lake Meade or taking a canoe trip down nearby Dismal Swamp State Park (the place looks a lot better than the name makes it sound), or eating at the many locally owned restaurants that serve Southern specialties.
Money Magazine Check it on
Saturday, July 10, 2010
SNH reports positive results for SOL tests
Monday, July 5, 2010
Enough comments have been made describing America as it exists under the protective umbrella of the Obama Administration and a too liberal congress. So the emphasis of InsideSuffolk will return to matters that only affect Suffolk and it’s citizens. It has become far too easy to point out defects in our Federal Government and flaws in our governing bodies and individuals that steer our course through the maze they have created. We are sure that most intelligent voters now are concentrating on how to salvage the great nation we were a few months ago before the insane spending took place up in Washington. In November we will have a chance to restock the shelves with men and women whose duty will be to serve the people. Slamming Obama and his cohorts can now be left to the expertise of talk show hosts and conservative newspapers, more of which appear to be catching on to the fact our nation is in deep trouble. Let us spend more time finding ways to upgrade our local boards and government. Suffolk elections might just be the answer.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Got a nice letter today from Scott Mills, head of planning, informing me I must spend about $350 to have my double septic tank give up its contents by calling one of eight certified experts. No threats at this time for failure to do so. My only complaint is that the mailing required the usual envelope plus five sheets of paper. Using just 37,000 households in Suffolk that misadventure required 185,000 sheets of paper, planning at its worst. The last timeI looked paper had two sides...a front and a back...the five sheets could easily have been reduced to a pair. One sheet had only my address on it. Is this worth a post on InsideSuffolk? Lord I hope so; City Hall is supposed to be reducing costs so that we might reduce taxes and every little bit helps. Right Scott?
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Don’ yu agre tha nin hundre is clos enoug to thre thousan? The TFC Recycling business lowered it’s sights to 900 to accommodate lack of interest and shortage of money in order to get a new business on line salvaging valuable materials formally gifts to SPSA. That was a long sentence, perhaps longer than the list of clients who can write four checks a year for 36 bucks to feel good about not tossing the baby out with the garbage. Of course they pray the list will lengthen and the amount collected will cover costs and provide at least a small profit. A lot depends upon what TFC can get for the materials collected and the cooperation of the customers who are responsible for materials selected. It is a good idea even if it fails and there is money in it somewhere.